Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2172: Xiongfeng on sale

How Zhu Guoxiong passed the thunder that Wan Feng had given him to him, Wan Feng didn't know very well, but the relevant state departments still attracted attention.

Since April 1998, the weather in the Yangtze River Basin has been a bit abnormal, and the rain has been much more than in previous years.

The same was true for the Sanjiang Plain in Longjiang during the same period.

Relevant departments began to send additional personnel to strengthen flood control measures in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Longjiang area, began to reinforce dikes and dams in critical areas, and evacuated some people in low-lying residential areas.

Of course, Wan Feng didn't know about these things. If he knew, he would feel relieved.

What he can do is only to this extent, what else can he do?

He just went to the top and said where there will be a catastrophic flood this year, how many people will die and how much damage will anyone believe?

It is the only thing he can do to pass this information up through Zhu Guoxiong to attract the attention of the above.

It is best to attract attention, but there is no way to attract attention.

He still has his own business to do.

On May 1, the 1.8L Xiongfeng rolled off the assembly line.

Although this car adopts the appearance of Hyundai Rena, it is slightly longer than the original Rena by about ten centimeters. After all, the power is much larger than the original car, and the displacement has also increased from 1.6L to 1.8L. .

When the first black Xiongfeng descended from the production line and was transported to the display stand, the gongs and drums were loud and the firecrackers rang.

The beautiful appearance aroused cheers from the onlookers.

In Wanfeng's eyes, this car is a real car built by Nanwan Group.

Compared with it, Panda and Qingfeng can only be regarded as experimental products.

Taking into account the special circumstances of this year, this year's production plan for this car is not high, only 20,000 units.

It is not that the production line has no output. The production line currently designed by the South Bay Group has a minimum production capacity of 50,000 vehicles.

But I dare not produce so much. Wanfeng has no idea what kind of sales there will be like this year's catastrophic flood year.

Anyway, those direct sellers Wan Feng, who are located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Songhua River of Nenjiang River, have vaccinated them.

He didn't dare to say too sure, it would be a big crime if people say that he confuses the public with rumors.

The ex-factory price of this regular version of the car is 88,000, and the direct market price is around 95,000, depending on the region, there will be a price difference of about 1,000 yuan.

Like the usual departure of the Nanwan Group, a large number of Jiangwei bosses paid for the car on the spot.

This car contains their own parts, so it's not easy to drive.

After the owners of Nanwan finished buying, these cars began to enter the stores of direct sellers through water and dry roads.

After the No. 1 car is off the assembly line, the nearest area will be sold on May 3. Of course, it will take some time for the remote area.

However, Wan Feng's attention has shifted to an event that happened on May 2nd.

On the night of May 2, someone under house arrest honestly watched the news broadcast at home.

Luan Feng and Zhang Xuan are discussing the TV series "Returning the Pearl".

What is this cute and hateful.

This surprised Wan Feng, ah! "Han Zhu Ge Ge" is out?

That's not right! This TV series was first shown in Tai Wan, and it seems that it hasn't been shown in the mainland so soon!

When Wan Feng was wondering, the first piece of international news on the news network broadcast a heavy news.

"The special EU summit held on May 2 made the final stage of preparations for the launch of the euro: the 11 passengers on the first bus were determined to be Bi Lishi, Deguo, Xibanya, Faguo, Irland, and Easy Management. , Lu Senbao, He Lan, Odili, Pu Taoya and Fenlan..."

When ordinary people read this news, they just read it as ordinary news. At most, they understand that Europe has issued another currency, but they don't know what effect it will bring about the chain reaction.

But Wan Feng is different, he knows what consequences this thing can bring.

The current South Slaf is already in chaos. If the euro does not appear, no matter how chaotic South Slaf is, it seems to have nothing to do with the United States. Don’t look at the approval of NATO’s eastward expansion on the 30th of last month, allowing waves, Jack and Yali joined NATO, but South Slav was really not the country that the US mainly dealt with.

But as soon as the euro appeared, Nan Slav became a lamb who took the initiative to jump to the muzzle.

In layman's terms, the emergence of the euro is to challenge the hegemony of the yuan.

The U.S. hegemony relies on the rice yuan, and once the U.S. dollar collapses, the U.S. hegemony disappears.

All the military forces of the U.S. are serving the U.S. dollar hegemony.

Now that there is a Euro for a slice of the pie, it is strange that the United States does not beat you.

Don't think that it's allies who don't do anything. They have always been relentless in doing things to allies.

To fight against the euro, Nan Slav is the best target. Just finding an excuse to beat Nan Slav directly served the purpose of hitting the euro that was issued.

The specific reason here is a bit Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Wan Feng, so Baipi's fight was just a matter of excitement, but this matter now has something to do with him.

Juchuang Trading has a department that is now doing business in Eastern Europe and is preparing to sell Huaguang mobile phones to South Slavic.

Huaguang mobile phones have been compatible with European standards since the second half of last year, and the English-language operation interface was introduced to enter the European market.

Nansraf is about to start doing it. At this time, take the phone to Nansraf. Don't you just wait for nothing!

Besides, the situation in Nansraf itself is not stable. Have the people of Juchuang Trade been confused by the situation? Going to open the market in South Slav.

Wan Feng immediately called Lin Lairong on the landline and told her not to take the product to Nansraf.

"Are you worried about the situation in Yugoslavia? My subordinate said that the eastern part of Serbia is still quite stable."

"Either country in Eastern Europe will do, but Nansraf can't go in. Maybe next year the head will be able to hit the head. Anyway, I told you, it's your business if you don't listen, and it's not my money if you lose it."

"Then I will tell the people in the Eastern European department to withdraw Nansraf’s business. By the way, let me tell you something, your "A Year in the Water" was released in Xianggang, and the results are good, and the situation is now in Xianggang. In the past two days, it won more than 7 million box office, and it is estimated that reaching 20 million is not a problem."

Wanfeng also knew about this.

Filming began on March 10th in Xianggang and Mainland China. It took 25 days to film and was edited and released on May 1st.

What Wanfeng doesn't know is the specific box office of these two days.

The film was sent to the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television for review a week ago, and it is expected to be shown in the mainland in mid-May.

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