Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 1723: 丨What to read

Pan Zhenlin also knew that it was impossible for him to take away the drawings. 35xs

The other party is obviously not an idiot, so just take it away just think about it.

But he was unwilling to buy it like this, what if it was a fake?

He himself couldn't tell the truth from the false.

After thinking about it, Pan Zhenlin patted his head.

Was he dizzy when he heard the news? Why didn't he call two technicians over in advance?

He is Kang Hui’s agent. Although Kang Hui uses Nissan Fujitsu’s technology, there are still senior technicians in the company. Ask two to come over and identify it, isn’t it the end?

"Mr. Wan! Do you think this is good? I'll find someone who knows how to come over and see if this is okay?"

Wan Feng nodded, "Of course it's okay, just watch it!"

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and make a phone call, I'll come as I go."

After Pan Zhenlin went out, Wan Feng thought for a while and picked up his eldest brother to make a phone call.

After the call, Wan Feng and Han Guang's family sat in this cafe and waited boredly for Pan Zhenlin's return.

This cafe is about four meters long and three meters wide, with a window facing the building outside. It is inferred from the height that they should be on the third floor now.

I didn't think much about how many floors I was in Wanfeng. Instead, I thought of such a space in my head. What kind of physical reaction would a family of three live in?

This is not a whimsical problem of brain damage, because the people of Hunan and Hong Kong are rushing along this road.

After a few more than ten years or even twenty years later, most of the Xiang-Hong Kong families will live in such a large space.

Ten levels and twenty levels are their future destination.

They live in a big space like squeezed crickets, and they have no regrets or regrets.

What makes Wanfeng strange is that after many years they did not go to raise the flag for such a bad living environment, but they ran out to the street to fight for some self-traveling.

How idle is this!

About ten minutes later, Pan Zhenlin finally returned with two people who looked like technicians.

Two technicians looked older one year old, and one very young, both wearing glasses.

Neither of them seemed to have looked at Wanfeng and Han Guang's house, and went straight to the tea table.

"Mr. Wan! Show your information to our technicians."

Wan Feng took out the information again and put it on the tea table.

The first person to look at the information was the young man. When the young man looked at the information, the middle-aged technician stood in front of the window and looked at the street view outside the window, as if a philosopher was thinking about life.

"Why is this information different from the switch of hw18?" The young man said in a slightly surprised tone after looking at it for a few minutes.

"Why is it different? Take a good look." Pan Zhenlin reminded.

"It's really different. Although it looks roughly the same, there are many key points in it that are unreasonable, and some are even nonsense. 35xs"

"Xiao Xie! Do you mean these drawings are fake?"

"It can't be said that all of them are fake. Some of them are valuable, but they are not of much value."

Wan Feng had forgotten to blink his eyes.


What happened to Lao Tzu's own house turned out to be fake?

Isn't this really the train kisses—is it a ghost (track)!

Pan Zhenlin looked up at Wan Feng, "Mr. Wan! My technician said that your drawings are not all true!"

Wan Feng didn't answer, his mind was moving fast.

His head is now like a universe, and his brain cells are the large and small stars in the universe running at high speed, fission and explosion.

After 30 million laps, Wan Feng sorted out the matter.

I told Pan Zhenlin that the information was obtained by his subordinates, so the impression left in Pan Zhenlin's mind was that he didn't understand the information.

Since I don’t understand it, I’m so fooled, I’ll just ask someone to say that there’s a problem with this information.

The reason why the people who Pan Zhenlin didn't say that the information was fake was to leave a gap for them to buy.

If one bite insists that it is fake, then they will buy it later, isn't it slapped in the face!

Since it's fake, you still buy it?

He said that it was half-truth and half-false, and he had an excuse to say that it was the real part of the purchase, and of course he would not give too much money.

This is also a means to keep prices down.

Have all the paralyzed cheaters evolve to this advanced stage?

"Haha! Pan manager, it's impossible. They all say that they don't have any hair on their lips. I am skeptical of this little brother's business level. You didn't find a street sweeper outside to pretend to be a professor, right? "

"Mr. Wan! Just kidding, Xiao Xie is a new senior technician of Kanghui Electronics."

"Senior technician? Really?"

The technician named Xiao Xie was filled with indignation, "You can look down on my youth, but you must not insult my profound knowledge."

Yoha! This is still exciting.

"Profound knowledge? Which university did you graduate from?"

"Graduated from the 87th class of Xianggang Science and Technology."

Xianggang University of Science and Technology? Which scientist in the world was trained by this school? Are there any famous inventions?

A school that cultivates real estate and financial talents in the name of science and engineering?

"Since you graduated from the University of Science and Technology, then I will test you for a word. Knowing you means real or not knowing you is fake. Are you interested in experimenting? I don't want to write complicated words just by drawing."

"One drawn character? Then you can write it Wan Feng took out a pen and paper and wrote a character.

"Don't read it and don't tell me to read it, then I will laugh at you."

The young man named Xiao Xie is dumbfounded, is this a word? Isn't this just a stroke? If this is a word, what should it be if you don’t say 1 or vertical?

"Haha! Didn't you know each other?"

"This is not a word at all." Xiao Xie was arrogant.

"This is really a word, I tell you to remember it, and you'll get out of this word!"


"Don't believe me! Go look it up in the dictionary! Now you can roll."

After talking about Wanfeng steering wheel Zhenlin.

"Manager Pan, everyone is a walker, don't think I can pretend to be an old fox in front of me when I'm young. If you don't buy it sincerely, just say it, is it fun to play this?"

Pan Zhenlin smiled and didn't smile "Mr. Wan! I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't look at me young. The bridges I walked may not be much less than the road you walked. If you want to keep the price down, just say it openly. Don't mess with the things in the ditch on the side of the road.

"Hey! Mr. Wan! You have misunderstood. Maybe Xiao Xie has little experience in his youth. It's normal to make some mistakes, just because I am afraid of such a thing. Didn't I find two masters, Master An! Xiao Xie may have less experience. If you are not sure, you should go and see for yourself."

These people didn't learn it seriously, but they learned quite well in a mess.

Both hands are ready, and if you are found out, find a young man with experience and skills, and you will fool it.


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