Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 58 - Natsu vs Kenichi Final

Natsu didn't replied anything but once again attacked Kenichi this time his palm went for his left t.h.i.g.h, but before the palm of Natsu could reach Kenichi's t.h.i.g.h he moved forward and used his right knee hitting him straight at his stomach.

"Cough cough" Natsu coughed from the attack and lowered his head while trying to step back but Kenichi was finish he used his right elbow and hitted him on his head.

"Aaaaaahhhh..." shouted Natsu in pain as he fell on the ground after taking Kenichi's elbow.

"Ohh! he sure picked Apachai's move easily" said Kensei after he saw Kenichi's attack.

"Yeah! it looks like we won't have to worry about Kenichi for now" said Akisame

"Apachai is a great teacher" said Apachai

"Hahaha that's my desciple" said Sakaki while laughing.

Kenichi moved back as he said "Get up I know you won't go down so easily"

Natsu stood up slowly and Kenichi gave him the time to get his bearings back.

"Since you were using such dangerous moves I should also not go easy on you right.." Kenichi said as he released some of his internal energy from his body covering it.

The pressure created from it was easily felt by Natsu, since it was directed towards Natsu! Miu and Saeko who were watching from the sidelines didn't get affected by it but as martial artists from an old household they were able to feel the energy Kenichi was releasing and identify it.

"And it looks like he Kenichi can easily control it" Akisame said.

"If uptil now there was any doubts that Kenichi may lose all of them have been cleared" said Kensei.

Shigure and Apachai nodded there heads after hearing what Kensei Ma said.

"Let's get this over with" said Kenichi as he ran towards Natsu who was standing 10 steps away from him.

Until now Kenichi has only been defending himself but this time he went forward to attack, seeing him run towards himself Natsu once again attacked Kenichi's face but he went into his battle stance before that happened making the pointed spear hand position of Hakkejyou and as Natsu's palm reached his face he turned around, then push the palm to the left and used the right hand to attack his neck.

After this he went into the continuous series of attack first Neck strike!, Crotch hit! then he turned around to the back and with thw edge of the hand hitted his back of the Neck!, then Elbow to the side! and finished it off by kicking the back of the knee to topple Natsu.

This series of attack was done within 10 seconds not leaving any chance for Natsu to fight back.

After this series of attack Kenichi walked back again to let Tanimoto stand as he knew until this guy is concious he won't stop fighting so he was already ready to beat him till he is unconscious then call Matser Akisame to do the treatment for him.

After sometime Natsu stood up making his fighting stance to fight once again but Kenichi could easily see that if he falls this time then he won't be able to stand up once again so he also got ready for the final round.

Natsu's palm hitted on his c.h.e.s.t while his punch went for the gut. This exchange of attacks went on for 2 minutes or so by that time they had exchanged 50 punches or more after which Natsu was fumbling and looked like he was going to fall anytime.

Seeing this Kenichi knew that he have to end it now so just as Natsu attached him once more, Kenichi caught his hand with his left hand and lifted Natsu onto the hip and slamed him to the ground making him unconscious.

"huff huff..... He is really a tough guy" said Kenichi while taking deep breaths.

"Is he ok Kenichi!?" asked Miu as she came towards Kenichi.

"Yeah he should be fine just a little unconscious that's all" replied Kenichi

"But he is really good that he made you to face him seriously" Saeko said.

"Yeah, maybe" Kenichi said as he took out his cellphone and called a number.

"Hello this is I have your child here" said Apachai as he picked his cellphone given by Kenichi.

"Yes Apachai-san, is Master Akisame there" Kenichi asked

"Ok then could you tell him that there will be a patient coming for him right now as he was injured during my fight with him" Kenichi said.

"Don't worry we saw your fight so I will tell him right now" said Apachai to Kenichi on the phone then looked at Akisame and said "Kenichi wants to treat you the guy he just on the bridge"

"Hmm... no problem just bring him to my clinic" replied Akisame

"Wait you people are here" Kenichi said as he looked around and saw a group with two giants and easily recognised them as the members of Ryozanpaku.

"Perfect Apachai-san can you come here and pick up this guy to drop him on Master Akisame's clinic, I will treat you to a hamburger" Kenichi said.

"Hamburger!? yes I am coming" Apachai said and made a giant leap directly landing on the bridge.

"Just take him to Master Akisame's clinic and I will bring your hamburger wuth me" Kenichi said.

"Ok I will take him then" said Apachai and picked up Natsu in one hand and jumped down from the bridge running in the direction of Akisame's Clinic.

"Yes a small party of appreciation, for Miu should be done" Saeko said with a smile.

Hearing this Miu became a little emotional and said "Thank you very much...."

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