Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 80: Loki's Trap

Chapter 80: Loki's Trap

"This little kid said he saw him go in that direction and also that there are 50 to 60 kids who were already there" Apachai said as he pointed towards the little bird sitting on Honoka's head.

"""What!?""" exclaimed Saeko, Miu and Renka in shock.

Akisame hearing said "Hmm... It sure doesn't look good"

"It's a trap laid for Kenichi, because they knew he would try to save his friend" Saeko said.

"We can't wait here the harbor is 20 minutes from here if we move fast then we will be able to help him" Miu said as she along with Saeko ran out of the room.

"Wait, I am coming as well" said Renka and followed after them.

Shigure also stood up and started walking away "Masters don't interfere in there disciples fight" said Akisame.

"Kenichi isn't my disciple and I am not going to interfere in his fight, I am just going to watch ocer the girls" said Shigure after which she left the room.

"Shigure is right we can just watch his fight from a distance without interfering in it" Sakaki said as he also walked out of the room.

"My daughter has followed Miu and Saeko so i have to go" Kensei said as he also went out.

"Let's go Apachai we will also see how big brother Kenichi beat the bad guys" Honoka said to which Apachai replied "Apa! we will cheer for Kenichi" after which he ran out of the room.

Only Hayato Furiniji and Akisame Koetsuji were left in the room as the rest have already left to look for Kenichi.

'You should also go and watch over Kenichi's fight Akisame" said Hayato.

"Didn't your daughter went for the same place elder! you should also go to watch over her" Akisame said.

"You should be proud of yourself as you have pissed me of" Kenichi said pushed the button of his restraints opening them up.

When Loki saw Kenichi come out of the encirclement and then saw the restraints he couldn't help but speak "Haha... You are an Idiot Kenichi Shirahama wearing those restraints while fighting, even without them do you think you can-"

"Banng!!" the restrains fell on the ground making a loud noise proving to everyone how heavy they were.

"What are you people doing creating so much noise, I forgot my last note" Siegfried said as he came out of his room and looked around while shouting at them.

Then he saw Kenichi whose hand was bleeding and the 40 of Loki's followers who were standing in front of him with different Kind of weapons in there hands.

"What is this Loki!?" asked Siegfried from Loki.

"This is Kenichi Shirahama who shamed me in front of the Ragnarok so I am punishing him" Loki replied.

Siegfried then looked at Kenichi then at the restraints on the ground and asked again "Are you sure they can punish him!?"

"Hehehe hahaha You guys have done it! hahaha you really pissed him off" said Niijima who was still tied up lying om the ground.

"Shut up! Pervert" said number 20 as she kicked Niijima.

"Hehehe you should run if you can as he won't let you go easily, if you get caught." Niijima continued.

"Then he can help me in composing a great song" Siegfried said as he looked at Kenichi who was now stretching his muscles.

"Crack crack" were the noises coming from Kenichi's body as he stretched his muscles and took out his cellphone and ringed a number "Hello is this Number 1 hospital, yeah can you please send your ambulance at Daves Harbor. There had been a great fight here and you will found around 50 to 60 kids lying here. Yes, Yes thank you" Kenichi talked with the hospital called the ambulance then disconnected his phone.

Looking at the boys standing in front of him Kenichi said"Now that the ambulance is coming in 10 minutes I won't have to worry about you all do I...."

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