Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 209 - Taking along The Shinpaku Alliance

"Please understand that during this time, we will not be able to protect you all... However, if you are determined to come, step forth beyond this line. Come if you are not afraid of what lies beyond this point." declared Elder Hayato with a firm but gentle tone.

Everyone in the Shinpaku Alliance hesitated at this, including Niijima. Even though this would be a perfect opportunity to increase the rep of The Shinpaku Alliance the danger involved was much higher than anything they had done before.

"Don't feel pressured" reassured Elder Hayato, "Even if the Shinpaku Alliance doesn't show, I am sure YAMI will not care. They are only interested in those who have immersed themselves in the underground world martial arts. At most, they will give you a passing glance, as they are more focused on Ryozanpaku and Kenichi"

Suddenly a foot stepped over the line, the impact of the foot slamming down over the line echoing the pier. Everyone looked over to see Mizunuma had been the first one to do so.

"I.... won't run away" stuttered Mizunuma, slowly gaining strength in his voice, "My master, Alan Subishi, was attacked and set to a coma just to protect me. I want strength to stand by my beliefs, like Kenichi and everyone else does. Even though I am the weakest one out of all of us, I still want to step into this world!"

His legs were shaking as he declared this, but nobody mocked him. Instead, his courage was what boosted the morale of everybody else.

"Heh, I can't be shown up like this. It's not manly if I don't step up!" grinned Tsuji.

Tsuji slammed his foot forward, eager to join in the fight.

"This is going to be The Shinpaku Alliance's big debut! There's no way I can't miss this!" declared Niijima as he stepped forward.

"Lalalalala, if my Demon Lord wants to go, then I, as his loyal servant, will go with him" sang Siegfried as he too stepped forward. Thanks to Kenichi's idea Niijima didn't have to summon him from halfway across the globe. Matsui, who designated flagbearer of The Shinpaku Alliance, strode forward without hesitation.

"Hahahaha, if my friends are going, so am I!" shouted Thor as he stepped forward.

"Kaname-nee and I trained our a.s.s, so no way we are going to miss this" smirked Kisara as she and Kaname stepped forward. Shiratori and Chisato being Kisara's shadow, also stepped forth.

"I have been fighting day and night to try to catch up to Kenichi! Even if we are miles apart in terms of skill, I am willing to go the distance! This tournament will help me catch up!" said Takeda as he stepped forward.

Renka and Natsu said nothing as they were already immersed into the underground world, but stepped forward anyway.

Ukita was left shaking, not knowing what to do. Sure, he had also gone through hellish training, finding a master and learning new judo moves from video games that he got from Niijima, but was it enough? He knew that he had a lot of catching up to do. Could he do it? His mind flashed back to during his spar against Tsuji, Takeda, and Kenichi.

Ukita took a deep breath. If Mizunuma was willing to step forward, then why couldn't he!? With that, he took his step forward.

The rest of The Shinpaku Alliance was hesitant to step forward due to multiple reasons. The Valkyries other then Chisato all attended a private school that was rather strict about attendance, unlike Koryo High. Kimoto and Kamioka were a bit hesitant as they were not fighters. Instead, Niijima instructed them to stay back to watch over The Shinpaku Alliance base while they were gone and continue information gathering on the internet. Thankful for that opportunity, they quickly left to do so.

"Hmm, so you all insist on coming," said Elder Hayato stroking his beard "Kenichi you certainly have some good friends"

"Yeah... I do" smiled Kenichi.

"So, Kimoto and Kamioka aren't coming" asked Kenichi to Niijima while Saeko and Miu were talking with her mother.

"I decided it would be better" whispered Niijima back, "They wanted to come, but it would be very risky to bring non-martial artists along. It would be better to put that time into helping expand Shinpaku"

"Speaking of that," said Kenichi, glancing at Natsu, who was leaning against a wall alone, "Why is Natsu here? Wouldn't he be unwilling to leave his little sister alone for so long?"

"Kekekek that's been covered" smirked Niijima, "He asked your parents if she could stay with them while he was on a trip, and they agreed. Also, thanks to me he has hired bodyguards to watch over her."



In another location at a hospital, Kano Sho was inside a room, wearing nothing but b.r.i.e.f.s and sensor nodes while being studied. He was being tested for his reflexes and was doing exceptionally well. The doctors there who majored in sports science were ecstatic at such a test subject while being accompanied by Ogata and Hongo themselves. Hongo was irritated that they were here, stating that such toys would be unable to grasp a true martial artist's ability. though curiously, he was still wearing shades even in the middle of a darkened room. Ogata tried to placate him, saying that it was ordered from the top to see if they could get some.

"And the fact that those two are allowed to participate in D of D, is that also from the top?" asked Hongo.

"Ah, if you are talking about Stanley twins, Castor and Pollux, Castor's master is the one to blame for that. If I suggested holding them back.... well you know how that person is. He loves to be flashy." chuckled Ogata.

It was then that Kano Sho managed to stick himself onto the windows where they were viewing him, "Hey Hey Hey Master! That D of D is the freestyle tournament for those under 20 years old to fight, right? I wanna enter!"

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