Chapter 584: Poor Loki

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"And your death came by the son of Odin." Loki said as he shoots another blast from the Gugnir to kill Laufey.

Laufey dies as the other two shocked Frost Giants move for Loki. He fires Gungnir at one, blasting him against a wall, taking him out.

The Brute is nearly upon him, when the Jotun stops suddenly, his eyes going wide. The Brute falls to the ground,

REVEALING -- FRIGGA Standing behind him -- the sword stuck in his back. She looks to Loki, takes him in her arms.

"I swear to you, mother, they will pay for what they've done today. I will end the Jotun threat, now and forever!" Loki said then He looks to Odin while adding "And I will make you proud."

Loki savors the moment, but it's short-lived, as Thor bursts in. He's thrown by the scene before him -- Odin safe, Laufey and two Jotuns dead, Frigga regarding Loki with pride and respect. Stunned and delighted to see Thor, Frigga beams.

"Thor!" She moves to Thor and hugs him, but Thor's eyes remain fixed on his brother. Loki looks at Mjolnir in his brother's hand.

"Found its way back to you, did it?" Loki asked

"No thanks to you." Thor said

Frigga picks up on the tension building between her sons. "What?"

"Why don't you tell her? How you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends? To kill me?" Thor said

"What type of question is thatof course I hit him to knock him out" Kenichi stayed as he looked at Thor as if he has grown another head.

"No, thats not what I am talking about, Loki is a magician who uses illusion to confuse the enemy. So how were you able to find him?" Thor asked

"Oh that, it's because I am quite proficient at ki sensing and while not correct everytime, I didn't think that Loki would be able to manipulate it since he didn't knew what I could do." Kenichi stated as he remembers the Elder and Ancient One tricking his ki sense by manipulating their ki.

"My friend you have done a great service to Asgard and you may have saved the din of another planet": Thor said as he grabbed Kenichi's shoulder.

"Cool! So are you done with your task?" Kenichi asked.

"Not now but I will be soon, until then why don't you look around Asgard, Lady Sif can show you around." Thor said as he grabbed Loki and placed him on his shoulder, "I will come after I have dealt with Loki."

Thor flew after getting a nod from Sif.

"Should we go to the healing room to get you checked?" Kenichi asked

"No, I am okay I just got the wind knocked out of me that's all" Sif said as she showed Kenichi that she was perfectly fine by moving her body without any pain. "Let's go I will show you Asgard "


At the Same time on Earth.

"Where is Kenichi?" Darcy asked

"He jumped in the wormhole to follow the Asgardians" Tony replied as even though he wasn't paying attention his AI was and the moment Kenichi jumped into that wormhole JARVIS informed him.

""What?"" Darcy and Jane shouted in surprise

"Mr. Stark could you tell me why he did that?" Agent Coulson asked

"Heck if I know, that guy didn't even tell me and if it wasn't for Jarvis even I wouldn't have noticed it" Tony explained.

Before Coulson could ask anymore questions his Radio pinged and he got another report hearing which he wasn't pleased at all.

"Mr Stark do you know what happened to body if the droid that Thor destroyed?" Coulson asked Tony

"Huh! It has disappeared as well? But why the heck are you questioning me about it? I have been here all the time do you think it's possible for me to whisk them without your agents noticing it." Tony was getting irritated from Coulson's questions.

"If not you then Kenichi?" Coulson said

"I doubt it, as he had been with us until he jumped in to follow those Asgardians."

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