Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 265 - Kenichi's help

"Director Fury! it's terrible, Fortuna had COLL.A.PSED!" came a voice from the intercom surprising Nick and Pierce at once.

"What did you say?" asked Nick Fury

"Sir, Fortuna Collapsed when we were bringing him to the detention center" replied the person from the other side of the intercom.

'What the hell is happening today? Nothing is going my way' thought Nick Fury

"Take him to the medical bay and ask the doctor to find the reason as fast as possible" ordered Fury

"Yes, Director at once" stated the person in the intercom.

Fury stood up from his seat followed by Pierce as they started to walk out from the room.

"Hmm.... the moment we tried to get some information from him, he collapsed. Do we have a mole in the SHIELD that tried to assassinate him?" Pierce questioned

"Every member in SHIELD is screened before they are allowed to join and even then they are checked upon on a monthly bases, do you think it will be that easy to infiltrate SHIELD!" asked Fury

Pierce who was walking beside him smiled widely as he said "Yeah, it isn't easy to infiltrate SHIELD"

Getting out of the room they saw both Fury's right-hand man and left-hand women waiting there for him.

"Director Fury, Secretary Pierce" saluted Agent Coulson and Agent Hill.

"What is the situation?" asked Fury

"The doctors are doing the check-up as we speak, by the time we reach the medical way they should be able to at least tell us about his current condition," replied Agent Hill.

"Then let's go and find out what happened to a Master level Martial artist" stated Fury.

From Fury's office to the medical bay it took them roughly 10 minutes before they reached it due to the SHIELD headquarters being stupidly big.

After reaching Medical Bay, Secretary Pierce said: "I am curious to know how someone reached Fortuna to make him collapse!"

"So am I!" stated Fury but his voice had anger instead of intrigue like Pierce.

The doctor when informed by the nurse looked at Director Fury and walked to him, "Director Fury, Secretary Pierce!" he said.

"Doctor Evans! What is the condition of the patient?" asked Director Fury

"The patient had a small injury in his right arm, someone pierced on of his nerve with something small as a toothpick but it isn't much the only notable injury that he has is the internal injury on his stomach, though it's hard to believe someone with his palms injured Fortuna's internal organs" replied Doctor Evans

"Someone used his hands to injure the internal organs of another! How could you say that doctor?" asked Secretary Pierce.

"Follow me," said Doctor Evans as he brought them near Fortuna's body, two distinct palm prints were visible on Fortuna's stomach everyone clearly understood the reason behind Doctor Evans conjuncture.

"So is it because of this internal injury that Fortuna collapsed?" asked Fury

"No that's not the reason, even though it's a really bad injury but it has been more than a day since he was injured so it wasn't because of that" Doctor Evans replied

"So what is the cause of it!" asked Secretary Pierce looking at Fortuna's body.

"The reason he collapsed is that Fortuna is now under full-body paralysis!" replied Doctor Evans

""What!"" exclaimed the four Agents in surprise. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-help_46955950086618946">#&apos;s-help_46955950086618946</a> for visiting.

"Yes! Somehow Fortuna is now under full-body paralysis. We think that he must have suffered some internal damage in the head as well and we are waiting for the reports to come, we need at least half an hour for all the report to come, then we will conclusively find out the reason for it!" stated Doctor Evans.

"Sigh..... just when we thought that we will be able to at least gain some knowledge from him regarding YAMI and the traitor in Stark, this happens" stated Secretary Pierce

And just like that Kenichi help saved the traitor in Stark as well as the problem that could have occurred in YAMI.


A few days later

Most of the members were busy doing their things and Kenichi was being pestered by Shigure to do what he did to the other girlfriends luckily his Master Akisame wasn't there to hear what Shigure said otherwise his Master would have started to spar with him.

Since Kenichi had already entered the master class and all of his masters had taught him most of their techniques the only thing he needed now was an experience to use these techniques well and for that, they had decided to spar with him, every master gets a whole day to soar with Kenichi and they could attack him whenever they want to make him s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e of his surrounding and get used to surprise attack. After sparring with his masters Kenichi knew the difference between a master and a Grandmaster, even though Kenichi's strength wasn't that much different from his masters but the way they used it was enough to beat down Kenichi every time they sparred with him.

"Shit! I need to start doing the image training from now on otherwise I won't improve with the same speed anymore" Kenichi said.

Currently, Kenichi could easily take down any master class martial artist and maybe fight to stand still against a half-step grandmaster but even then it would be highly impossible for Grand-masters to kill him without paying for it as he had Kaio-Ken for that.

Right now Kenichi was invincible under the Grand-master class and his masters conjured that with his exquisite Ki control and because of him being still a teenager his body had still not fully developed, he would need a year at most to enter the grand-master class.

"Fu*k it's not enough!"

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