Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 415: Fooling SHIELD

Chapter 415: Fooling SHIELD

"Tch and here, I thought we would still have a chance to take it when you would lose your guard. But it looks like I was just fooling myself" said Elfreda as she came out from behind the tree she was hiding in followed by Hayate

"Right! And now you have two options you can either try to take it away from me and get captured or you can walk away right now." Kenichi said

"We are really going to let them go?" asked Tsuji

"We don't have any reason to hold them here. Moreover, Inspector Honmaki is here so if you assault them without reason he may have to arrest you" Kenichi said with a smirk.

Elfreda and Hayate understood what Kenichi was telling them. He can't stop them as they haven't attacked them yet so they can go right now or try to attack them hoping to get away with the CD.

"Let's go we can't win" Hayate said before turning back.

"Hmph next time it won't be like this" said Elfreda before she turned back as well.

As the two of them walked away Kenichi turned towards the Shinpaku Alliance and they heard Kenichi's voice in their heads "Don't attack the next group"

"Don't move!" came a shout from another end of the forest as a group of 5 men wearing tactical military gear with an M14 in their hands.

Though they wanted to fight back, Kenichi's voice had already informed them to not move so they decided to trust them.

"Who are you people?" asked Honmaki with his gun in hands.

"Drop the gun in the ground and kick it away" said one of the men in tactical military gear.

Since all of them were wearing camouflage gear and mask they couldn't be identified.

"You think I am an idiot" asked Honamki

"Do it, Inspector" Kenichi said making Honamki turn towards him in surprise, "Just do it" Kenichi said again seeing that Honamki still hadn't dropped the gun.

Seeing that Kenichi really wanted him to drop the gun, he hesitated for few seconds but then saw that he was clearly outnumbered and may get the kids killed, he dropped the gun and kicked it away.

"Now throw the CD towards us, no one else moves" said the man in the front of the rest of his team.

"Hell no" "Don't do it Kenichi" "No way" shouted the members of Shinpaku Alliance.

*Bang Bang Bang*

Shots were fired in the air by the man who spoke earlier shutting up everyone and said again "If anyone else opens his mouth than that person is going to get the taste of a bullet"

"You want the CD, here it is" Kenichi said as he threw the CD towards them and one of the men caught the CD and kept it in his bag.

"Good now we will walk away if someone follows us that person dies" said the man in the front as they started to walk backwards.

Kushinada was meditating inside a pool, having sat at the bottom of it for what seemed like hours. Her hair was floating up in the water as she wore a skimpy white kimono that barely covered her chest and only went down just past her butt. Not to mention because she was wearing white, it made the kimono see-through, clearly failing at its job covering the body. Which had to be asked why she even bothered wearing it.

She sensed Jenazad entering the room, though not by normal means, but rather crawling along the ceiling and wall like a lizard. Still, she chose not to acknowledge his presence as he flipped onto the ground with his apple, calling out to her.

"Hey, Bewitching Fist!" called out Jenazad once more, getting a little peeved at Kushinada's blatant attempt at ignoring him, "I said, did you call for me!?"

Jenazad kicked the air in front of him, forcefully parting the waves, reaching to the end of the pool while interrupting Kushinada's meditation.

"Well, well. Youth these days have such short tempers," sighed Kushinada before suddenly pushing herself up before the water collapsed back on her. As soon as the water filled back up, Kushinada put her foot down on top of the water surface. Before she could even sink, she began to dash forward, never sinking down into the water until she reached the end of the pool, halting her steps on dry land.

"To you, I'm being treated as the youngster?" snorted Jenazad, "I've always wanted to know the secret in your Kushinada style that's responsible for your longevity that maintains your body to a 20-year-old woman despite your true age. So what did you call me here for?"

[A.N - Thank You


Mario Johnson

Ben Pulido

Bradley White


Peter Corney

Ankit Patel

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