Chapter 456: Upgrade

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"Then you should make preparations before you go so that you aren't caught off guard and take enough dry food that could last you a week who knows you maybe be stuck in an inhabited island without any source of food" Kenichi stated

"Kenichi is right father! Why don't you contact Saiga the two of you can make a plan instead of you just rushing what would more likely be a trap" Shizuha said as she came to talk with Elder Hayato as well.

Elder understood that Kenichi and Shizuha were doing this for his well being so he nodded is head in acceptance.

After getting geared up, the Elder bade them all farewell as he left. Miu could only look out worriedly when Kenichi put his arms around Miu's shoulder, drawing her close.

Despite the Elder leaving, the Elder actually didn't head towards his destination right away. First, he made a small detour, heading into a nondescript alleyway. After making sure nobody was tracking him or around him, he pulled out a piece of paper, looking at it intently.

"Let's see, I need to touch this brick, then this one.," muttered the Elder, following the instructions on the paper. After pressing the last brick, the wall before him began to rumble before shifting back and to the side, revealing a secret passage. The Elder walked into the passageway, letting the wall behind him seal shut.

This was one of the safehouse that Kenichi and Niijima made in the city. One thing Kenichi likes about Niijima is his over the top preparedness and it helps that Niijima always does what Kenichi asks without much of a question.

Taking a few steps in, the Elder was in the main room where a device was left standing on a platform with a big red button. The Elder took the device and gently pressed on the red button for 3 seconds, letting go before looking at it in confusion.

"Good.... You are improving fast" Shigure said

"Yes, I can't believe you are already so good with your sword" Saeko said though the excitement in her eyes clearly showed how much she herself wanted to spar with Kenichi though this time with their swords.

"Maybe we can spar later, Master said that I need to get used to masters with sword skills, Shigure has been too busy for it" stated Natasha to which Kenichi nodded his head.

Hearing Natasha the other members of Shinpaku Alliance were once again spurred with fore as they remember that other than Kenichi there was Natasha among them who was a Master Class fighter as well.

"Can we get on with whatever we are here for I need to get back to my training" Takeda said

"Yes, My masters finally ame down from the mountain after so much begging so I need to get the most of the situation as well" stated Tsuji

The other grumbled as well except causing Kenichi to just shake his head at their behaviour while Shigure started passing out her specially made arm guards to commanders of the Shinpaku Alliance.

Once everyone had them on, Shigure quickly attacked them all, with each one of them instinctively raising their arms to guard. Ukita actually reacted to the slashes, unlike the original timeline where he had been totally clueless that Shigure had attacked.

"What was that for!?" shouted Ukita, unaware of the nod of approval that he got from Kenichi,

"Wait, look at these armguards!" shouted Takeda in surprise as he glanced down towards them.

"They deflected her sword?" asked Kaname in astonishment.

"Everyone, take a closer look," said Hibiki as he closely examined the gloves, "It's not made of cloth, but rather thinly woven fibers of metal."

Shigure explained that each chain link had been made to the same caliber of a Japanese katana, with special processing to allow her to create such gauntlets. Everyone could see the amount of effort that had gone into these gloves, and quickly bowed to her in thanks. Shigure waved it off, but they could see that she was ecstatic at receiving such praises.

One week later

"So, it begins soon," hummed Kenichi as he swirled a cup of juice in his wine glass. The Elder had been gone for the week, meaning the trap had been set against the Elder.

"Then it's time to start tilting the board our way," grinned Kenichi as he dialed a number before it was finally picked up.

"Who are you and how did you get this number!?" demanded Boris Ivankov.

"Wow, Boris is that how you greet a friend in Russia and after all the trouble I went through to get your number."

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