Chapter 464: Reaction

[A.N Sorry for not posting for last 2 weeks. I was busy with few family problems and had forgotten about it. Anyways I hope this makes up for it.

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"You can rely on us for the upcoming raid," declared Spartacus, standing up to voice his own thoughts as well as his brothers and sisters "Though we desire to be free from war and violence, we cannot turn our eyes against such a thing, especially if it will bring war to our front door!"

"Heh, don't think you can scare us off that easily!" grinned Takeda, "If we don't go, Japan will still end up taking the brunt from Yami. I've got plans for the future, and I'm not letting Yami ruin it! I won't turn away from such acts!"

"Here, here!" shouted Yuma.

"Wherever my demon lord goes, I will always be right behind him!" sang Hibiki.

"You guys ain't leaving me out of this manly fight!" shouted Tsuji.

"As long as evil proliferates, we cannot turn a blind eye against it," said Knamae with Kisara and the Valkyries nodding in agreement.

Natsu was busy practicing his moves on a sandbag before looking around for a bit. All of Yomi had been recalled back, including Boris, who had been MIA for quite a while. There was a clear split as the Unarmed Division of Yomi was on one side while the Armed Division was on the other, each practicing their forms. Even Berserker, who would've opted to just stand and wait, was practicing. Then again, he was actually sparring against Sho, who was enjoying fighting such a unique opponent.

Sho hadn't taken the fact he had to leave Izumi too well as it has been nice for him to talk with someone so sweet and simple. In fact, Sho had tried to discreetly get Izumi out of Japan by asking Natsu to make some sort of excuse. Incidentally, Izumi's father did work in his company, but he wasn't high up in the chain of command to get any sort of promotion or an excuse for a business trip that included family. Instead, Natsu had to make it a company training trip to Ryukyu islands that allowed family members to come.

There, he left one of the few people he could trust (as far as he could throw at least), to oversee everything. While slightly annoyed he had to be the one to arrange it, he understood why Sho couldn't do so himself. It would be too easy for the Kuremisago to trace what Sho did, and they would kill Izumi if it would help 'cut' Sho from any attachments, especially since Izumi's family history had no martial artists in it. The only wife they would allow Sho to have was either a holy lady from the Kuremisago or any of those with 'fine' breeding. Miu was probably one contender if the Kuremisago could successfully kidnap her and brainwash her. Though it hasn't ended well from them as far as he knew, many Kuremisago clan members who wanted to do this were either killed or beaten with an inch of their life, because of this they have stopped jumping around like monkeys and stayed hidden for the past few weeks though they may make an exception for Sho and come out of hiding. So as one of the only 'real' friends in Yomi, Natsu didn't mind using his powers to help Sho out a little.

From above, Ogata and Edeltaft were watching over the disciples from the balcony.

"What are your impressions of the disciples?" asked Ogata curiously.

"They are reminiscent of the aromatic heliotrope at twilight," replied Edeltaft, causing Ogata to pause and try to mentally translate what he was talking about.

'Dammit, if Alexander was here, he'd probably understand what this man was talking about,' thought Ogata, slightly cursing the fact the man was at Big Lock.

Sigmaringen slashed the wooden pole in half, sending the top half flying towards Lugh, who ducked under it.

"Apologies, that one got away from me, Mr. Unarmed disciple," apologized Sigmaringen sarcastically, "Without a weapon in your possession, if that were to happen in battle, it would have dire consequences, no?"

"Oi, quit picking on him," said Hyogo, the male kodachi disciple.

"It's not my fault they're trying to let out a creepy aura even though they don't have any weapons, trying to be all intimidating," mocked Sigmaringen.

"Oh really! How are your injuries from the last fight by the way? I heard your master still barely has any strength looks like you were left quite easy" mocked Chikage

"Watch your mouth, brat!" growled Sigmaringen, "I will kill you"

"Try it" countered Chikage

"Hmnp! You should be worried about shitting yourself on the battlefield!" grumbles Sigmaringen

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