Chapter 576: Thor 10

" ...hold your fire."

Barton releases the trigger, pulls up.


Coulson watches Thor with anticipation as Thor wraps his hand around the hammer. He smiles, triumphant, lifts... but the hammer doesn't move. Thor looks confused, tries again with two hands, to no avail -- anger and frustration overtaking him. He strains with all his might, SCREAMS from the effort, bellowing up at the storm and lightning above him.

Something begins to appear on the side of Mjolnir -- glowing RUNES. Thor looks down, sees them. But, still, the hammer doesn't budge. Thor falls to his knees before it, rain pouring down around him, as the glowing runes fade away. He's failed. Unworthy.Coulson looks on, disappointed.

SHIELD AGENTS move in, guns trained on Thor, surrounding him. Coulson activates his radio.

"Ground units, move in. Show's over."

As the Agents surround him, Thor doesn't seem to notice or care. He just sits there on his knees, head bowed in the rain -- a man broken, lost. From overhead, Kenichi sees the hammer in the cube containment

room then he looks up as the Guards approach Thor, then continue to climb, until we see the whole camp -- and the extensive damage Thor's done to it during the melee.

Jane lowers her binoculars, sensing things have gone from bad to worse. She steels herself, then starts over the ridge to help him. Almost immediately, a SPOTLIGHT sweeps past her. She hears the sound of DOGS and SHIELD AGENTS approaching, sees the glow of flashlights moving from the base towards her. With no other choice, she makes a quick retreat.

Jane stands with Selvig and Darcy in the empty lab. Darcy picks up the book Selvig checked out of the library, looks through it.

"I can't just leave him there." Jane said

"Why not?" asked Selvig

"You didn't see what happened." Jane stated

Darcy points at an illustration of Thor's hammer in the book.

"Hey! Myeu-muh!"

Jane looks at the illustration in the book, turns to Selvig knowingly.

"Where did you find this?" Jane asked Slevig

Selvig grabs the book from them, quickly closes it.

"In the children's section. I wanted to show you how ridiculous his story was. Kenichi was just playing along with him to get information but because of you now even he might be in danger" Selvig stated

Jane felt guilty for putting Kenichi in danger but she still remained unconvinced by this. She knows he wants to believe.

"Those SHIELD guys looks liked they were afraid of Kenichi I am pretty sure he would be okay. And Aren't you the one who's always told me to chase down all leads, all possibilities?" Jane

"Certain groups pay well for a good mercenary. Especially HYDRA." Coulson waits for a response, but gets none.

"Who are you?" He asks

"Just a man" Thor answers

"One way or another, we find out what we want to know. We're good at that." After saying his piece Coulson leaves the room. Thor lowers his head.


Kenichi was standing beside Hawkeye and asked him, "Did you try to lift that Hammer?"

"Me! No" Barton replied

"Why? I thought you would atleast try were you scared of getting radiation or something?" Kenichi teased him.

"I am not really a hammer guy so?" Barton shrugged his shoulders.

"Not really a hammer guy? Dude do you even know what type of hammer it is?" Kenichi asked

"Do you know something about it?" Coulson asked as he walked towards the duo.

"Maybe" Kenichi shrugged his shoulders with a smile as he looked at Coulson and Hawkeye wating for his answers "But why should I tell you?"

"Huh! You really are a bastard?" Barton said

"Not bigger than you" Kenichi said with a smile.

"Did the guy give you anything?" Barton asked Coulson while ignoring Kenichi

"Nothing for now but it won't be for long." Coulson said

"Yeah about that I am sorry Coulson" Kenichi said

"Why sorry? Do you know him?" asked Coulson

"Yeah" Kenichi said, "Two months ago that guy couldn't even throw a punch and asked me to train him, I never thought he would use my teachings like that."

"What the fuck?" Barton cursed out.

"Are you saying that you taught him for two months and he became such a strong fighter." Coulson asked suspiciously.

"Hey that guy is talented fighter and I am really good teacher you know moreover your agents weren't that strong to begin with seriously they were beaten by a guy with just 2 months of training"

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