Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2114: Have successors

After studying the car parts that Wan Feng handed over to him, Gu Hongzhong was playing with the joint combat command system.

The idea of ​​joint command in his mind stemmed from a video of the Gulf War he saw when he was helping in the military district.

He was inspired by the fighting style of the coalition forces, and his idea has also received the attention of the military.

The popular explanation of this concept is to allow all combat commanders on the battlefield to get as much data as possible on the battlefield as soon as possible within their own responsibilities.

Provide an accurate basis for follow-up action decisions.

This system actually needs departments at the level of the general staff to design and improve it and promote its implementation.

At the level of Gu Hongzhong, it is only a feasibility study.

Gu Hongzhong's advantage is that he has technical talent in the field of electronic semiconductors, but these alone are not enough.

Fortunately for him, Nandawan built an intranet last year, and the Nanwan Group has a lot of computer experts.

These people are all in Xu Meilin's department.

Gu Hongzhong let Xu Meilin display some data of Red 2b that the military had eliminated on the terminal for him to study.

But there is no real radar to collect data on the spot, it feels like a paper talk.

Just as Zhu Guoxiong came, Gu Hongzhong asked him to demonstrate on-site.

This Zhu Guoxiong can't be the master himself, he needs to go back and conduct research.

Zhu Guoxiong and Wan Feng agreed to wait for the day when the big ship arrived in Bohai to meet them together, and then went in a hurry.

Wanfeng began to pave the way for the development of the group in the new year after sending away the heroes of the countries.

At this time, Wanfeng was looking at the Suzuki King gs125, which was only listed by Qingqi Group.

This year's motorcycle market continued the chaos of last year. The emergence of many engine manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers made the motorcycle market chaotic in the past two years.

Jialing and Jianshe, among the three major state-owned enterprises, are in trouble. The reason for their trouble is that they are not sufficiently psychologically prepared for the market's changes, their response to new products is slow, and they are always holding on to old products that have remained unchanged for many years. Adjust the industrial structure in a timely manner.

Jialing is still holding 70, and Jianshe is holding 80. It is strange that they are not in trouble.

Another problem is the triangle debt problem.

Those who sell cars owe them to build cars, and those who build cars owe parts to them, forming a vicious circle in which you owe me and I owe him and he owes him, almost binding the hands and feet of every link.

Almost all state-owned and private companies have encountered this problem.

The three state-owned motorcycle companies at that time also made Qingqi's life easier.

Qingqi is better than it is not without these problems, but thanks to the introduction of the Suzuki King 125 in 1996, when the sales of the other two companies were severely declining, Qingqi went against the wind and achieved a year-on-year growth of 20%. .

Because Nanwan Motors has greatly reduced the production capacity of old motorcycles, and simply eliminated ax100 and replaced it with Feiyue 100, so far, although the sales of Nanwan Motors have not increased much, they have not declined, and at least they have kept it. Last year’s results, and also slightly increased.

Another advantage of Nanwan Motors is that there is no triangle debt.

The sales system of Nanwan Motors is different from that of other manufacturers.

Because the agency's layer-by-layer wholesale model has long been used instead of a direct sales model, the troubles in this regard have been reduced to the greatest extent.

Distributors take money to pick up the car, and of course they can’t pick up the car if they don’t.

Although the problem of product backlog has also appeared in direct sellers, due to the forward-looking technology of South Bay Motors and the brand effect accumulated over the years, it still maintains a high rate of operation. The product backlog is only temporary, which is the sales cycle. It's a little longer than before.

In this year's situation, direct sellers are also more cautious in purchasing goods. Almost all adopt the model of selling a few units and buying a few units. Therefore, the sales system of South Bay has avoided the triangle debt phenomenon well.

There is no triangle debt in Nanwan. Although motorcycle sales have not grown much, they have maintained their previous momentum. It stands to reason that Wanfeng has nothing to worry about.

But Wan Feng's mood is not relaxed. Learning is like traveling against the current and retreating if you don't advance. In fact, whatever career you do is the same.

There must be a sense of preferential treatment. Now Qingqi's Suzuki King has brought pressure to Nanwan.

The 125 engine of Nanwan Group does not know how far it has been studied.

Chen Dao doesn't do much research on engines in the front line now. Many of the old people in Nanwan Group have now delegated the responsibility of research and development to young people.

Gu Hongzhong has Shan Renhui and Yu Zhengdong, one is in charge of mobile phones and the other is in charge of lcd, Asada's letter department has Gun Fulai, diesel engines have Tibetan officers, gearboxes have control over the sky, and memory has Fu Guotao.

Of course, Chen Dao also had a leader, a master student named Ginguo and she was still a woman.

If Ginguo does not wear a pair of glasses on her face, she is a pretty delicate girl, looking at Wenwen quietly. But at work, she was more cruel than men, and the people she led secretly called her white-skinned.

The 100 EFI engine was actually completed under her leadership.

The Ginkgo team is now in the public relations 125 engine.

Nanwan Group must take out the 125 model as soon as possible, otherwise it will be seriously behind in the 125.

Wan Feng asked Chen Dao tentatively, and Chen Dao was He told Wan Feng not to worry, there would be good news.

With Chen Dao's statement, Wan Feng was relieved. Judging from Chen Dao's attitude, the 125 engine won't take too long to succeed.

Most of the directors of Xianggang, except for a few inks, lead a film very quickly.

It took a full month for "Heaven and Earth Ambition" to be released in the mainland, so there are no negative mainland shots in the film, and the post-production is accompanied by Chinese at the same time.

The post-editing process also takes some time, and it is estimated that it will be the next year after all the processing is completed.

The film will be released in Xianggang at the end of January, and it will be released a little later on the mainland. It is expected to be released on February 1.

February 7th is the Spring Festival, and the Spring Festival will pass during the film's release, which can be regarded as an attempt for a New Year film.

After the Red Fan District entered the mainland with New Year's films in 1995, the concept of New Year's films began to appear in the hearts of mainlanders.

Originally, the first Chinese New Year film was "Party A and Party B", which was released at the end of 1997.

Now the name belongs to "Heaven and Earth Ambition".

The film’s lead starring Liu Dehua, Yuehui, Cheng Huimin, to Wan Feng’s surprise, Yang Jianguo also went abroad, and he played the role of a bodyguard in it.

Because some special effects require huge funds, this became a flaw in the previous film.

In this life, this problem no longer exists. In the special effects alone, an additional 4 million was invested in the film, so that the originally planned investment of 10 million became 14 million, plus 2 to 3 million for advertising. Cost, the total investment in this film reached 17 million.

This is already a big production in Xianggang.


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