Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 396: Kaname Kidnapped

Chapter 396: Kaname Kidnapped

"Oh! He was able to send the message to you without anyone finding? Did you create a technique like my OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG VOICE?" asked the Elder

"Yeah, something like that" Kenichi said with a smile for some reason he can't stop smiling today and it isn't because of what's happening here.

Before coming to this dojo, Mystic Kenichi sent them info that he found runes that would be able to protect the garden of Senzu Beans as no one would be able to see it or cross through it. This was one of the problems for Kenichi but now because of these runes it would be easy to grow Senzu Beans.

"Okay, I think it's enough fun for today we should head back and let you guys rest" Shizuha said.

This time Tsutomu and Mayu didn't stop them and let them go.

Before going Kenichi stopped and looked at Mayu and said "You are an impulsive person just like me but I hope you think before you act. The current you won't be able to kill Ogata and will die by his hands leaving your daughter so think about her before you try to confront him"

After saying his piece Kenichi left the dojo, he did all he could but if even then Mayu tried to go after Ogata, he wasn't sure he would be able to save her again.

As the Elder, Shizuha, Kenichi, and Miu left, Mayu and Tsutomu quickly showered before going to where their precious Kairi was, who was deeply asleep. The two of them crawled into the bed, each of them positioned next to Kairi's side before putting their hands on her heart, relishing the warmth they felt. The two of them fell asleep cuddling Kairi, as if they were afraid she would disappear.


Few days later

Kenichi, Saeko, Miu and Renka were at the Shinpaku main base, hanging out with their friends. Takeda, Tsuji, and Kisara were practicing their moves on a punching bag. Ukita and Hibiki were playing cards with Saeko, Miu and Renka. Kenichi was sitting beside them but was in a meditating pose. All seemed peaceful when Niijima announced a surprise training session. Before they could ask, the Valkyries all attacked them. While the Valkyries showed remarkable improvement, none of them were able to successfully land a hit on the commanders of the Shinpaku Alliance. Even Ukita, who had been easily caught by Yuriko, the whip user in the original story dodged the whip with ease. Tsuji, once more, didn't understand the situation and laughed as he tanked several hits from the weapons the Valkyries wielded. It was only when Yuma Chiaki, walked in and ordered the girls to sheath their weapons did they obey.

"So how has your training been going Chiaki?" asked Kenichi

"We're going to move the old man now. Everyone get ready," ordered Agaard as he entered the room. The guards, who were a part of the Yami Armed Division, couldn't help but stand straight and obey his orders despite the rivalry between the Armed and Unarmed Divisions.

After we've transferred him, we'll be returning back to base," finished Agaard, "Hopefully with more guards, this'll be fast."

"Yes sir!" saluted the guards. Another thing that confused them was that Agaard had requested the guards to be doubled, though they didn't know why. But they couldn't refuse, and so twice the amount of guards were on duty.


While moving towards Kaname's location the members of Shinpaku Alliance talked about her grandfather.

"This Kugatachi Danki, who is Kaname's grandfather and her staff master.... What kind of person is he?"

[A.N - Just 20 to 30 more chapters at my patre*#on and I would be done with Yami and would be able to focus on Marvel more, join my patr*#eon and read in advance the end of Yami arc.

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