Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 154 - The Mighty Frying pan

"I take no drunk and don't drink alcohol and always maintain a healthy diet to perform my best" shot back Boris "But the truth is as such, his Ki was really strong and his kick throwed me 3 to 4 meters back. I couldn't gauge his full strength but I can tell that he is most likely above all of us in the Yomi. Only Suparna, Satomi Kajima, Ethan Stanley, Tirawat Kokin and perhaps you yourself could possibly match him"

"And that's very low estimate" added Boris to himself, "They would have to team up."

Jihan scoffed but made no comment about the choice of members that had been given. As much as he hated to admit, the four names given were the powerhouses of Yomi. They were the strongest in their group, though Jihan would have place himself a bit higher in that group, possibly above Ethan and on par with Tirawit.

"Hmph, I will fight him, and I will certainly win," proclaimed Jihan as he took off his hood, "After all, though you are good at fighting, you are just a soldier, while I am a King."


While this was happening in the Yomi based, Niijima had devised a plan for introducing the two girls Raichi and Tsukasa to introduce them to Kenichi's mother.

It was a classic act of Thief steeling Saori's purse while she is out shopping and the two girls beating the thief helping Saori.

"Are you guys ready!?" asked Niijima from Raichi and Tsukasa who were wearing civilian clothes to befriend Kenichi's mother.

"Yes" replied the two girls.

"Ok then Alpha you are on" said Niijima in his walkie talkie.

Saori who was holding her shopping in one hand and purse in the other hand didn't see anyone running towards her from behind her back.

Alpha reached Saori and jumped for the purse, the moment he grabbed it he tried to make a run for it but before he could actually take more then 2 steps a frying pan came and hit his head.

*BANG* "Hmph, trying to steal from me are you!" Saori said and once again swung the frying

pan again hitting Alpha.

Niijima, Raichi and Tsukasa who were keeping and eye at Saori from a distance were shocked.

"Where the hell did that Frying Pan came from!?" asked Raichi.

Tsukasa looked at the pan and said "It definitely wasn't there before"

"*sigh* That's the Shirahama Family for you. Everyone carry's something which easily couldn't be seen, Kenichi carry dead weights, Honoka carries her toy Hammer, Saori-san carries a frying pan or two and Mototsugu always carries a shotgun with him" Niijima stated, "But don't worry that's why I made a fail safe, Beta you are a go!"

Another man came from a street corner and while Saori was beating the other thief, Beta used that moment to grab Saori's purse and make a run for it.

The moment her purse was grabbed she knew that there was more then one of these thief's as the purse was yanked of her hand. She turned and throwed the frying pan which directly landed on Beta's head but since he was wearing a helmet giving to him by Niijima he was saved from the frying pan beating.

"OK now it's your turn" said Niijima to the two girls.

Raichi and Tsukasa nodded there head and walked towards Saori and Raichi asked "Mam are you Ok"

"I am fine but that thief took my purse" said Saori

"Don't worry we will help you in bringing it back" said Tsukasa after saying this both of them ran towards the direction in which the thief ran and caught up to him in seconds.

After a light beating they took the purse and handed it back to Saori.

"Oh My thank you! You girls were quite fast! I didn't think you would be able to catch up to him so fast! And then you were able to beat him so easily. Are you both by chance martial artists?" Saori asked.

"Yes we are mam" said Raichi with a smile.

"Martial arts is what helped us to meet each other" Tsukasa added.

"Ha I knew it! My Son and daughter both have joined a dojo and are learning martial arts there so I also know about it a little" Saori said with a smile.

"Oh! really I never thought that you are even married let alone having two children" Raichi said

"Oh! ha ha ha.... you are flattering me but still Thank you!" said Saori as she giggled a little, "You two must be tired from all that running and fighting! Why don't you two come with me to my house so that I can make you two lovely ladies some tea with snacks?"

"Sure, why not!? We haven't eaten much in the morning and it would be nice to talk with someone as welcoming as you" Tsukasa said.

"Oh no my dear I don't think that there can be someone who won't welcome you ladies in their life let alone their house" Saori said and started to walk and talk with the girls.

Niijima who was keeping an eye on them from a distance came out of his hiding and said "Phew.... finally it's done, not as hard as I thought but then as Kenichi said if she can like me then she can like anyone"

The day of snow trip came, and while Miu was absolutely shredding the advance course in snowboarding, she wasn't the only one that was catching attention.

"Whoa look at Furiniji go! Look at that air time!"

"Haa Busujima is doing just as good!"

"What about the transfer girl!? SHe is doing just as good as the other two!"

Indeed, Saeko and Renka were showing good tricks on the snowboard, especially for Renka who was doing this for the first time.

As for Kenichi.... he was not bad as he was not crashing and controlling himself with the heavy weights he was carrying on himself.

"Why are you even wearing those restraints now? DO you really think that everyone you fight if stronger then you will let you remove those restraints while he waits for you!?" asked Niijima

"It's true Niijima but I am just this close to getting the perfect pink muscles after which I will remove these restraints and put all that weight into my anklets, I promise" Kenichi said

"Did you even heard what I said" Niijima said.

"I heard you, but do you have any other way to increase my strength then this, then tell me I am all ears"

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