Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 141: Excellent product quality

   (This chapter is the first rudder in this book, Feng Xue Yi Ling Jia Geng! Thank you for your reward and support! Lao Jin bows down and thanks!)

   Wanfeng smiled: "Hello, uncle! Has Grandpa's illness recovered?"

   "Okay, okay, I've been talking about your cantaloupe for the past two days. I have to go to the hospital to find you today, otherwise he would go by himself if I promised to buy it for him in these two days."

   Xia Qiulong looked puzzled: "Old Zhou, do you know Xiaowan?"

   "Haha, it's a acquaintance, come on, come in and sit in the house."

   After entering Manager Zhou’s office, Xia Qiulong also knew how Wan Feng and Zhou Bingde met.

   "Is it true that the father of a certain leader in that county ate Xiaowan's melon and was discharged from the hospital? Is it the old man?" Xia Qiulong was surprised.

   Wanfeng waved his hand quickly: "It's all rumors, it's not that magical. Grandpa Zhou's body is inherently leveraged, and eating melons is just an accident."

   "Hahaha, this can't be said to be an accident. My father really had an appetite after eating the cantaloupe of Brother Wanxiao and was discharged from the hospital."

   After the three people talked about a few more idle passages, the topic finally turned to the main topic.

Xia Qiulong said his intentions: "Old Zhou, it's such a thing. Xiaowan and his village opened a new brick and tile factory. Because it was newly opened, they couldn't find a market, so they found me and asked me to help. Looking for a market, I think of you. You must help me with this."

   After Wanfeng's guidance, Xia Qiulong's words this time were a bit more human.

   Zhou Bingde turned his face to look at Wan Feng: "Oh! Xiao Wan, you little guy is not easy. You can sell melons and contact bricks. You are young and promising. Let me introduce your team's brick factory first."

   Wanfeng began to introduce the Wahou Brick and Tile Factory, from the initial planning and construction to the production process, as well as the various products produced.

   Zhou Bingde nodded: "It is not easy for the farmer brothers to get a sideline to improve their lives. We should support it. By the way, have you brought samples?"

   "Take it, in the bicycle basket outside." In order to bring these samples, Wan Feng saved 20 catties of melons today and made 70 or 80 cents less.

   "I knew I wouldn't enter the house on your bike. I have to go. Go! Go out and have a look."

   A few people walked out of the house as soon as their **** sat warm.

   Wanfeng and Xia Qiulong’s bicycles stopped at the gate of Yijian, and Xiaowu watched them.

   Xia Qiulong and Wan Feng accompanied Zhou Bingde out of the gate of Yijian to the bicycle.

   The two baskets of Wanfeng bicycle are covered with two pieces of cloth. When the cloth is opened, the sample of the bottom of the basket is exposed, two pieces of cement tiles of different styles, one red brick and one cement brick.

   Zhou Bingde did not go to look at the bricks, but picked up the two cement tiles of different styles for the first time.

   "Hey, this tile is quite interesting. I have been in the construction industry for more than 20 years, and I have never seen such a tile."

   How fresh is this, this is the lowest style 30 years later, of course you haven't seen it now.

   "This is the latest product developed by our Wahou Brick and Tile Factory. We have spent a lot of thoughts in order to be beautiful and durable. After thousands of experiments, more than ten tons of cement were wasted for the experiment."

   In fact, Wanfeng designed this style to be useless for even five minutes. He used a pen to scribble on the scratch paper according to his memory.

   As for the number of experiments, there are indeed a lot of times, but there are definitely not thousands of times, and the cement used in the experiment is only five tons.

   Of course, this is allowed to be exaggerated. Anyway, Zhou Bingde can't go to the scene to investigate.

   Zhou Bingde nodded in satisfaction after you carefully looked at the front and aspect of these two tiles: "The appearance is very novel and beautiful, but I don't know the quality?"

While speaking,    gently touched the two tiles on his hand, and then listened to the sound of the tiles.

The sound of    tile's light impact is very clear and crisp with a little continuous vibrato.

  The quality of the tiles that can make this sound is almost always first-class excellent. Although Zhou Bingde rarely touches cement tiles, he still understands these basic knowledge.

   "Have you ever done a withstand voltage test?"

   "We have a product quality inspection certificate."

   This is not Wanfeng's bragging. The products of Wahou Brick and Tile Factory really have a certificate issued by the Quality Inspection Bureau. This thing was produced by the people of Zhanghaituo Commune. It is not clear whether Wanfeng has actually been inspected.

   He can't know everything when he's not at home every day.

   "Let’s introduce the advantages and disadvantages of your cement tile."

   Zhou Bingde seems to have shown great interest in cement tiles.

"The biggest advantage of the cement tiles produced by our factory is that they are beautiful and practical, and strong, and the cost is almost the same as those of the fired butterfly tiles on the market. Although our flat tiles are one-third more expensive than butterfly tiles, Because our tile area is large and the number of pieces used for one square is small, the project cost is almost the same. In addition, using our tile construction will greatly speed up the progress of the project and save a lot of man-hours."

   Zhou Bingde nodded: "What are the advantages?"

   "If you have any more, it is the source of goods. We will ensure that we will adequately supply your company's needs. We will have as much as you want."

Different from kiln-fired The simple production of cement tiles can completely form the situation of the production line. Although it requires a one-month curing period, this curing period will not be displayed at all once there is sufficient product supply. Can be supplied uninterrupted.

  And how you can make the tiles of the kiln, you can't offset the time of the kiln.

   Zhou Bingde nodded, and Wan Feng was telling the truth. There was nothing to question.

   "Now that I have finished talking about the advantages, let's talk about the disadvantages."

   Wanfeng thought for a while and said, "The disadvantages seem to be nothing but oxidation."

   Oxidation of cement products is a problem everyone knows. It belongs to the commonness of cement, and there is nothing to hide.

   Zhou Bingde didn't say anything, then picked up a piece of tile and flicked it with his fingers, and suddenly lifted it up and slammed it to the ground.

   Xia Qiulong and Xiao Wu yelled without any intention.

   Wanfeng said nothing.

   Zhou Bingde This is trying the quality of tiles.

   It's a pity that Bingde didn't fall the tile well this week but fell on the ground standing upright, because the ground was not hardened, except that the tile corner smashed the ground into a small hole, not even a corner fell off.

   Without waiting for Zhou Bingde to bend over, Wan Feng quickly picked up the tile and handed it to Zhou Bingde.

   Zhou Bingde took this tile and looked at it carefully and said to himself: "It's interesting!"

   After speaking, he lifted the tile again and threw it to the ground.

   This time the tile is not standing up, but falling flat on the ground.

   "Pop!" The earthy ground was smashed into a small hole, and the tiles were still intact.

   "Uncle, I think you should find a hard ground and hit it. It's estimated that you won't break it with two blows on this sandy ground."

   "It makes sense."

   Zhou Bingde took the tiles and went to the side of the road.

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