Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 322: 1 in a million genius

Chapter 322: 1 in a million genius

'Since we can't tell them the truth we can only lie for now' thought Rin as he signaled Mildred to lie which she understood at once.

"Maybe because he is very talented in the bow and arrow Elfreda and instinctively got into the form that would help him in shooting the arrow and since he saw you his body and mind helped him in doing exactly that, but even then if talent was everything than a hard worker wouldn't be able to live Elfreda," said Mildred.

"Maybe, I guess I will continue to observe and collect information on him," Elfreda said.

"I will do the same, we should get going," Hayate said as he bowed his head.

The masters disconnected the call then Rin turned to look at Mildred, "Let's wait and make sure that what we think is true"

"Yeah, I don't want to believe that Shirahama Kenichi is one in a million genius who can copy any style after watching it once," said Mildred.


The day on which the Armed division disciples transferred to Koryo High.

"Damn they are persistent" cursed Kaku of the Three-Headed Dragon team of DFOD as he parried a sword strike from an assassin of the Black Tiger White Dragon Organization.

He and his friends were currently on a train I. China trying to escape the organization as they had been sentenced to death for losing not only in the tournament but for being soundly defeated by Ma Renka and Miu Furiniji, both of whom had so.e relation with Phoneix Alliance, their rivals. Not to mention Kaku was on his second chance.

The trio decided to run, hoping to find a safe haven within the Phoenix Alliance. However, despite their best efforts to shake off the assassins from their former organization, they were still fighting with their former allies who didn't even seem fazed that they were hunting what used to be members.

"Kaku behind you" yelled Yin Lin, the female of the group.

Kaku immediately back stepped, dodging a vertical slice that would have bisected him in half. The sword however managed to cut his jacket zipper, letting his jacket open from released tension. The said action has caused the document that Ma Kensei had given them to slip out of his jacket pocket landing on the edge of a seat away from him.

Kaku tried to grab the document only to be cut off as the assassin surrounded them once more leaving the document out of his reach.

"In this narrow passage, we can't use our Roku Gou Jin" panted Yin Lin.

"Dammit, are we done for" exclaimed Yo, his back towards them as he was facing more enemies in front of him.

"Get my father on the phone!" shouted Renka from the other line.

"Oh, Renk you are back!?" asked Miu

"Yeah, I just got back. Is my Father other? Why doesn't he keeps a cell phone like normal people? Geez, it's all because of his order that I have to deal with this mess!" looking back at the Three-headed Dragon as they dug into the food she had provided, leaving a mess as they did so before making some intolerable demands while waving the document that Kensei had given to them, "The Three-headed dragon team that you and I beat up are here, seeking sanctuary"

"How unfortunate Master Ma isn't home today, Oh, you better don't ask what he is doing!" said Miu

Kenichi came right at the moment when he heard Miu calling Renka's name as he knew that the fight he has been waiting for has come.

"Miu is that Renka!?" asked Kenichi feigning innocence.

"Oh is that Kenichi, give him the phone," Renka said

"Ok," Miu said as she passed the phone to Kenichi.

"Kenichi, I missed you," Renka said.

"I missed you too Renka," Kenichi said with a smile.

"Really! If you really missed me why don't you come to meet me now, I don't want to be stuck with these guys" said Renka.

"Ok, I am coming right now"


Johnathan Willis

Deividas Seputis

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