Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2166: Purchasing Mission

Rebirth of the New Farmer in the 1980s Chapter 2166 Procurement Mission Audio Novel Online Listening

Wan Feng was relaxed after throwing Lei out, so he didn't have to worry about it this time.

Zhu Guoxiong is not an expert in bomb disposal. He put this mine aside, thinking about whom to use this mine to blow up.

"Does the kid have any premonitions that I am happy to say without picking."

Wan Feng thought for a while and shook his head, "No more."

In fact, one big thing happened in the past two months.

On March 23, 1998, the J-10 aircraft independently developed by China made its maiden flight.

The scene of the test pilot stepping off the plane and crying bitterly made Wan Feng, who saw this video in his previous life, burst into tears in his eyes.

But Wan Feng did not dare to say that the J-10 aircraft was not made public until 2004, and it was classified as a secret, so he did not dare to say it.

"It's really fine without foreign ones."

A foreign country is probably considered a major event in the Balkans, and the embassy has been

This is next year's matter, and it seems to be a little early to say it.

"Foreign hunch, grandpa asks you something, what is the level of the joint combat system that Gu Hongzhong studied"

Zhu Guoxiong was silent for a moment, "I am not very clear about this. You are not an outsider, although the level is not enough, but let me tell you a little bit. It is said that you can find a kind of aircraft from the United States."

"Nighthawk" Wan Feng was shocked.

Good you Gu Hongzhong, you stabbed such a big cannonball silently without telling me

"You freak, you even know that Nighthawk is recruited honestly, what else do you don't know" Wan Feng was shocked, Zhu Guoxiong was also shocked.

"I know so many things, you have to listen to them all"

"Of course, one by one."

"Then listen, I know there is absolutely no Chang'e on the moon, the sun is definitely not a three-legged crow, there is no Hitler under the Antarctic continent, and no aliens under the Pacific."

"Ghost, what are you doing with me? Tell me what weapons Lao Mi has."

"I don't know, Lao Mi didn't ask me for instructions when he was equipped."

"Then how did you know Nighthawk"

"The Soviet-Russian screw people told me that when I went to buy Ukolan to buy an aircraft carrier, I hired someone from Kegbo."

This is not a secret. After Wanfeng bought the aircraft carrier, he reported these things without any concealment.

"They didn't say anything except Nighthawk"

"Then there are drones. The U.S. wants to develop a new type of advanced drone on a drone called the mosquito."

Zhu Guoxiong nodded, "We already know this. Gu Hongzhong's research on drones is also related to this. If he really succeeds in the research, we will purchase it."

When it comes to purchasing, Wanfeng quickly strikes while the iron is hot, "Grandpa this year, but there is no order on your side, we are going to drink northwest wind."

Zhu Guoxiong smiled, "Not only did you send a Lei here, but you also want to go back with you. You just cry poor. Don't worry, there will be a purchasing team to buy from you in two days."

The specifications have improved this year, and there are sourcing groups.

"Disclose in advance what you all want to purchase"

"This can't be said, and what shouldn't be said must not be said firmly."

"If there is anything that can't be said, our company produces so many things."

"That can't be said."

Don't say it, don't say it.

"Then are you going to Jiangwei?"

Zhu Guoxiong shook his head, "I won't go this time. I have other tasks, but you don't need to worry. It is guaranteed that there are people you know in it."

It's not the same who comes, what's to worry about.

Wan Feng stayed in Shenyang for a whole night and a half day, and returned at 1 pm. Han Guang's family drove for four hours. When he got home, it was already dark.

Zhu Guoxiong did not fool Wanfeng, half a month after Wanfeng returned to Jiangwei, a pair of men and horses appeared in Jiangwei.

After receiving the news, Wan Feng gave the other party a simple ceremony.

It's not that he doesn't want to be grand, but he knows that these people are usually low-key when going out to do errands.

Zhu Guoxiong really didn't come this time.

The ceremony does not need to be grand, but you can't fool around with dinner. Wanfeng grandly entertained these comrades in arms.

Seriously, he is a comrade-in-arms, but someone in this purchasing group has fooled around with him.

"Xiao Wan, who is a thief who can drink," someone asked.

"You want to make gestures with him. I'll call him right away."

The man hurriedly waved his hand, "This willing to bow down to the wind, really can't drink him."

After eating, these people offered to visit his company.

Of course they have to visit, or they don't know what products the South Bay Group produces.

Wan Feng took them from the headquarters of Nanwan to Huaguang Technology and then to Nanwan Automobile. Finally, he made a special trip to the Nanwan pickup in Daying Town.

It took two days to visit all the companies of Nanwan Group in Hongya.

After finding out about the products of South Bay, the purchase contract was also released.

The first is high-end machine tools. There is a long list of all kinds of high-end machine tools, with hundreds of units and total sales exceeding 100 million yuan.

Then came computers. The purchase of computers this time also made Wanfeng dumbfounded, with tens of thousands of units.

Then two thousand pickup trucks and one hundred five-axle heavy trucks.

The total purchase amount is as high as 500 million yuan.

If the grass army is rich, let’s talk about what they buy so many pickup trucks for

"We are going to complete the aircraft carrier, and see what your company can It turns out that the aircraft carrier is about to be transformed. I said why so many machine tools are needed.

The components of the aircraft carrier must have been tendered, and when they came to Nanwan, they took the initiative to give indicators.

Wanfeng’s donation of aircraft carriers is one aspect, and the other is the reputation accumulated by the quality of products sold to the military by Nanwan for so many years.

Wan Feng had thought about the issue of aircraft carriers a long time ago. What Nanwan Group can supply is electronic semiconductor components. Others are not that they cannot produce, but they are only independent items, which is more inappropriate.

I don't think it is appropriate or cost-effective, but there are still companies vying for it, and Wanfeng is not prepared to participate.

"If you have general-purpose processed parts for semiconductors and electronics, just give us some, and let us give the other to our brothers. If there are things that others can't process, Nanwan can try it."

It is impossible for projects such as aircraft carriers to hand over many and complicated components such as semiconductors to one manufacturer, and they must be scattered.

Benefit sharing is only one aspect of it, and confidentiality is the real reason.

Of course, making money is the most correct development direction. Wan Feng has long understood this principle.

Hello, I’m good, everyone is good.

The last order is the military's electronic components purchase list, a very large list.

Many of them are previously processed components, and some are components that have not appeared before.

These new components should be used on the aircraft carrier.

The price given by the military this time is relatively reasonable. Although it is lower than that on the market, it is a lot higher than the purchase price of the products processed by Wanfeng in the past.

These components feel a lot more than before, and the total order totaled one billion yuan.

Rebirth of the new farmers in the 1980s

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