"Ken..... Kenic...Kenichi wake up!" came a voice and Kenichi whose eyes were closed till now opened them slowly.

"Wh - Where am I!?" asked Kenichi as he looked around himself only to see nothing but darkness.

"We are in the void Kenichi!? It's a line between life and death" a sweet voice was once again heard by Kenichi.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the voice Kenichi saw what a women who could only be called as Goddess.

Raven black hair, piercing blue eyes, smile so bright that it out the void..... words weren't enough to describe her otherworldly beauty in Kenichi's mind.

"Are you OK Kenichi!?" asked the Goddess only then did Kenichi came out of his trance.

"Ah.. I am sorry, I was just thinking about something" said Kenichi trying to hide the embarrassment of forgetting himself in her beauty.

"Ufufufu.... you don't have to worry about that I know it is hard for mortals to not lose focus when they see my divinity. But you regained control of yourself quite easily I am impressed" said the Goddess.

"Umm... am I dead again" Kenichi asked.

"Oh, No no no you aren't dead Kenichi but have just slipped into coma and you are standing infront of me in your soul form, that too because I wanted to talk to you" replied the Goddess.

So I am not dead!? Thank you!?" said Kenichi with a sigh of relief then looked at the goddess once again and asked "Why did you wanted to meet me!?"

"It's because I didn't get to meet you when you died for the first time when I am the Reincarnation Goddess" replied Goddess.

"Umm..... " Kenichi couldn't speak at all as he felt that he got reincarnated by mistake or something since he knew that he haven't met her before this.

"Oh, don't worry it wasn't your mistake Kenichi. It was that Death Good who decided to reincarnate your soul in this world with half baked power when it was good servants mistake that you died in the first place" stated Goddess.

"What!? I wasn't supposed to die!?" Kenichi asked in shock.

"Yes, one of the Shinigami wrote your name in his Death Note cause of which you died and Death God tried to cover that mistake so that he doesn't look he in front of me by reincarnating you in this world with only half baked power" replied Goddess.

"O-OK then why are you here now!? Since I have lived my life here I don't think I would be able to live it anywhere else" asked Kenichi.

"Because it is my duty to help souls who have been wronged and you have been truly wronged a lot so here I am to fullfill your wish! Ask Kenichi what power would you like to have!?" said the Goddess of Reincarnation.

"Umm.... no thanks I am fine" replied Kenichi.

"What!?" exclaimed the Reincarnation Goddess.

"Yes, I mean it's not like I am in Marvel works that I need anymore powers and though I can't use all the techniques of Son Goku it doesn't mean that they are not good enough for this world" Kenichi replied then looked at the Reincarnation Goddess "Though if you can fulfill my wish then please bring Miu's mother back and make sure that I don't go to hell"

"Huh!? What!? You are the first human to ever have wishes like these. Let's not talk about the first one but what is the second about stopping you from going to hell" asked Reincarnation Goddess.

"Well because I am going to do somethings that may end up leading me straight to hell" Kenichi replied.

"Oh! You are talking about taking revenge against those who plotted for your life!" asked Reincarnation Goddess.

I am not taking revenge against those who plotted for my life but those who kidnapped my mother" Kenichi replied.

"Until and unless you don't take a life for p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e you won't have any problem to enter the heaven" replied Reincarnation Goddess.

"Umm... thank you!" Kenichi said.

"Though I would like to say that living can also be a form of punishment of used correctly" stated Reincarnation Goddess.

"I would follow your guidance, but what about my first wish" asked Kenichi.

"Bringing back Shizuha Furiniji is tough as her body is already cremated" replied Reincarnation Goddess.

"Well can't you make it like Hayato reached on time before Shizuha Furiniji died and saved her life after asking help from Akisame Koetsuji and Kensei Ma. Those two are top level doctors so they could save her life even if she was at deaths door" Kenichi suggested.

"That is possible but what do you think will happen if I do that, you are talking about changing the whole timeline" replied Reincarnation Goddess.

"No.. all you have to do is keep her in coma until now and since she has still not woken up Hayato, Akisame and Kensei decided to let everyone believe that she is dead for her safety" Kenichi said

"That can be done, but are you sure you don't want anything for yourself" asked Reincarnation Goddess.

"No its alright my current abilities are enough for me to stand proud against all Master Class martial artist even though I have just stepped in that realm. So training for a year more I will step into Grandmaster class and another 2 years at most to become a Legendary Master and since that is the strongest person I know this world has there is no need for anymore power. As I said earlier is not like I am in Marvel or any other such world" Kenichi explained.

"Oh, so that's the reason" said Reincarnation Goddess.

"Huh! Sorry!?" Kenichi asked.

"It's nothing! Since these are your wish I will complete then of course" said Reincarnation Goddess with a smile on her face.

"Once Again really Thank you..." Kenichi said.

"Don't mention it" replied Reincarnation Goddess.

"Umm.... Then now can I go back and more importantly where is my body!" Kenichi asked.

The Reincarnation Goddess smiled and said "For that you will have to remember the events which lead you to your current state"

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