Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 142 - To the cemetery

"See and I haven't talked about his other Masters Such as Kensei Ma the Chinese Kenpo, jujitsu Master Akisame Koetsuji or His Muay Thai master Apachai Hopachai" Ogata stated, "truth be told judging by his skills, I have to say that only some of our direct disciple can challenge him....and that is by working together in a group."

This was met with uproar, some insulting Ogata, saying that just because his disciple, who was weakest of them all in their opinion, was defeated didn't mean theirs would as well.

"I have only stated my opinion my opinion based on how he has fought" said Ogata as they calmed down, "But if you don't believe me, feel free to send your disciples in."

Ogata had opted to not tell them about the boy being able to use Ki no Shouka, nor his fight against Christopher Eclair which he only got to know about due to his informants who has been keeping an eye on Kenichi, as it would draw unwanted attention from the Demon God Fist, Jenazad Silkwat and perhaps Kushinada. He had no d.e.s.i.r.e to have Kenichi taken by them, as he wanted to have the first chance himself.

It was then that Sho found a female spy in their midst who had copied precious data into disc.

"Oh? Mam, where are you doing to take that data on sensei you have hidden in your c.h.e.s.t?" Sho said coming behind the girl.

"My apologies looks like something slipped into the grass. GUARDS" shouted Ogata

The girl pushed Sho away and ran for the exit but SHo reached it before her, though he let the girl go but not before stealing the disc back.

"So this is Ryozanpaku's disciple" noted Sho as he saw a knocked over screen with Kenichi's face on it. He raised his foot and crushed, "I don't know why, but I really want to smash him bits." As the discussion went on, they never noticed a small blip.


Today Miu was silent for the whole day and unlike her cheerful self she was different. It was only while training when his masters told about tomorrow being the day her Mother died. Tomorrow was the day everything changed. The day Miu's chance of having a loving mother and father disappeared. The day she would never be able to have her parents watch her grow up. The day her mother was killed and her father framed for such crime.

In the bight When Miu came to his room wearing her sleeping dress.

"Is everything Okay Miu! Did you need me for something!?" asked Kenichi.

"Um, If it's fine with you... I am going to go visit the cemetery tomorrow, would you like to come with me?" Miu asked.

"Are you Kidding!?" Kenichi said, "I had decided to go with you the moment I got to know about it even if you didn't asked me to. I mean as your boyfriend it's my obligation to meet my mother-in-law don't you think"

"Ehhhh!?" Miu blushed as she heard Kenichi's words.

"Hahaha..... don't worry Miu! I will be there with every step of your life" Kenichi said with a smile on his face.

"Thank You Kenichi, Every time, I get in front of grave, I always feel really uneasy. I wonder why, i am weird aren't I!? I have always gone with my grandfather but if you there with me I am sure I will feel better" Miu said with a smile

"As I said you won't be getting away from me, at least not in this life" Kenichi said


Next day in the morning Kenichi, Miu and Elder Hayato stood outside the dojo in normal clothes wearing a black robe over his shirt to join the mourning process, similar to the elder's.

Elder checked his pocket watch before declaring it was time. they ran through the long path up towards the mountain, with Kenichi doing his best to catch up. Despite him being quite stronger then Miu, he was carrying 160 kg of dead weight on his body which though won't affect his burst speed for short term but as they were running through the mountain it was much harder then running on a flat road. Though he was right a step behind Miu and not more then that. The soon made it to the cemetery and were standing in front of the Furiniji family grave, where they prayed.

"I am going to meet up with up with the head priest, you two head back to yourselves when you are done" stated the Elder as he left to give his greetings.

"Mom. Grandma. i would like you to meet my boyfriend Shirahama Kenichi," began Miu, "A lot of things has happened which I never thought could have happened before. But I still am happy with the big family i am going to get by staying with Kenichi. I only wish you two could be here to meet him."

As Miu let a tear fall out of her eye, Kenichi stepped up, "Hello Mother-in-aw, grandmother-in-law, I only have this one thing to say that I will always be their to protect her and before anythings happen to her I will be there before her to take care of it."

Meanwhile, a mile away stood Kano Sho, observing Miu and Kenichi with his binoculars.

"Hoo, looks like the information was correct," murmured Sho, "looks like I found the bug. Lucky that the old man didn't found me even though I am a mile away."

"Perhaps I should take the chance and get a closer look" mused Sho before getting on his Motorcycle, following the couple right to Dokokano Botanical Gardens.

"Hoo, a botanical garden as a date? He is pretty cool for a bug," complimented Sho, "Still, gotta scout them, and see what's this whole Strongest disciple is all about, especially to make Ogata-sensei say to have most of us avoid him."

"Sho-sama!" yelled two voices.

"Urg, how would you two find me?" asked Sho wearily as Hayami Nauma and Seto Koya, his fellow brothers in discipleship under Akira Hongo.

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