Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 23 - Beating And Treating Takeda

After that incident Shigure became a little more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e around Kenichi then before and the whole day she didn't even looked straight at him and ran away whenever he came infront of her.

Next Day

Today was the day Kenichi had decided that he was going to beat Takeda and treat his arms as well.

"Kenichi-kun are you going to fight against Ukita and Takeda-san" asked Miu who was walking with him.

"Yes I don't want them to come to us every day so I will deal with them today" replied Kenichi

"Fine but don't hurt them much...ahh! I almost forgot Koetsuji-san said that if you injured them much then bring them to his clinic" said Miu.

"Ok I will do that" said Kenichi while smiling.

They reached the school and started attending their class, as the half of the classes ended Kenichi and Miu went to there usual spot the bench under the tree for their lunch. After the lunch was ended Kenichi went to the washroom and Miu started going towards the class first.

Takeda and Ukita came to there class and seeing Kenichi not there they asked the one seated close to him Shimayama and Tanaka.

"Hey where is Kenichi" asked Ukita.

"Ahh!! we don't know he was here just a minute ago" said Shimayama.

"Yes!! he must have gone out with Miu, she is the only one he goes out with" said Tanaka while his face was sweating profusely due to fear of getting beaten by Ukita.

"Hmm it's fine we will come later let's go Ukita" said Takeda.

Takeda and Ukita went out if the class and were going towards the direction of the washroom on the other side Kenichi just came out of the washroom and was going towards his class.

Kenichi wasn't looking forward as he was wiping his hands with handkerchief while Takeda who was walking forward while looking back and talking to Ukita also didn't looked at Kenichi who was moving towards him.

As they both were going to clash with eachother Kenichi did a simple turn and passed by their side without looking at them, whereas Takeda was surprised to see such smooth moves of Kenichi hence he looked at him and as he saw the him he was able to recognise him as Kenichi.

"Hey! wait are you Kenichi Shirahama" asked Takeda while looking at Kenichi.

Kenichi looked at the two and while smiling he said "Yes it's me and you two must be Takeda and Ukita right"

"Yes we are and have been looking for you but haven't been able to find you until now" said Takeda.

"Oh then that means you weren't giving your 100 percent in finding me otherwise you would have found me early on" Kenichi said smiling.

"You!! What did you say!?" said Ukita shouting angrily.

"Mah mah Ukita easy, we have something to discuss with you Kenichi so would you follow us to the rooftop" asked Takeda after calming down Ukita.

"Sure why not, I also have to talk something with you" said Kenichi.

Takeda and Ukita were surprised as they thought he will back off and they will have to force him to come with them.

"Are you serious? You don't think we will just talk casually do you!?" asked Takeda.

"Will you just move" said Kenichi while he started going towards the rooftop.

As they reached the rooftop Ukita finally snapped and couldn't control himself as he was quite angry at Kenichi since they were punished cause of him.

"Kenichi, although the order was to drag you back.... but since you have created such a headache for us like that... I won't be satisfied if we gave you the invitation for free, don't you think so" said Ukita and went to hold his collar to throw him down.

But when he tried to pull Kenichi he couldn't and not just that he wasn't even able to force him to move from his place.

"W-Why are you so heavy" asked Ukita in disbelief as he never thought there would be such a day that he won't be able to throw someone as slim as Kenichi.

Takeda who was watching from the sidelines was stunned as well as he never thought that it was possible as well but here it was.

"Oh that must be because I am carrying over 100 kgs of dead weight over my body" replied Kenichi casually as if was not a big thing. But to the other two it was like a bell ringing in there ears "He is carrying Over 100 Kgs weight and is walking so lightly is he a human" they thought.

Ukita was still holding Kenichi's collar which obviously Kenichi didn't liked so he punched Ukita at his chin cause of which though he wasn't knocked out but he did fall on the ground and wasn't able to stand up no matter he tried. Takeda who saw this punch new that boxers at international level use it to knock down there opponent.

"Interesting" he said while smiling.

Then he took out a crayon and a clock from his pocket and started drawing a square box on the rooftop.

"All right done" said Takeda after drawing the box which was a boxing ring supposedly.

"Are you going to box with me" asked Kenichi when he saw Takeda making a ring.

"Yes I am a former boxer you know, I will take you on just with my right fist" said Takeda.

"You know I came here to ask something so if you tell me what I want to know" said Kenichi.

"Oh what do you wanna know" said Takeda.

"Well just that how did you got your left arm injured like that" said Kenichi while pointing at his left arm.

Takeda's face was incredulous as he said "Is this the question you wanna ask? How did you even know about it"

"Well at first I wanted to ask why did you left boxing, but after seeing your arm I got that answer. Hence I wanted to know how you got injured like that as I was able to see it just from a glance that you cannot move it let alone boxing" said Kenichi as a matter of fact.

Ukita was also listening from the side as he was not knocked out.

"Fine then let me tell you the reason..." Takeda told Kenichi the reason and then asked "I was stupid right?"

"Stupid! why? Would you have felt better if you haven't gone it's not like you regretted the decision it just that you choose a wrong freind" said Kenichi as he entered the ring.

"Oh! so you finally up for it" said Takeda as he also entered the ring and started the clock and said "This is a ten-count three knock out fight, Kicking, throwing use whatever you want"

Kenichi putted his left hand in his pocket and said "One punch from both sides and it will be over"

Takeda didn't said anything he just stood in front of Kenichi ready for the exchange. Kenichi moved towards Takeda and Takeda did the same both punched at the same time and both the punches connected but only Takeda fell on the ground while Kenichi was standing as if nothing happened.

"W-What happened?" asked Ukita who was watching the fight from the sidelines.

"Parrying" replied Kenichi.

"Parrying! what's that?" asked Ukita once again.

"So it was Parrying that's why I felt that I really didn't punched anything but that's not just low level Parrying man that was atleast champion level" said Takeda.

"Would you tell me what is it" asked Ukita from Takeda.

Takeda who was now sitting with the support of his hand said "When someone moves in the same direction as the punch to reduce the force behind the punch and deflect it that's what Parrying is, but mostly hands are used for that and doing it with your face as well that's what I say is champion level"

"Then he moved his face in the same direction as your punch to deflect it" asked Ukita.

"Yes" replied Takeda.

"Ok now that we have finished our talk follow me Takeda" said Kenichi.

"hmm where" asked Takeda.

"Where ofcourse to treat that hand of yours"Kenichi replied....

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