Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 37 - Kisara’s Weakness 'Meow”

"Wait" said Tsuji then he looked at Kenichi and said "So we have finally met Shirahama Kenichi!, I have been looking for you

"Sorry! I am not into men, I like beautiful women's like Miu and that girl there" Kenichi said.

""Pufftt.. hahahaha"" laughed Kisara and Miu with Kenichi just smiling.

"SHIRAHAMA KENICHIIII!!!!!" shouted Tsuji and jumped in Kenichi's direction punching him towards his face.

Kenichi throwed his school bag in the air then swayed towards his left dodging Tsuji's punch then with his right hand punched Tsuji in his gut "huukk.." came the noise from Tsuji's mouth as he fell unconscious on the ground.

As Tsuji fell on the ground, kenichi caught his bag in his hand without even looking it up in the air.

Seeing this display of his strength along with his nonchalance both of Tsuji's guards were so shocked that they forgot to even care about their boss for few minutes. Even Kisara who was standing there with an amused expression seconds ago had her mouth wide open in the shape of O. Only Miu has seen Kenichi's true strength didn't looked shocked.

"Umm aren't you guys going to take him away " asked Kenichi

Hearing his voice both the guards of Tsuji were brought out of there stupor.

""ahh... Boss""shouted the boys then picked Tsuji and ran away while glaring at Kenichi

By this time even Kisara was brought out of her stupor "I won't say thank you, as i could have handle them myself" she said

"Yes, I know but since I was here I thought that maybe i should handle it so we can finish this fast and have a talk later" Kenichi said.

"Oh! you want to talk with me but why should i do that since you have been the reason that so many of my boys have been in the hospital and one even has the guts to leave the Rangnarok" Kisara said as she went into her Taekwondo fighting stance.

"Yes, about that the Guy who left the gang, I wanted to ask if you could let him go free" asked Kenichi.

"hmnp.." Kisara snorted when she heard what Kenichi said then kicked towards his face which Kenichi dodged while swaying just this face towards the left.

"Wow, You are really like a wild cat you know, ready to jump anyone at anytime" Kenichi said as he took to steps back to go out of kisara's leg reach.

"I will take that as a compliment" said Kisara as she moved forward to kick Kenichi once again.

"Hey! kitty i am not going to fight you i want to talk to you okay" said Kenichi as he raised both his hands while still holding his school bag in one of his hands.

Kisara stopped when she saw that Kenichi didn't had any intention to fight back "tch.. i don't want to talk about anything and that guy Takeda will get his punishment for betraying Rangnarok" said Kisara as she started walking away.

"But there is a new Cat-cafe that has been opened where you can pet the cats that they have there along with having your food and i wanted to take you there are you sure you don't want to go there with me" Kenichi said as he looked at Kisara's back who flinched when she heard the name Cat-cafe.

"Hmnp... Ok i will listen to what you have to stay, lead the way" Kisara said in her Tsundre style with her eyes shining in anticipation.

"Ok, let's go Miu" Kenichi said as he looked at Miu who was standing by his side without saying anything.

"Ok, Kenichi-kun" Miu replied as she followed behind Kenichi along with Kisara.

After walking for around 20 minutes they reached the Cat-cafe and as they entered the cafe they were welcomed by a sweet voice "Welcome, Master and Misses nya" said the girl in the maid costume along with her cat ears and tail.

Kisara and Miu were surprised as well as happy when they saw this girl wearing cat ears and tail along with her maid costume which made her look like a cat girl.

" Thank You, a seat for three people please" said Kenichi.

" Yes Master nya, follow me" said he cat girl in maid costume.

They followed the maid to find there seat and ordered some cake and pastries for themselves along with the coffee.

As the order was taken two other maids came with each of them holding a cat in their hands and asked "Would you like to pet these cats as well Master and Misses nya"

""Yes please "" before Kenichi could say something both Kisara and Miu jumped and took one cat each from the hands of the maids.

Kenichi was shaking his head when he saw how excited these two were for petting a cat, " please bring some food for these two cats as well" said Kenichi to the two maids.

The maids acknowledged his orders and after waiting for 5 minutes all the orders that they have placed were on their table.

While kenichi was eating the pastries the two girls completely forgot themselves and continued to pet the kittens while feeding them food.

" You both should eat as well, don't forget yourselves" kenichi said said to the two girls.

""Yes"" replied the two girls and finally started eating their cakes with blissful faces .

<Note to self whenever any of my girl is mad at me all I have to do is bring them here in this cafe where they have kitties along with great pastries> thought kenichi in his mind.

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