Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 4 - Meeting Miu

Kenichi and Ryuto went to the Granny's shop and buyed some snacks for themselves and after eating them they started playing.

Near the shop was placed the coin machine to which Ryuto wanted to play with the coin machine so Kenichi encouraged him to play and from the coin machine Ryuto got Was a kitty pink.

Kenichi:"Haha it will look good on you Ryuto, I think it will suit you"

Ryuto's face was twisted from shame, embarrassment and anger but he couldn't say anything.

Kenichi:"What if you don't like it, give it to me I will give it to my sister Honoka"

Ryuto:" Really than here take it give it to Honoka"

While Ryuto and Kenichi were talking a blonde girl who was around the same age as the two looked like a doll came towards them and asked.

!!?:"Excuse me can any of you tell me how to play with this"

Kenichi and Ryuto looked at the girl while Ryuto was blushing seeing such a cute girl Kenichi new who this new girl was, she was Miu Furiniji kenichi's only wife in the original series.

Kenichi:" Yes yes why not let me teach you how to play with it"

Kenichi:"Hi I am Kenichi Shirahama and you are"

Miu:"Me! I am Miu Furiniji"

Kenichi:"oh! hi Miu are you new here I haven't seen you before"

Miu:" No I am not from here, I am traveling with my grandfather and were passing from here so I wanted to play this game"

Kenichi:" Oh ok then let me help you to learn it so that you can get a better badge"


After teaching Miu how to play with the coin machine Kenichi stepped back to let Miu play by herself and like the original series what she got was YinYang Pin cause of which she started crying.

Miu:"Uwaann uwaan I don't want Yin Yang Pin I want Kitty Pin"

She was crying which obviously Kenichi didn't liked so he went towards her and said.

Kenichi:"You don't have to cry Miu look here I have a Kitty Pin you can have it"

Miu:"But I can't accept a stranger's gift"

Kenichi:"Aww how am I stranger Miu we were talking earlier and introduce ourselves so we were freinds right"

Miu:" Freinds..... I never had freind before"

Kenichi:"Great then I am Miu's first freind so as a form of our new friendship let's exchange our pins as I also wanted that Ying Yang pin"

Miu nodded her head and they exchanged their pins after which she smiled.

Kenichi:" Miu as your first freind I have to tell you something"

Miu:"What is that?"

Kenichi:" You look beautiful when you smiled so try to smile always ok"

While they were talking they heard some noises from inside Granny's shop and all three kids ran in that direction.

When they reached at the shop they saw three gangsters breaking the items if the shop and one of the gangster was holding the Granny's collar and shouting at her. Kenichi entered the shop along with Miu and shouted at the three gangsters.

Kenichi:"Hey you bad guys leave the granny alone"

Miu:"Yes otherwise it won't be good for you"

Gangster 1:" Ho kids trying to become hero nowadays let's teach that it's not good to mess with just anybody right guys"

The other two smiled and nodded their heads and jumped on the kids Ryuto also wanted to help but was scared hence just looked from a distance.

The gangster who ran towards Kenichi and punched him to which Kenichi used Ki at his feet and jumped above the gangsters head did a somersault and with the ankle of his right leg hitted the head of the gangster knocking him out whereas Miu has also knocked her opponent with a kick and knee on his face.

Gangster 1 after seeing this seen got angry and picked a wooden plank that was lying there and ran towards Kenichi and Miu. When he was going to swing the wooden plank Kenichi ducked down and sweeped his leg towards gangster 1 who lost his balance Miu then used kenichi's shoulder as a step and jumped out giving a kick at gangster 1's head knocking him out as well.

Kenichi and Miu then clapped there hands with each other celebrating their win. Then Kenichi said

Kenichi:"Miu you are strong"

Miu:"That's because my grandfather been teaching me martial arts from early on but you are also strong Kenichi"

Kenichi:" Ah! my mom's says that I have to be strong to protect my family and the wives that I will be getting in the future"

Miu:" Wives you will have more than one wife my grandpa said those who have more than one wife is a unfaithful person as he wasn't loving enough towards his wife"

Kenichi:" No Miu that's not right a person who has more than one wife loves them more as he is truthful to them about his relationship"

Miu:"Oh is that so"

Kenichi:" Yes it is, so Miu will you be my wife in the future"

Miu:"Mee!! but why aren't we freinds"

Kenichi:"Yes we are and most of the time freinds do marry each other, comon say yes though I will have more wives but they will treat you as sister and we will be a big family"

Miu:"A big family!!!"

Miu's eyes shined hearing about having a big family, Kenichi new that Miu always wanted a family and it was her weak spot so he used it.

Miu:"But my grandfather won't agree to it until and unless you beat him he won't agree as according to him only a man who is strong enough to beat him can take me as his wife even if he already have wives"

Kenichi:"Then I will beat your grandfather and then marry you okay"


Kenichi:"Then until that time we are boyfriend and girlfriend ok"

Miu:"?? what's a boyfriend and girlfriend"

Kenichi:"When a boy and girl are more than just a freind, when they like each other they become boyfriend and girlfriend"

Miu:"Oh! ok then let's become boyfriend and girlfriend"

Kenichi:"Great then let's pinky promise with each other"


Kenichi:"Then the next time we meet I will be your boyfriend and you will be my girlfriend"

Miu:"Mmh I am going to be late now have to go bye bye Kenichi"

Kenichi:"Bye bye Miu"

Miu went away and Ryuto finally came out of his stupor and was regretting that he didn't do anything, he looked at Kenichi with fire in his eyes and walked away without saying anything, Kenichi thought that he would ask for the Ying Yang pin but then maybe he was scared after seeing him fight like that.

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