Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 147 - Investigation!

"Ah... one more thing I have found some people investigating about you Kenichi!" Niijima said.

"Huh! You were able to find the people of Yami that were investigating me?" asked Kenichi.

"What!? No! they definitely are not Yami as they are investigating you quite openly." Niijima said.

"What do you mean by that?" Renka asked.

"They stopped Matsui while he was going home and asked about you saying they wanted to right a book about you!" Niijima said.

"Cough Cough.... What!?" asked Kenichi.

"Yeah and not only that they even buyed the information from some who didn't wanted to talk about you" Niijima told.

"Hmm.... how did you know about this?" asked Kenichi.

"Oh.... that's because I was one of those who sold the information about you." replied Niijima with a smirk.

Kenichi looked at Niijima and said "You are lucky, I am as a guest here or you would be lying on the ground right now."

"Relax! I just did that to know how much information they have gathered about you that's all." Niijima stated, "They already know that you are a martial artist but not exactly how strong you are and they know about TSA, that's all I was able to get out from them"

"So whom do you think these people are Kenichi!" asked Natsu.

"If they are not Yami, then they can be those corporate giants who were after Gauche Industries" Kenichi said as he thought "Those are the only people about whom I don't know about"

"Yes, I think so as well. Hence I sent my informants to gather all the information they can gather about whom those people that are investigating you talk to and report to." Niijima said.

"That's good" Kenichi sad nodding his head.

"Now the information on Yami and Yomi" smirked Niijma.

"Do you have a death wish?" asked Natsu frostily, "Not to mention any information about the deeply protected."

"And yet I have already got information about some of them," grinned Niijima.

"Now as you all know that Kenichi's show of Ki No Shouka already showed Ogata what he is capable of and even if he didn't told them about his ability with Ki, but he must have definitely told them about your battle powers. And that is only true if he still wants you as his disciple" Niijima said.

"Fine then what about Yomi?" asked Natsu.

"Well there leader is nicknamed Suparna, a mythical creature in Hindu mythology said to possess beautiful wings and his real Name is Sho Kano and I have gotten details that several members of Yomi have already arrived" said Niijima, "And this information was actually quite easy to come by. The have already started to conquer multiple dojos and raising hell."

"So I can except them at my place as well" Renka huffed, "After meeting Kenichi's parents i will also go back and train with Miu and Saeko"

The Next Day

AT the Yami base, Kano Sho was greeting three other Yomi members who had arrived . Rachel Stanley, Ethan Stanley and Raiden Tidat Jihan calmly sat on the benches, awaiting further orders.

"Hey wait, where's Boris?" asked Sho.

"Er, leader, did you send the order to end mission?" asked Rachel in her Lucha libra suit, which revealed her assets quite a bit, "Because he's just going to keep going forever."

[Rachel is a young fairly tall girl with long wavy blond hair down to her back and a very curvaceous figure and well-endowed b.r.e.a.s.ts, both being as much so if more than any girl her age, including Miu and Renka.

Rachel has a very flamboyant personality, always wanting to be the centre of attention, which she often achieves. She easily becomes upset whenever others gain more attention than her and she claims they're "taking the spotlight" and is willing to perform anything to regain the attention of others, even if it means she embarrasses herself by ripping her clothes to do so, showing she's an attention seeker.]

"Shit!" cursed Sho, "What's his radio frequency!?"

"Dunno?" they all replied.

"Does he at least have a cell phone?" asked Sho, "He should have one, right?"

"I don't think he would shrugged Jihan, "Would be a security risk, in his opinion."

As Sho racked his brains, Boris had finished off 58 dojos. Luckily, Ukita's dojo had not been a part of it.

"What's next!" demanded Boris to his subordinate.

"Sir, all 58 dojos from the lowest rank have been conquered! what shall we do next?" asked the subordinate.

".... We conquer them again!" ordered Boris until realizing something seemed off and quickly demanded to see the list.

Upon scanning there was more dojo's address on the list, and quickly backhanded his subordinate for his mistake, as it would have meant they failed the mission if they didn't complete everything on the list.

[Boris Ivanov is a member of Yomi, practitioner of Combat Sambo, a soldier for the Russian Armed Forces, and the former disciple of Alexander Gaidar. Boris is usually seen in a grayish camouflaged military outfit due to his loyalty to his country and has a muscular build. When wearing this outfit he covers the sides of his face with warpaint to symbolize himself as a soldier. His hair is silver and spiked in the back and usually has a small headband around his forehead.

Being a Russian soldier and the right hand man to a colonel, Boris frequently acts in a militaristic manner. He strictly upholds orders and believes orders are absolute, as he will follow any order from his master or his teacher without question or hesitation. He also particularly hates anyone who disobeys orders, and seems jealous when he finds someone with greater loyalty than his. He seems to have a small degree of respect for anyone who is willing to speak against him openly.]


Boris looked up at what seemed to be a rather old dojo gate, arriving at their destination. Though it seemed to be the most run down of all the dojos they faced, it seemed to still be quite good quality.

"WHat's the sign say?" asked Boris before complaining "Why does japanese have Katakana, hiragana and Kanji? I can't read a single word of kanji yet!"

"Yes sir! I believe it's pronounced.... Hakuzanryou"

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