Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2149: Family outing

Sitting on the bed, Zhang Xuan smiled like a chrysanthemum when he saw Wan Feng coming in, and she showed a look that could not bear the breeze.

"Okay, my dear, it's time to go home, don't play around in bed, come! Husband will put shoes on for you."

Wan Feng put on Zhang Xuan's shoes, then bent over and hugged Zhang Xuan horizontally in front of his chest and carried Zhang Xuan out of the house to say hello to Zhang Zhiyuan and He Yanxia.

"Parents! Let's go!"

Zhang Zhiyuan and He Yanxia nodded with a smile.

After the people who were waiting for the relatives left, Zhang Zhiyuan and his wife were left in the empty house of Zhang's family.

He Yanxia couldn't help feeling sad, and she shed tears.

Zhang Zhiyuan glared at his wife: "What are you crying! You should be happy when Xuan'er gets married, you are not promising!"

While Zhang Zhiyuan blamed his wife for crying, Wan Feng was asking Zhang Xuan the opposite question.

When going downstairs, Wan Feng asked strangely: "Why don't you cry?"

"Why cry?"

"Other girls cry when they get married, and of course they will cry if they can't do their filial piety in front of them when they are far away."

"It's too late for me to be happy, so I won't cry. Why do you ask some unexpected topics?"

"Doesn't this fit the distinctive style of old man Yushu Linfeng?"

"Let's pull it down, it's the truth to be different. As for Yushu Linfeng, I haven't noticed it at all, except for his height. Nothing else has anything to do with Yushu Linfeng."

"Then why are you crying and crying to come up, it won't work if you don't want to code, or I will send you back now."

Wan Feng turned around on purpose.

Zhang Xuan quickly grabbed Wan Feng's neck: "It's impossible, I can't send it back."

"Who said it's impossible? I'm throwing you to the ground now, whoever wants to take it."

"Fuck you! You are taking advantage of it and still behaved."

All the way to the downstairs, Zhang Xuan stuffed Zhang Xuan into the back seat of the car, and said to Han Guang's family: "Three brothers! You can go now."

"Don't say hello to the people from South Bay Motor?"

"This is not usual. At this time, if you just think about your daughter-in-law, who will take care of them and drive!"

Han Guang's family smiled and started the car out of the residential area of ​​Nanwan Automobile.

Along the way, Zhang Xuan embraced Wan Feng tenderly and affectionately, making Wan Feng feel uncomfortable like a lice on his body.

The car didn't come out of the black reef but made a circle along another road to Wulu Town.

This is the idea of ​​the video master.

These videos are purely idle, and they show bad tricks.

At about eleven o'clock, the car that made a circle returned to Jiang Wei Wanfeng's home.

As soon as the car stopped, drums and firecrackers rang.

In the melodious suona, Wan Feng, who got out of the car first, opened the door on Zhang Xuan's side and took Zhang Xuan's hand and got out of the car.

In the center of the yard, the invited host of ceremonies presided over the wedding ceremony.

It took ten minutes before Wan Feng sent Zhang Xuan into the bridal chamber.

Zhang Xuan’s new house is not the one where Wan Feng and Luan Feng got married, but the one next door.

Luan Feng held Wan Chongyang in the crowd watching the excitement, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

Next is the wedding banquet.

In and out of Wanfeng's yard, there were tables all the way to the open space outside the gate.

Just don't count on Wanfeng's scale hotel, three or five hotels simply can't fit, so you can only use big pot dishes.

There are three gangs of masters who cook big pot dishes alone, because there are so many people who don’t accept Lilai, and they put more than 150 tables.

When it was time to toast, Wan Feng and Zhang Xuan came out to toast a few tables symbolically.

There are too many tables.

After the banquet was over, the video master took Wan Feng to wander around with a nice view of Jiangwei.

By the Inna River and on the Nanda Mountain in Wanxin Park, I recorded a video for an afternoon, which made the two of them tossing hard.

Has been tossing until it gets dark.

When I was in the bridal chamber, I used Wanfeng's words to say that the custards were really tossing, and Wanfeng was tossing hard.

When these guys finished their tossing, Wan Feng fell asleep on the bed with clothes on.

When he woke up, he found that Zhang Xuan was also lying next to him, sleeping like a purple cat in the cartoon "The Smurfs".

When Wan Feng and Zhang Xuan were tired and dressed to sleep, a big country on the other side of the Pacific was staged a comedy.

This day, the main media in the United States suddenly published such an advertisement.

"The epoch-making computer operating system Netscape Huaguang 97 is equipped with Netscape Navigator 3.0 browser, flying at the same speed to take you into the new century."

The advertisement enumerates the various advantages of the new operating system in detail, and the sensational animation does give people a feeling of flying into the new century.

As soon as the advertisement came out, the Netscape stock, which had fallen to 28 meters that day, seemed to have been hit with a cardiotonic, turned around and rushed up and closed at 35 meters.

At the same time, the system disks priced at 180 meters in major retail stores flowed into the homes of ordinary people like a flood that burst a bank.

The Netscape Huaguang 97 system, which is powerful in all functions and has as many as 33 new functions, has begun a Jedi counterattack against Weisoft.

After stocks bottomed out on the first day of July 1, Netscape stocks surged for three consecutive days.

Three days later, the stock market has risen to 59 yuan.

The shipment volume of the system disk reached one million within three days.

After several days of strong rebound, Weiruan became Netscape’s stock rose, and Weiruan’s stock inevitably fell. In three days, Netscape’s market value rose by several billion meters. Under the circumstances, the market value of Vsoft has fallen by more than tens of billions of meters.

Mr. Weiruan's president changed his words and fidgeted like an ant on a hot pot.

He never expected that Netscape's counterattack this time was not in the browser, but went straight to his old desktop system.

As soon as Netscape released the desktop system, the programmers of Weisoft bought a set, and it was cool to install it.

Not to mention that compared with the Ninety-Five that they are currently selling, it is much more powerful and stable than the Ninety-eight that they have not yet successfully developed.

That is to say, Plague is dead ninety-eight, which has fallen behind before the research and development is successful.

If you want to turn defeat into victory, Windows 98 still needs to add new features that are at least as good as Netscape Huaguang 1997.

As a result, Windows 98, which was originally planned to be released in June next year, has to be postponed, and it is not yet known when it will be postponed.

Not to mention the postponement, it is unknown whether Vsoft can survive without postponement. Where will Netscape give Vsoft a chance to breathe.

Marco Anderson will not give Weiruan a chance to breathe, and Wan Feng naturally hopes that Weiruan will die quickly.

But now he doesn't have time to care whether Weiruan is going to die. After returning home for three days, he started to take the group of relatives to see the pandas.

Wan Feng's parents, Luan Feng's parents, Zhang Xuan's parents, plus Wan Feng, Luan Feng, Zhang Xuan, and Wan Chongyang's family of four, plus eight accompanying protectors.

This was two more people than Luan Feng had planned.

A group of 18 people carried the camera and video recorder from Jiangwei to Bohai by train, and then took a plane to Chengdu.


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