Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2101: Xianggang people do industry

Cheng Huimin thought that Lin Lairong was going up and down, but she did not expect to get involved in manufacturing. This is unthinkable in the minds of Xianggang people.

The idea of ​​the people in Xianggang is to make quick money and daydream about getting rich overnight.

"By the way, President Lin! I heard that your family Rongrong has made a boom in the trade that was originally planned to give up, is it true?"

When Cheng Huimin asked this Lin Juchuang blushed: "Xiaocheng! Although you are twenty years younger than me, I have never regarded you as an outsider. Let’s be honest, Rongrong’s Juchuang Trading now owns assets. There are more real estates than Juchuang’s current main business, Juchuang, I really didn’t expect it."

Cheng Huimin was surprised: "Really?"

Juchuang Real Estate has developed well in the past two years. Now its assets have exceeded 10 billion, and it is firmly in the leading position of the second-tier real estate industry in Xianggang.

If the assets of Juchuang Trading surpass those of Juchuang Real Estate, if the two companies merge, they can be among the first-class enterprises in Hunan and Hong Kong.

"I never thought that when I asked her to run Juchuang Trading, Juchuang was ready to transfer all of its energy to real estate, but Rongrong gave us a miracle."

"Then how did she do it?"

"It was to get Xiaowan's company some things he needed from overseas, and then the two parties trusted and obtained the overseas agency rights of Xiaowan Group's products. The overseas sales of these products alone made several billion yuan. Xiao Wan is a magical person. It's okay if you contact him more, you won't suffer."

Lin Juchuang also talked about Wan Feng's purchase of football in Xianggang and the inversion of stocks in Russia.

However, he didn't know how much Wan Feng made in Russia's stocks, because Lin Lairong also didn't know.

But it is certain that Wan Feng has made amazing profits in Russia, because his bank account in Xianggang received an amazing amount of money in those days.

The conversation with Lin Juchuang greatly changed Cheng Huimin's mind. After drinking tea with Lin Juchuang and returning home, he almost didn't sleep in the middle of the night. He felt that Wanfeng was a person who could cooperate sincerely.

In fact, he is not the kind of person who clings to the concept of bricks, he thinks he can do something.

Early the next morning, he called Lin Lairong and said he wanted to talk to Wan Feng.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Cheng Huimin saw Wanfeng in the morning tea room of Juchuang Hotel.

Cheng Huimin was a little surprised when he saw Wanfeng. Wanfeng looked tired as if he hadn't slept all night.

"Brother Xiaowan! You are..."

Wan Feng waved his hand and took a sip of coffee.

This thing is so terrible: "Give me a cup of milk tea, what is it?"

Shi Cong exchanged a cup of milk tea for Wan Feng.

"Don't mention it, I didn't sleep all night."

"It doesn't matter if young people play, but you have to cherish your body. When I was young, I was just like you, alas!"

Wan Feng, who was originally tired of spirits, immediately came to the spirit: "Empty the gun!"

Cheng Huimin was depressed.

"Brother! Since you called me brother just now, then I will call you brother. It's not what you thought. Something happened to us last night. One of my brothers was injured."

"What? Are you injured? Tell me."

Wan Feng recounted to Cheng Huimin what he had learned from Guo Xianrong.

Cheng Huimin frowned and pondered for a while and asked, "Do you know who did it?"

Wan Feng shook his head.

"Do you have enemies in Xianggang?"

"I predict it is related to Yuehui." Wan Feng said again about Luolie's visit to Yuehui yesterday.

"Luo Lie?" Cheng Huimin scratched his head.

Of course, Luo Lie Cheng Huimin is familiar with him, and he is almost an actor of the same generation, and the familiar can no longer be familiar.

"Well, how about I tell you how to talk together?"

"What can I say, he injured my person, does he have the money to pay for it?"

"Brother Xiaowan! How about my face?"

Wan Feng pretended to ponder for a minute and nodded: "Brother Cheng said so, this face is a must."

Cheng Huimin took out his eldest brother on the spot and asked someone to arrange this meeting.

Arranged in a few minutes.

"Brother Cheng! Why are you in a hurry when you came to see me this morning?"

"Brother! What you said yesterday about the real estate in Xianggang is only a year later. I want to start a business this year. I am more than 50 this year, and the entertainment industry hasn't been mixed for a few days. It’s time to make plans."

Cheng Huimin's statement also makes sense. It will take another year and a half for Xianggang Real Estate to be cut in half. Isn't it a waste of one and a half years for the name?

"If Brother Cheng wants to work in real estate, I don't have much resources in Xianggang, but I have a lot of land in Shenzhen, or if you buy a drawing, I can transfer a plot of land to build a building for you."

"Brother! I want to develop towards manufacturing."

Cheng Huimin's words really went beyond Wanfeng's expectations: "Brother Cheng! Are you going to play manufacturing? Did I hear that right?"

"It's true. I want to make something. Brother has a project to advise him."

Is this the wrong string in the brain? The people of Hunan and Hong Kong are going to engage in manufacturing!

How can their eagerness for quick success and quick profit do Cheng Ge! Let me tell you the truth, the manufacturing industry is a slow-to-profit industry. It may take two to three years for a project to pay back its costs, and it will not be as profitable as real estate and finance when it is profitable. Maybe the first year of the business you founded is not as profitable as the pay for making a movie. Can you think about it? "

"Brother! I know you are right. I also do some wine business in Xianggang, and I don’t have to worry about food and clothes. I have a child, so how can I say it’s a little tricky. I want to find a serious career for him, and I want him Become a decent person."

Cheng Huimin's son Wan Feng also knows that in his previous life, he married a small mainland star, and because of poor career development, the woman divorced and created a lot of **** plots for the custody of the child.

But now Cheng Huimin's son is just like the 13th Four. Is it too early to prepare for these things?

"Brother! Your son doesn't seem to be old, so he has to wait until he finishes his studies. Now the design is a bit early."

"I want to lay a foundation for him now while I'm still good, otherwise it won't be easy to say that I will be around in more than ten years."

Wan Feng nodded, not without reason.

"I am preparing to set up a mobile phone processing factory. If you are interested, I can let you do it. Think about it."

Huaguang mobile phones have factories in Beiliao to supply the northern and Beihe capitals, and Shanghai also supplies to central China. On the contrary, it is unscientific that there are no processing companies in the southeast coastal area where the economy is developing fastest.

Following the completion of the Shenzhen Buji Scientific Research Building, Wanfeng is planning to open a mobile phone and computer processing company in Shenzhen.

If Cheng Huimin is interested, Wan Feng doesn't mind transferring it to the other party, so he will only earn a processing fee.

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