Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 65 - Kenichi VS Sougetsu

"You bastards our Gang has Ma Sougetsu and he won't let you go after what you did!?" said the blond

"See I told you he knows something doesn't he" said Kenichi with a smile towards Renka

Renka felt her face hear up after looking at his smile "Yes he dose" said Renka and started walking towards the blond guy as she was going to use him as a distraction.

"So tell me where will we find this Ma Sougetsu" said Renka to the blond as she cracked her knuckles.

Looking at Ma Renka then the blond Kenichi shook his head and muttered under his breath "Poor guy....."

After a little bit of beating from Renka the blond guy spoke and told them about the hiding place og there gang where Ma Sougetsu was most probably hiding.

"Ok now you can go back" said Renka to Kenichi.

"I will go after I make sure that you dont get yourself killed, that means it won't probably end so soon" said Kenichi.

"Ma Sougetsu isn't like a street thug whom you can beat so easily" said Renka

"That's why i can't let a girl like you to go alone on such a place like that" argued Kenichi making Renka blush a little.

"Where did papa found such a disciple!" thought Renka.

On the other side Ma Kensei has already found about that place through an informer of Hakubai.

In the thugs hideout Ma Sougetsu could already feel Ma Kensei's aura approaching near him

After few minutes Renka and Kenchi also reached the hideout of the mafia gang where Ma Sougetsu was present.

"You should stay behind me" said Kenichi to Renka.

"What you think i can't take care of my self" said Renka

"No not at all but i think as a man i am atleast capable of taking down these thugs right" said Kenichi

"Ok, alright" said Renka

So Kenichi in the front and Renka right behind him entered the hideout by kicking the door open and after that within minutes he took down all them.

"Hmm... Ma Sougetsu must be upstairs as i can feel an aura as strong as my masters" said Kenichi

"You can already feel his aura Exactly how strong are you" asked Renka in shock.

"Don't know i never went all out maybe today i will be able to do that " said Kenichi as he started walking upstairs.

"Hey, look lively! I want hakubai's shop burned down before the night is done" said the man in white coat who looked like there leader.

There was even TNT Explosive present within the boxes they were carrying. "So Mr. Sougetsu what do you think about my plan of blowing up your relatives shop" said the leader while looking at Ma Sougetsu who was drinking the booze.

"As long as i can drink and fight, i don't care what happens to anyone else" said Sougetsu.

"Well you are worse than we are" said the leader after which Sougetsu suddenly stood up.

"What are you trying to do sit down.... you aren't going to raise your hand your employer are you" said the leader.

Kenichi who was on the other side of the wall turned and held Renka by her waist then jumped back right after which the wall on there side broke and from it came two men one being beaten in such a way that his tooth broke and blood was leaking out of his mouth and the other man who had beaten was around the same height as Sakaki.

That was a fast reaction you had but i could have saved myself" said Renka

"I know but i wanted to save you so i did" said Kenichi.

"I thought i sensed Kensei's aura... But somehow it seems i mistook him for someone else..." said Sougetsu.

"MA SOUGETSU!!" shouted Renka.

"I guess it's time for me to move on." said Sougetsu

"Hold on uncle!!" shouted Rnka then jumped towards him with a flying kick at his direction while she said "Disgrace to the family!! take that"

"Renka stop" shouted Kenichi as he ran towards him while he took out his key and stripped his shirt to open his restrains.

Sougetsu moved his hand caught her but before he could push her against the wall and hurt her badly Kenichi had already removed his restraints and throwed it towards him.

Sougetsu looked at the restraints throwed towards him and let go of Renka as he tried to catch it but Kenichi has used his full strength without his internal energy so as he caught the restraints he was immediately surprised and ducked as he let go of them after which it continued to to move forward with "Boom" breaking the walls and out of the building.

Kenichi hurriedly went towards Renka, picked her up then stepped backwards so as to not get attacked by Sougetsu.

"She is your niece you know" said Kenichi while checking out Renka "Thankfully she isn't inujred badly and would be able to walk on her own" thought Kenichi

"As far as i am concern i dont have any blood relative" said Sougetsu.

Kenichi stood up and then took out his weight anklets and placed them near Renka then stood inhis battle stance.

Sougetsu raised an eyebrow when he looked at Kenichi removing his weight retstraints "How many of these is this kid carrying on his body"

Looking at Sougetsu! Kenichi released his internal energy knowing that he couldn't go easy on him and the moment he did that Sougetsu thought so that's the reason i felt the aura of Kensei from him.

As he released his internal energy Kenichi moved appearing infront of Sougetsu and used his knee to kick him at his stomach but Sougetsu blocked it with one of his hand and used his other to punch towards Kenichi who used his right hand to redirect the punch away from him then punched with his left hand but Sougetsu was ready for it as he brought a punch of his own.

"Bang" the punches connected with each other as both of them were Sougetsu was pushed a single step while Kenichi was pushed back 6 to 7 steps. From this exchange it could easily be seen that Sougetsu had the upper hand.

"Great job kid you have made me serious" said Sougetsu as he released his aura after which kenichi started to feel pressure as it was his first time seeing a Grand master release his own aura infront of Kenichi as his own masters would never do that.

Sougetsu then said "You ready kid as i am going to kill you if you don't beat me..."

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