Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 305: Sword Hunting 3

Chapter 305: Sword Hunting 3

'Looks like Kaname fell in love with Shigure' Kenichi thought as he caught Kaname staring at Shigure while he ducked under a spear and smashed his three sectional staff on the head of the spear user.

Getting down Shigure pulled out a tonfa that she had hidden under her sleeve and smashed it into her opponent's face. Two more tried to attack her, only for Shigure to redirect their attacks into each other with ease and continued forward, letting the two take each other out.

The trio had almost finished jumping off the cliff when she threw her kusarigama into a warrior monk trapping him against a pillar. The monk panicked when he saw a sickle coming for his face, only for it to seemingly miss and jab into the wooden pillar. However, the fundo end whirled around and smashed into his face, knocking him out.

Shigure finished her entrance by landing n the middle of the remaining crowd, her sword was drawn while Tochumaru, who had been riding on Shigure's head the whole time, had his mouse nunchucks out.

'So this is Ryozanpaku's weapon mistress' gazed Kaname she couldn't believe that just a few hours earlier she was eating out of her pussy. Kaname shook her head and cursed herself for forgetting the fact that they were now in the middle of several attackers, all bloodthirsty for Shigure's head.

"Oh, you don't look like someone who has children" commented Kagero.

"Kenichi is my.... disciple (boyfriend).... the other.... is interning," replied Shigure, she wanted to say out loud about the boyfriend part but thought it would be best to not blurt that information, so only Kenichi and Kaname heard Shigure calling him boyfriend who couldn't help but smile as it was proof that she was learning.

"A disciple of prodigy of sword!?"

"How interesting, how strong is he?"

"He's not using a blade though."

"It doesn't matter she's the master of all weapons! Meaning this boy could be just as talented!"

"Kuku, I want to fight him!"

As if acting upon a signal, the armed forces charged in.

Kenichi parried the thrust from the spear with his staff, bouncing off it to charge forward. As soon as Kenichi stepped in, he immediately ducked under his opponent's sword draw. The samurai roared as he held his blade high and slashed down at Kenichi as he quickly held up his 3 prong staff up, using both sides staff to help block.

"I will chop that in half!" roared the samurai as his blade clashed against the staff. To his utter amazement, the staff held with no indents from his slash.

Kenichi grinned as he pushed off the blade and started attacking swinging his staff at his opponent, who began to block it with his sword.

'What the heck is with that stuff?' thought the samurai as he quickly backed off, taking a quick peek at his blade. His eyes widened as he noticed fractures all over the blade, his eyes quickly looking at Kenichi who pulled his staff back, collapsing it so he could hold it with one hand as he clicked his teeth in annoyance.

Kenichi was hoping that the samurai's sword would cut the staff so that he could use his hands to it quickly but it looks like, Shigure personally made the staff so it's highly unlikely to break.

Kaname herself was doing pretty well. The two opponents weren't master class for sure, letting her experience combat weapons. It was pretty rare for her as everybody else in the Shinpaku Alliance was mainly trained in unarmed combat, her Valkyries excluded.

"Gotcha" shouted her opponent as she grabbed Kaname's staff at the center.

Kaname calmly unscrewed her staff, separating it from the middle, catching her opponent by surprise. Without hesitation, Kaname used one to block an attack from her other opponent while smashing the other part of her staff into the first one, knocking her out.

"Shit, that things detachable?" gaped her other opponent.

The samurai took a quick peek before noticing that Kaname was open for him, and so he charged forward. The moment Kenichi saw the samurai peek towards Kaname and move in her direction Kenichi's anger was high, he released his gravity to normal and with incredible speed his right arm shot forward releasing two portions of the staff from his hand. The staff came out of nowhere and crashed into the Samurai's mask, shattering it into pieces but the strength of Kenichi throw was so much that he knocked him in the process.

"Fucking bastard dare to move towards my women!"

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