Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 403: Learning about Ki manipulation 2

Chapter 403: Learning about Ki manipulation 2

" Next comes the continuous type. Techniques that rapidly fires ki energy bullets. These attacks consume an intense amount of ki power, but leave no way for the opponent to counterattack. The majority of continuous-type ki manipulation attacks are so powerful that they scar the surface of the Earth." Kenichi explained

"How many techniques do you have?" asked Ukita

"Enough but some are still in the theory stage as I told you before. Next is Tracking Techniques where a bullet of ki is manipulated without prevention. The advantage of this type is to be able to precisely aim for the target object."

"This Tracking type is dangerous don't you think so Akisame?" asked Sakaki standing outside with the other Masters.

"All of these Techniques are dangerous, moreover we don't even know how many Kenichi can use." Akisame said

"Well if he can use even half of them then he is already a Grandmaster" stated Kensei

"That may be true. The amount of control one would need to perform any of these Techniques isn't something anyone can handle" Shizuha added

"Correct. But can he perform them while fighting someone, otherwise these techniques won't be of any use." Rukia stated

"After tracking technique is Blending Techniques. This is the combination of the various said types. It could be said that these blending type techniques are an enhanced version of the respective types they combine. In order to utilize these, the user needs extreme training that strengthens their combat strength and spiritual power. Additionally, the user also needs the good judgement to take the amount of ki consumption into consideration. These are the attack type ki manipulation techniques that I know" stated Kenichi

"There are other types of ki manipulation techniques" asked Takeda

"Ofcourse ki power is certainly not only for attacking purpose. Depending on the way being used, ki can take various forms. In this way, they reflect the user's heart. There are various types of ki manipulation techniques, like what I have told you about as of now. However, ki manipulation has many uses beside attacking. It is also used as a method of movement or of attack-supporting. Like the attack type, these methods also have many variations." Kenichi explained

Even the masters standing outside were paying attention as they wanted to hear about these techniques as well.

"First is movement type techniques of which Air dance technique is the most useful. This allows one to move through the sky through manipulating the ki inside one's body." Kenichi said

"You mean we can fly after learning this technique" asked Hibiki

"Hahaha... this is what you get for showing off" Kensei said as he saw three angry women making their way towards Kenichi.

Kenichi knew the masters were right outside as he sensed their ki but when he saw The three women entering the room with anger on their face, he was struck dumb as this wasn't the expression he wanted to see.

"You have been hiding things from us Kenichi! Here I thought you would at least understand that I am on your side but clearly I am not." Shizuha stated

"You jerk, bastard how dare you hide this technique from me" Rukia shouted in anger.

"Bad... Kenichi" that's all Shigure said but it was enough to show that she wasn't happy with Kenichi either.

"Wait wait wait! I haven't hidden any of my Techniques not from you or anyone for that matter. Hell I even showed my techniques to the whole world." Kenichi said

"""WHAT!?""" exclaimed everyone, even Sakaki who had just entered the room with the rest of the master's.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Sakaki

"Now I remembered these techniques. It's in your manga Dragon Ball z" Niijima stated.

"Exactly!" Kenichi said, "Truthfully i thought you would have found out about it much earlier Niijima."

"Eh! After entering Highschool we have been quite busy so I haven't had the time to read it plus since your manga got Anime adaptation, I watch that whenever I have the time but even thta hasn't happened since we took care of team Ragnarok so I forgot about it." Niijima explained.

"Wait wait wait! You are saying that the Dragon Ball Z manga have real techniques in it?" Takeda asked still reeling from the shock.

"Well not all of them as many are related to the alien physiology but many techniques are real at least in theory as I haven't seen anyone else learn it from the manga." explained Kenichi

"Are you kidding me! You posted many of your Techniques in a manga! Though still in theory, what would you do if someone learnt them from it."

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