Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 169 - Kenichi vs Arata

"He is most probably at Hotel Deluna to make sure that Kenichi signs those papers" Akisame stated.

"Oye.... from what we heard that guy is a master class martial artist! do you think Kenichi will be able to deal with the guy himself." asked Sakaki.

"He injured Christopher and had even beaten Tenmon Li! Do you think he would lose so easily" asked Akisame.

"That's true but both of them committed a mistake of looking down on Kenichi and neither of them went all out against him right from the start giving Kenichi time to land his attacks but this time is different, that Arata Nakamura will go for his life" Sakaki said.

"Then we have to move fast from here, two of us could stay here and other two could go to Hotel Deluna to look after Kenichi!" stated Kensei.

"Apachai will go!" said Apachai.

"No! I and Kensei should go, while you two take the girls and Kenichi's mother back to dojo! She already knows Apachai and Akisame can easily make small talk so she won't feel uncomfortable like she may feel with us" said Sakaki.

"That's a good plan let's follow that!"Akisame nodded his head as they ran towards the exit.

Running out of the tower they saw Kenichi's mother talking with the girls with a smile on her face.

"OK it's time to move out, myself and Apachai will move towards the dojo while Apachai and Kensei will go and pick up Kenichi" Akisame stated.

"I already sent Kenichi a photo of Saori-san with the girls so he should coming back early!" Niijima said.

"That's good Niijima but we can't take any chances now" stated Akisame and the others nodded their head.

"Umm... I have been meaning to ask this but what has been the problem that my son got himself into!" asked Saori.

"It's not our secret to tell Mrs. Shirahama, so you will have t wait for Kenichi to return and tell you about it" Kensei stated.

"Now then we will be going" stated Sakaki and he followed by Kensei ran from there in such a speed that everyone felt there clothes and hair flutter with wind.


Hotel Deluna

"Take those papers from him Mr. Arata and we will give you double the amount we promised you" Stuart roared in anger.

"With p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e" replied Arata as he dashed towards Kenichi.

Kenichi was already ready for this and as Arata sword came from he ducked and launched a kick towards his c.h.e.s.t.

The kick landed and Arata stumbled 5 to 6 steps backwards before he could regain balance.

But Kenichi was once again in front of him and kicked him with all the strength including his Ki

"CHAI KICK" shouted Kenichi though it looked only a a normal vertical kick upward that sends Arata flying in the air.

"Don't think I forgot that it was you who kidnapped my mother and hurt my friends" shouted Kenichi as he dashed towards Arata to continue his onslaught but just as Kenichi reached his figure that was falling down Arata slashed his sword while in the air stopping Kenichi to close the distance allowing Arata to get the chance to lad on the ground.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard" shouted Arata as sword became a blur as it moved towards Kenichi.

Not expecting such a burst of speed from him Kenichi dodged the sword but not before getting a cut on his shoulder.


Not wanting to get his anger in his head Kenichi, turned his KI into a thin layer above the skin to dodge the opponent's attacks at the last possible second. (This principle is necessary because dodging at the final moment before an attack hits saves time and energy. An absolutely calm mind is necessary to be able to use it, as even a slight degree of emotion will disrupt the technique.)

After creating it, Kenichi dodged every one of Arata's slash with minimum movement and punched him back with A technique taught to him to defend himself against armed martial artists, especially those using bladed weapons.In essence, it is a corkscrew blow which dodges a sword swing and punches the opponent simultaneously. As the sword is swung, Kenichi begins the punch with the palm of his hand of the clenched fist facing upwards. Before his fist hits the weapon, he turns it counter-clockwise (when using his right hand), which allows his thumb to face up and the weapon to pass along the back of his hand without touching him, thus effectively dodging the attack. He then completes the rotation while using his shoulder to extend his reach and punch Arata on his face c.h.e.s.t and shoulder.


"Ahh..*cough cough* f.u.c.k" Arata cursed as he coughed up blood after continuously taking on Kenichi's hit and though Kenichi's arms were bleeding but the were only scratched and were not at the level from when he sparred against Tsutomu.

"MOUNTAIN CRUSHER" Kenichi shouted as his palm landed on Arata's stomach as he released a powerful wave of Ki emiting from his palm throwing Arata back as he coughed up blood from the internal damage.

But Kenichi didn't wanted to end there as he followed with one VACUUM PALM throwing him out of the building.

*CARCK* the glass widow was broken and Arata's body fell down from 2nd floor like a broken Kite, knowing that he was martial artist Kenichi knew that he would survive the fall even if he was paralyzed for the future Kenichi didn't cared.

"So he was your strongest person you could find" Kenichi said as he walked in front of the screen which showed Mike and Stuarts glum face.

"Now now don't look so glum I will be coming for you two from now on so run wherever you can cause I will love a good chase." Kenichi said with a savage smile on his face.

"We don't think so" said Mike.

"Huh... so you think that you can save yourself from me!?" Kenichi asked.

"The matter of of us saving ourselves will only come if you survive Shirahama Kenichi" Stuart stated, "Though I want Gauche Industries but you have proved to be a much greater threat than it is, so you have die before I deal with that"

"You will need more than that bastard to kill me then" replied Kenichi

Stuart smiled and pressed a button.


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