Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 460: Senzui's Thoughts

Chapter 460: Senzui's Thoughts

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"Correct," grinned the Prime Minister, "Though we are not able to do anything about the One Shadow Nine Fist as they are considered 'foreign' dignitaries, you councilman Ishida, are not. To so shamelessly abandon your fellow countrymen that you swore to protect in front of me is not something I will let go."

If it hadn't been for the fact that Ryozanpaku was there to back him up with the others attacking the tanker, the Prime Minister would've been warned by his bodyguard to be careful. However, seeing that that table was tipped in the favor, the Prime Minister decided to reach out a little.

"You can't hold me here!" barked Ishida, "They won't let you do such a thing!"

Ishida looked over to the One Shadow Nine Fist, who were already leaving. As Senzui was the last one to walk out, he glanced over at them.

"He's all yours," stated Senzui indifferently, as Ishida's usefulness was at its end. Not to mention there wasn't anything important Ishida had, such as the location of their hidden base. Nor was it worth fighting for when they knew it was a trap to hold them.

Secret Yami Base

The One Shadow Nine Fist was waiting at the harbor as the tanker pulled up the Eight Executioner Blades, looking mighty weary.

'It's a good thing we didn't put everything into the tanker,' thought Senzui.

A good majority of the funds had been in the tanker, but not everything. Some of it had been transported via other means of transportation as a backup. They had a few pieces of equipment that had been raided by a mysterious party, so Senzui decided to make a few backup plans.

"Where was the leak?" asked Seijiro as they landed on the docks.

"Unknown," replied Senzui, "We're looking into it right now, but it's not from our end. We merely supplied the funds and the location of it. Your group was responsible for transportation and security. Perhaps it was one of your member's rampant acts that gave away the secrecy."

"He is still in the bed so there is no way he could have blabbered his mouth" Rin stated as they knew who Senzui was talking about.

"I am not talking about him" Senzui said as he looked at Kentaro, at first he thought he would be better than Mihai atleast but he was wrong as he was much more blood thirsty.

The other members of the Eight Executioners Blades tried their best to not look at Kentaro at that statement. Raki gave him an irritating side glance while Mildred merely huffed before turning away. The result ended up with Kentaro beginning to steam up in anger as his face turned red. He had been having fun slaughtering the guards at the docks, baiting them to call more reinforcements so he could increase his kill count.He also wanted to show he was better than Mihai to permanently take his position but it looked like he fucked up.

In hindsight, it could've been what brought the other members of Ryozanpaku towards them faster than expected. They had baited Ryozanpaku to a government building with some success, but clearly, Ryozanpaku had expected such a tactic to the fact they even managed to gather other masters. Taiki and Danki weren't too much of a surprise, as they had been seen before allied with Ryozanpaku. And finally, Mr Busujima was also a surprise as the guy was a well respected swordsman in the underground, but somewhat within expectations when the FBI was mentioned.

The men that they sent to Ryozanpaku were captured and now we're in a secure prison from where it would be hard to break them out. But it wasn't clear who took care of them as even those who were sent to just watch from a distance were captured so they were in the dark.

Though that meant that they had the others in reserve, waiting to see what Yami would've done. And since they had connections to inspector Honmaki as well as Ryozanpaku sympathizers within the police force, it was possible that they had been letting Ryozanpaku listen in to the reports. Not to mention Saiga was still out there somewhere with connections to the government to help out. And with Kentaro's bloodlust, it probably tipped them off to investigate the harbor.

At least, that was the conclusion Senzui came up with. In short, it was all Kentaro's fault that Ryozanpaku had managed to locate their mode of transportation and interfere in time. Oh how wrong was he.

"Nonetheless, the funds have arrived," said Senzui, turning around to leave, "We will proceed with the next part of the plan. We have agents already attempting to recover the container that was lost in the ocean, though some funds may have been lost now."

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