Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 471: Elder Hayato vs Oganosuke

Chapter 471: Elder Hayato vs Oganosuke

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'Wasn't he supposed to be fighting Hyogo and the others!?' thought Sigmaringen in a panic.

Kenichi had been fighting them when he saw Kisara in danger. Parrying Satomi's Ki-empowered punch, Kenichi used Shiraha Nagisha to parry Hyogo's attempted slash. As it glided on his arm to his elbow, Kenichi used his elbow to deflect the blade towards Satomi.

Seeing the blade coming towards him, Satomi had no choice but to jump back to dodge. Kenichi took this chance to break through the encirclement, ignoring the other two Kuremisago ninja's attacks, while still using Ryuusui Seikuuken. One of the Kuremisago ninjas threw a kunai towards Kenichi's face while another tried to kick him in the knee. Kenichi dodged both attacks, though the kunai nicked him, cutting the bandage he had on his face. Still, that didn't deter him as he rushed forward and grabbed Simaringen's wrist.

Naoki himself had been hiding in the first place, having been told by the others to remain slightly behind them all. The reason for this was for him to be the wild card that Yomi wouldn't expect.

At first Taiki didn't want Naoki to come and neither was anyone okay with it but then Naoki made a long speech about how he was a Katsujinken and how this was his fight as well so Taiki allowed him to follow Shinpaku Alliance on the condition that he will follow Kenichi's orders to which he agreed to and hid until now.

Both teenagers glanced at each other, and with a grin, twisted and threw Sigmaringen hard into the ground face first.

"Assholes, sneaking and ganging up like that!" shouted Sigmaringen, unable to see the hypocrisy of his words. However, before he could do anything else, a palm touched the side of his head.

Koppou no Toushi

Sigmaringen felt his brain rattle inside his head as he stumbled back, still managing to hold onto his scythe.

"What's with people and aiming for my face?" mumbled Sigmaringen.

"Like I said, you have a really punchable face that everyone wants to punch!" shouted Sho from the sideline, causing both sides to snicker.

"That, and you're supposed to be fighting me, not running away to sneak attack!" shouted Tsuji.

Chikage, still in her dark mode, rushed to find another target, only to stop when Naoki came tackling towards her. She parried his grab before hurling him to the ground, but he managed to escape her grasp. Both of them were familiar with grapples and throws, and so Naoki was able to escape Chikage's Ki-enhanced throws and even counter her.

"You can't win like this," said Naoki as he landed on his feet, "You think doing all this is right? You're aiming to kill innocent people! Do you think if Kaede and Honoka die, then you'll surpass them via default!?"

'Is it a trap? It has to be a trap. It's a trap! But I'm ready for any sort of trap," thought Oganosuke as he slowly peered over the log, parting the bushes with his hands.

He was not prepared to see a sleeping Elder with half-eaten food on the side. All that noise that he had been so cautious about was merely the Elder snoring away.

Teioryuu Hiou Shirangiri

Oganosuke slashed at him with his secret technique, but the Elder snapped awake and escaped before the attack could hit him.

"Fwahahahah!" laughed the Elder as escaped the attack.

"You bastard!" roared Oganosuke in outrage and disbelief, "You actually took a nap in a life and death battle between us!?"

"I was being weakened, so in cases like this, it's either sink or swim! So I decided to go for it. Thanks to being able to sleep and eat for an hour" yawned the Elder before suddenly putting in a burst of speed, appearing above Oganosuke, "I have a bit of my power back."

Furinji Ninryoku Goukenha

The Elder slammed a punch from above with a lot of power that he had regained. Oganosuke barely had the chance to block it with both of his katanas while he was sent hurtling towards the ground.

"You mad man!" hissed Oganosuke as he regained his balance.

"Wahaha, don't compliment me!" grinned the Elder as he began to push forward to attack.

'Strange. Though he did sleep and eat, he shouldn't have gotten this much power back,' thought Oganosuke as blocked the Elder's attack before loosening his grip on his katanas, 'There wasn't much protein that he could've gotten, based on what I saw that he had eaten.'

Oboro Guruma

The Elder managed to deflect the attack without injury as the two stared off at each other before Oganosuke commented how this situation was perfect for Satsujinken.

"Hmph! Your objective may be my life, but my objective isn't yours. Rather, mine is everybody's life in world peace!" shouted the Elder as he threw a barrage of punches. 'I will have to thank ken-chan for the food later'

'You're going to use the strength you regained to escape!?' thought Oganosuke in outrage, "And you call yourself a martial artist!?"

"Fool! That is what martial arts was always intended for!" roared the Elder in reply.

Ougi! Shinken Nehan Mekkai Mandala

Both men that were revered as the strongest in the world of martial arts used their ultimate technique against each other.

Fists and blades clashed against each other as each man tried to gain the upper hand. However, the Elder found himself slowly being backed into the corner as the clash kept going.

"Indeed, I have the upper hand because you aren't trying to kill me!" grinned Oganosuke.

Suddenly, an orange blur shot forward, causing both men to look down to see a fox that the Elder had spared attacked Oganosuke, biting his hand.

Oganosuke reacted by trying to stab the fox, but the Elder caught the katana with two fingers. It was then that Oganosuke realized that he had left himself open. One hand was occupied by the fox biting him, the other trapped in the Elder's finger, meaning he had no way of defending against the Elder's free hand.


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