Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2156: Alzheimer's disease

"Huh? Zhang Xuan is going to act? Are you guys too good at playing?" Han Guang's family was very strange when he saw Wan Feng slouched and said the reason.

"Oh! I have a second-degree ill, I didn’t do it either! Our two wives are both superb, and they are like Monkey King all day long. This is now ready to develop like a sentimental Xiaojiabiyu, third brother! What do you mean by this day? Can you still live?"

Han Guangjia chuckled: "How wonderful it is! Wind, rain, electricity and thunder, life! How wonderful you are!"

Han Guang's family is rarely poetic.

"Your Liang Hongying is a fire. Now there is fire. I also hope that you can get another one with rain attributes. You won't be singing high-profile there anymore."

"I am not going to enjoy this kind of life in my life, brother! Take care!"

Wan Feng hummed into the cinema.

In order to look realistic, Zhang Xuan and Wan Feng separated when approaching the cinema and did not go in together.

The couple wanted to perform a gentle play, and Han Guang's family felt that he was not qualified to participate, so he sat in the car outside and took a nap.

Wan Feng went into the cinema and was dumbfounded.

There were no twenty people in the early movie theater.

Is the scene so popular?

I need to find any seat, just sit on it...just lying down on it, I won’t be able to use it.

But Wan Feng has to find a seat. Where can I meet Zhang Xuan if he doesn't look for a seat?

After searching for a long time in the dark, I finally found the number on the ticket. I wonder if the people in the cinema would think that his head is sick.

He sat with Zhang Xuan on the entire row of chairs.

Zhang Xuan sitting there upright is indeed very charming.

I don't know if it is the darkroom effect, Wan Feng feels that Zhang Xuan is very charming today.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Xuan said coldly.

It seems that there is no such sentence in the script she wrote?

"Beauty! Come alone? Is there anyone?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"What if you don't have someone to consider me? I am suave, have a car and a house, and have a son with a child to take away his mother."

The play can't be performed.

Zhang Xuan couldn't help but laughed, and stretched out his hand to twist on Wan Feng's body: "Where is this word, where is this word? I know you are here to make trouble, not acting!"

She knew that the play would not go on smoothly.

The play stopped, but Wan Feng still watched a movie with Zhang Xuan honestly.

The movie is well-acted, humorous and very laughable.

Zhang Xuan was trembling with a smile on Wan Feng's body.

"That actress does look like me, and I really suspect that I once had a sister out of town."

"Hehe! I have to go home and ask you Lao Tzu."

"My dad never even went out in Wu County before."

"Maybe Yuehui's mother had been to Longjiang back then, maybe."

Zhang Xuan stopped talking, and decided in her heart that she had time to ask her if there was any wind blowing outside when I was young.

The play with Zhang Xuan did not go on, but the script written by Zhang Xuan Wanfeng really planned to be shot.

He is also preparing to let Zhang Xuan write a movie about twins, and let Zhang Xuan and Yuehui star together.

After watching the movie and returning home, Zhang Xuan really listened to Wan Feng and started writing the script.

After drawing Zhang Xuan's attention to the creation, Wan Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't have to accompany Zhang Xuan in acting.

He accompanies Zhang Xuan to play Luan Feng and will join in the fun when he knows it. He will perform another play with Luan Feng.

He's not the king, can he do something serious? Acting with two wives every day, they still don't pay.

You have to do business.

Wanfeng's business today is to inspect the Ascendas Technical School.

Ascendas Technical School has been established for many years this year. Over the years, thousands of students from this technical school have entered various enterprises in Jiangwei Industrial Zone every year.

There are probably more than 20,000 people in total.

With the advancing of time, some subjects are no longer suitable for the needs of the times.

For example, clothing processing and cutting is no longer the main technique that girls learn.

Now that there are fewer and fewer people making their own clothes, ready-to-wear shops are already a sunset industry.

And some high-tech disciplines are becoming new favorites.

Computer classes started by programmers sent by Huaguang Technology have become popular among young people.

As long as those who have graduated from high school and junior high school have their own unique talents in computers, Huaguang Technology will employ them after graduation.

Wan Feng knows very well that since 1995, code farmers have been the most important force to promote the advancement of society.

Therefore, he closed subjects such as clothing cutting and construction, and taught them all into computer classes.

Although these people have never entered the university gates, they may not produce excellent programmers.

Xu Meilin is a living example.

As long as there is a person like Xu Meilin among these people, it will make a profit.

The current technology reserved items include auto repair, mechanical processing design, home appliance repair, computer knowledge and semiconductor applications.

Wan Feng quietly walked through the window of the classroom and looked at the students in the classroom who are studying These people probably regretted not studying hard at school. If they had studied hard at the beginning, where would they need to enter again? Learn it on campus.

In a blink of an eye, Zhou Bingde has been in this technical school for many years. Although a lot of gray hair has appeared on his head, his spirit is still vigorous.

Over the years, he has put all his thoughts on this technical school. Under his strict supervision, there hasn't been a fight, gangster or theft in the technical school for so many years.

For this reason, Wanfeng gave a bonus to the technical school last year.

"God! You are too old. If you don't have a technical school, let someone else take care of it. You can also enjoy the good fortune when you are old, but you can take a walk and see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

Zhou Bingde squinted, "Why, start to despise me for being old? Are you going to chase me away?"

"That's not what I meant. I think it's time for you to enjoy the blessing when you are old. It's okay to coax your grandson to dance the old age dance or something."

"I counted three and disappeared from me. Your kid made me angry when he came."

"If you are always reluctant to pay that little salary, I will give you 20,000 yuan a year..."

Hold the grass! What does the old man mean by taking off his slippers?

"How do you always depend on it? I'm doing it for your own good. Taking advantage of the fact that you can move around now, even if you can't see the mountains and rivers of the whole country, you can just look at the provinces. You won't be able to walk in two years. I don’t even want to see it..."

Zhou Bingde smoothly raised the slippers in his hand.

As soon as Wan Feng turned his head, he ran and said, "You old man is always confused, I am doing it for your own good."

"Swish" slippers flew over and patted someone's back accurately.

Zhou Bingde's laughter sounded from behind.

Wan Feng was depressed.

It's over, and another dementia that doesn't matter is born.


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