Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 204 - Underground Arena

Sakaki continued to look around, hearing Tibetan chants coming out from the room. Siegfried had yet to leave his room and was still spinning on a boulder. In another section was a row of computers with other members of Shinpaku using them, gathering information off the web. And of course, at one corner, sat Niijima on his throne, though he was on his computer too. Thor was still absent, as he had decided to follow Tsuji's choice and train in the mountains for a bit.

"Hmm, how do I make it more interesting?" pondered Sakaki. He allowed himself to wallow in the memories of his past for a bit when Kenichi said "Yo, Master! If I really have to fight why don't we go to the underground arena at least there I will not worry about hurting them while training as well!"

"Underground Arena!? That's a great idea. Everyone stop what you are doing!" shouted Sakaki, causing everyone to actually stop, "I got a class assignment for you all! We are gonna go on a little trip!"

"Hey! We really going to the underground arena" asked Ukita who just came to the base after getting beaten then treated by Akisame.

"Of course it's a surefire method to make you guys improve!" stated Sakaki

A few hours later

"Welcome to the underground duel arena, where anything can happen! The rules when you... there are few to none! No protection gear, just a pure, all-out brawl! In this place anything can happen" shouted an announcer as people cheered.

"Ahh... it's been more than a year since we last came here! right, Kenichi!? " Niijima asked.

"Right! This place was where I learned most of my fighting style before I went to Ryozanpaku" Kenichi said.

"I don't understand the reason for you suggesting this place Kenichi!?" asked Saeko as she looked around the Underground arena where she learned how to control.

"It's better than sparring with each other where we sometimes hold back to not injure our friends" Kenichi replied as he, Saeko, Miu, Kisara, Takeda, Tsuji, and Ukita stood in the entryway of the underground arena. Siegfried decided not to come, as he was still training via spinning while Renka was called by Kensei Ma who decided to train her daughter and spend some time with her.

"This place is good to train!" declared Sakaki before adding in a whisper, "and to get me some extra spending money."

"Gahahaha, don't worry we will be here to watch!" laughed James Shina who had decided to accompany them on a little trip, "Anyways, boy I expect you to win! I will give you permission to take off the restraints"

"Yes, master!" saluted Takeda.

"I am feeling a little whelmed," said Ukita, "I think I will pass on this."

"Relax Ukita you have been training under master Akisame for almost two months now and with your original martial arts knowledge you can take on at least 2 to 3 guys. So try to battle once to get a feel of how martial artists fight otherwise all that training would be useless" said Kenichi.

"You are right about that! OK, I will try" Ukita said nodding his head in acceptance as the entered inside.

"Holy shit, that person in the sunglasses is Sakaki!" shouted one passerby, who had taken a random glance before doing a double-take.

"It's the 100th dan karate master, run for your lives!" screamed another as a crowd began to flee.

"Isn't that guy with mustache James Shiba, the God of Destruction of Underground Boxing!? Why is he here? Run!"

"Heheheh, so you have returned master Sakaki" grinned a middle-aged man wearing a white suit, his face adorned with an evil smirk.

"Oooh, haven't seen you for a long time boss" smirked Sakaki back, "Surprised to see you are still alive."

"Oh god looks like we will be thrown out," thought Ukita.

Suddenly the boss got on his knees crying while crawling back begging Sakaki to not ruin his business.

While this drama was going on Kenichi's eyes roam around all the underground arenas as if finding someone but he couldn't find that person.

"Are you looking for someone Kenichi!" asked Takeda.

"Not really I just thought that she would be here that's all" replied Kenichi as he thought "Maybe she is training under her master for DofD tournament"

"Relax boss I am not going to fight. Instead, I am on supervising duty today. Kids, meet the boss who will help you get your fights." stated Sakaki.

Suddenly, death glares from all sorts of fighters pinned down on the disciple group causing the sum of them to squirm a little. Soon laugh filled the arena as they didn't expect much from them but some of them were still looking at them or more specifically at Niijima.

"Hey look at that kid with weird ears, isn't he the alien who was always with Sun Wukong and Falcon" someone pointed out.

"Yes, he is! Hey, kid where are those two? I haven't seen them for more than a year" asked another man.

"They went to America to challenge the people there" lied Niijima as neither Kenichi nor Saeko wanted to let people know who they were so he decided to help them.

"Oh So that's the reason, Here I thought that maybe they were from the group of these disciples what a disappointment," said the man who first found Niijima.

This obviously ticked Tsuji and Kisara off and was eager to prove them wrong.

Soon enough matches were prepared for them all. While Tsuji, Kisara, and Takeda were excited as they were called into different rings, Ukita was quivering as he was in the ring.

"Come on, I have to do this!" Ukita said t himself trying to cheer himself up.

"Oy, Kid pay attention the match started" lectured Sakaki.

"Oh, crap!" shouted Ukita as he ducked under the knee rolling away from his opponent.

"What's wrong brat scared?" sneered the man, "Just stand still, and I will send you flying to a world of dreams..... in the hospital!"

The man launched a barrage of attacks, which Ukita kept dodging. It was then that Ukita noticed something peculiar.

"Why does my opponent... so much slower than master Akisame's machine?"

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