Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 258 - Kenichi's threat

"I know you will try to take care of the scientists but if you can't..... then let me tell you we know the name of every scientist that has been forcefully kidnapped by Fortuna and we have a full list of it. If I don't get news of them reaching back to their family then not only will that list reach the media but it will also have the Information about SHIELD some f which they wouldn't want to be out in open." Kenichi stated.

"Kenichi! Is that a threat?" asked Jennifer

"Hmm... You know what? Let's make it a threat. Tell your commander that if he doesn't send those people back to their family then somethings will be exposed, like what happened in 1995 and such. I am sure he will understand." Kenichi said with a smile on his face.

The Ryozanpaku Masters by that sentence and also wanted to know what happened in 1995 but didn't think to pressure Kenichi into telling them as if it was anything necessary for them to know then he would have told them by now. Shinpaku Alliance was intrigued as well but they were more intrigued by the Organisation named SHIELD as it was their first time hearing it though Niijima was the only one who had an anxious look on his face seeing which Kenichi was surprised but didn't let it show on his face.

Jennifer didn't understood what he meant by that but she had already decided to send the message of Kenichi to her superiors when she reports about this mission to them.

"OK, I will tell them about it," Jennifer stated hearing which Kenichi smiled and nodded his head and walked towards Niijima who was standing beside Spartacus and his brothers and sisters.

"I can not thank you enough for this chance of freedom" stated Spartacus shaking hands with Kenichi, "We have decided to help Ms. Jennifer in eradicating Fortuna's underground business and after your help in that, we are sure that it would be done swiftly. Once my brothers and sisters have finished with this job, you can be sure we will aid you in any way we can."

"You want to help Jennifer with her job?" asked Kenichi

"Yes! Fortuna has taken most of our childhood hence we have decided to take away his fortune," stated Spartacus.

"Guys, I know it's not my place to say but why don't you come with us first. Jennifer will be going back to America first with Fortuna and submit her report to her superiors only then will she start attacking those bases of Fortuna. I don't think you should go with her." Kenichi stated.

"Why? Why would she go back to America doesn't she know that if the news of Fortuna's arrest reaches then even though we know about their locations they may disappear before we attack them." Spartacus said.

"She has all the information about Fortuna's underground business, so instead of taking them down one by one, her organization would like to deal with them in one swoop and for that, she would need a big team and for that, she would need to go back to America to report her findings and request for a large team to attack all of Fortuna's bases at once," Kenichi explained.

"OK, I understand that but why do you think we should not go with Jennifer to America!?" asked Spartacus.

"Hmm... Niijima if you work in American government and you got to know that your agent is bringing 5 of Fortuna's adopted children with her who are well versed in Martial arts such that they took down their own father Fortuna a Master class fighter with a little help from others of the same level what would you do" asked Kenichi from Niijima.

Niijima understood the meaning behind Kenichi's question hence he answered it sincerely "I will do whatever is necessary to make them join my organization. Whether it is by providing them with necessary benefits or by threatening them by pinning the crimes that their father committed on them as well or using the love that they have for each other. Since they are still kids it will be easy for any organization to remove any type of hatred they have towards them after a thorough procedure."

Spartacus had his eyes wide open in shock while his brothers and sisters reaction was much more than his, horror and fear were clear on their face. Kenichi didn't felt bad after seeing such expression their face because he knew and understood that after getting free from Fortuna after such a long time even thinking about such constraints again will make them fear it.

"Spartacus! You should know that even if you are strong individually and together you aren't strong enough to go against a government so it's better if you don't take a risk. I am not saying that something like this will happen but it's still better to take caution right. Moreover, half of the Fortune that I got from Fortuna belongs to you so it would be easy for me to transfer that half to you if you follow us" Kenichi stated.

"""WHAT!?""" exclaimed Niijima, Spartacus along with his brothers and sisters.

"Yes, I had already decided that I will give half of Fortuna's fortune to you, the moment I got my hand on these papers" Kenichi said

"No, We can't take it!" said Spartacus decisively. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-threat_46615606157426856">#&apos;s-threat_46615606157426856</a> for visiting.

"You should know that only you 5 were his children and I was not, so all of his money belonged to you in the beginning. I am the one taking advantage of you it's not the other way around do you understand." Kenichi explained.

"No matter what you say Kenichi we won't take it. You saved us from our confinement so we are already indebted to you and you also informed us what could happen to us if we followed Ms. Jennifer to America! After doing so much for us how can we take half of the fortune that you got from Fortuna!?" Spartacus asked

"That's right! What brother said is absolutely right Kenichi! We are already indebted to you with no way to repay back so how can we take the money as well!" Iris stated.

"Don't worry it's not charity. I am sure Niijima has already brought you into Shinpaku Alliance and would like to use you to increase the influence of it in European countries. In reality, I would like you to be free but for that, you need money, influence, and intelligence."

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