Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 399: Taking out the Banto Master

Chapter 399: Taking out the Banto Master

"Oh, come on at least don't be such a straight arrow" Kenichi said blocking the attack with his bare hands catching the Banto and doing so left the Banto master open to Kenichi landing two quick punches to the ribs.

"You!" cursed the Banto master as he pulled his Banto from Kenichi's hand.

Kenichi let go of the Banto when he saw the Banto master trying to pull it back, making the master almost lose his balance because of it.

"Damn you kid" shouted the Banto master as he slashed his Banto diagonally this time with a little bit of his own ki so as to not let Kenichi grab the Banto easily.

Kenichi stepped back dodging the Banto The sword cut right through the truck, splitting open the back and forcing the doors to swing open. The driver swerved trying to regain control of the truck. Niijima ended up stuck on one of the doors, grabbing on for dear life.

"Niijima?" gaped Kaname before quickly noticing two master class fighters fighting each other.

The Banto master grimaced as he took a step back, his free hand gently caressing his rib. He made an impressive strike with the intention of hitting th two teenagers. However, doing so left him open to the Kenichi landing another round of quick punches to the ribs.

"Tch, this is really getting to be a pain in the ass," growled the Banto master as he snapped his fingers, "Get rid of these intruders."

Suddenly, two motorcyclists with spears quickly approached the truck. The motorcyclists hefted their lance up in their hands, aiming for Niijima. Whether it was to stab him or prod him off the truck, it was clear what their intention was.

"Kaname! Take care of Niijima I will deal with this oversized brute" saying Kenichi dashed forward the truck buckled once more under his feet as he appeared in front of the Banto master at incredible speed slamming his knee on his chest before the Master could react.

Kenichi felt that the brute was wearing a thin body armour that's why this time he used a lot of strength and even changed the gravity around him to normal making his speed so much that upon impact Kenichi heard a crack.

"Aaahh!" cried the Banto master as his body was thrown in the air.

Kenichi followed behind the Banto master as he jumped after him but before that he left a message to Kaname and Niijima, "Take care of these two and the driver and return to Ryozanpkau"

Neither Kaname nor Niijima had the time to say anything as before they could say anything the two motorcyclists started to attack them with a spear.

Kaname used her grandfather's staff to deflect the attacks before it could reach them and followed with her own attacks hitting motorcyclists on their head. Their helmet saved them from a concussion but it did disoriented them along with the glass cover of the helmet breaking they couldn't control their motorcycles and crashed into each other.

He knew that the Banto master couldn't fight as he used the Chopstick to sever one of the tendons of his leg and arm so he finally turned his head towards the employees and said, "You guys should go now it's not safe here."

"Umm! What is he doing?" asked one of the employees when he saw the Banto master crawling away from Kenichi towards the same hole from where he entered. The employee wanted to ask why they were fighting and who they were but he didn't have the confidence to do so.

Kenichi turned his head to look back at the Banto master with interest as he wanted to see what interesting will he do now.

"Damn you kid! I won't let you and neither these people who saw me humiliated by you." said the Banto master as he swung his Banto with his left hand generating enough power to slash two of the supporting pillars in the room before he jumped through the hole.


[A.N - Thank you

Kamryn Kes

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