Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 214 - Meeting other teams

"Nice to meet you too" greeted Miu and Kenichi.

"Let us meet in battle" smiled Spartacus, extending his hand to Kenichi, who shook it with a firm grip.

After saying their greetings, the Pankration team didn't forget to introduce themselves to the team of Busujima Dojo since they were quite famous in America only then they waved their goodbyes, heading off towards another part of the floor.

They didn't care about Shinpaku Alliance as they have never heard them before even if the Smiling Fist Diego have.

"It was that boy right!? The one they called the strongest! He surely has the aura of one!" asked Alec, the male with frizzled hair extending down the neck.

"You are right about that even I could feel his powerful Ki from a distance brimming full in his body!?" suggested Crixus, the taller of the two females on the team wearing a hat.

Spartacus, on the other hand, was sweating because unlike his brother and sisters he shook hands with him and felt his Ki which was not any low then their so-called father Fortuna, on the other hand, it was way much then even him.

"Spartacus, What's wrong?" asked Iris, the other female member of the team.

"He is strong! Stronger than anyone we have faced" whispered Spartacus "He definitely qualifies as the strongest! When you shake someone's hand, you can generally feel their true power even if you try to hide your Ki. There's no doubt in my mind, that he is even stronger than father. Listen up, we mustn't let our guard down, no matter what. We will crush anyone that stands in our way for freedom. If we encounter him.... then I will give my life to try to make sure that he doesn't come after you"

"Spartacus you can't be serious! How can he be stronger then even father when he around our age!" hissed Oenomaus, the last female member of their team, "And you think that he will have any problem taking care of you if he is stronger then father"

"That was with us teaming up" Spartacus nodded, "But don't worry we will need all of our power combined and my owl life then we may be able to earn our freedom"

The Pankration team fell silent as they mulled over their thoughts.


Renka had to drag her father away from burying his head into the maids' b.r.e.a.s.ts anymore so as to not embarrass her anymore.

"Well, this is unexpected. Who would have thought the person responsible for the Phoenix Martial Arts Alliance would be here? Elder Ma Kensei, am I right?' drawled a voice "And his daughter Ma Renka, is here too!"

Both Ma members turned towards the source of the voice to see two boys and one girl wearing a rather skimpy Qi Pao.

"We are the representatives of the Black Tiger White Dragon Alliance, the Three-Headed Dragon" greeted the middle man with an evil smile and gray hair, "We are a team of the three biggest martial arts in China!"

"Hohoho, those are names I haven't heard in a long time" chuckled Kensei, "Is that you Kaku Shin Ten? You have certainly grown."

The boy named Kaku gripped his fan tightly with anger at the apparent lax of attitude from Kensei Ma "Elder certainly is Kind to remember me. Are these riffraff's the people you spend time with now?"

"What's with this guy?" Takeda asked while holding a glass of Champagne, "Is there a grudge between him and Elder Kensei"

"Well back then our organization used to be one explained Renka, "Then my ancestors, The Ma family killed about 10 of their chiefs over a simple fit with ease..."

Unable to contain his anger Kaku snapped the fan he had in his hand in half.

"It is our responsibility as a clan to hold such a grudge" snarled Kaku, "We will beat the shit out of your peace-loving weaklings. Especially the one they call 'Strongest Disciple'! No hard feelings Elder!"

"Ha ha ha ha...." hearing those words of Kaku, Kenichi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You are laughing!? Did I cracked a joke!!?" snarled Kaku.

"Oh! Sorry wasn't that a joke just because I thought it was he he he...." Kenichi stated the reason for his laugh.

"You are really confident huh! Pray to whatever god you want that you don't meet us in the first round otherwise we will crush you right then and there" Kaku snapped and with a huff, he marched away with others.

"Kenichi! You don't usually poke someone, so why?" asked Kensei.

"Sorry, Master Kensei but he disrespected you and my friends so how could I not say anything that's not the type of man I am" stated Kenichi hearing which his friends smiled while Kensei could only shake his head.


Right now Kenichi was dancing with Rukia as before he could ask any of his girlfriends he was pulled by her onto the stage so he couldn't help but dance with her.

"Since when did you become so proactive with me. The last time I remembered you were hiding from me" Kenichi asked.

"Something happened I decided to do whatever I wanted to do" replied Rukia and continued to dance with him.

Thanking Rukia he walked towards Saeko and Miu who were talking to Bobbi right now.

"SO! Bobbi what do you do other than learning sword art from my father" asked Saeko.

"Well I am studying biology at my college right now and under Wilma Calvin my favorite professor I am loving it. After this tournament, I would be following him on the project though I can't tell anything about that to you since its a government project." Bobbi explained.

Kenichi was struck by lightning when he heard those words and remembered the information he had read about her in the wiki. The miniseries reveals how Morse originally became involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. recounting how she left her biology studies at Georgia Tech to follow her "favorite prof" Wilma Calvin on the government's Project: Gladiator. The research project was partly sponsored by S.H.I.E.L.D. which led Morse to enroll in their spy school and graduate at the top of her class.

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