Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2179: Lick people again

Out of this consideration, Wanfeng decided not to announce the success of each chip in the future, and no longer name a new chip number.

In the future, mainstream chips will all use the sequence of Huaguang II, and they will also be used in a low-key manner.

At the same time, Cheng Gong’s security level was strengthened, and Yang Jianguo was sent to Shenzhen to take charge of Cheng Gong’s personal safety.

Qu Yang left for Heihe the next day after talking with Wan Feng, and held a meeting on the introduction of the pickup truck production line as soon as he went back.

After some discussion and voting, the Heihe Municipal Party Committee decided to introduce a pickup production line.

Heihe's decision quickly reached Wan Feng's ears.

Therefore, Wanfeng disassembled the ordinary pickup line and consigned it to Heihe by train.

Guanhai dispatched twenty people to go north to Heihe to install this production line.

As soon as the Xiongfeng sedan was introduced to the market, it set off a frenzy in the market.

Not to mention the performance of the car, the appearance of the car crushed all the cars on the Chinese market at that time.

Since the emergence of the South Bay breeze, the appearance of the car has undergone a relatively large change, and sharp models like the Jetta Santana have begun to show a trend of streamlined transformation.

And now the emergence of Xiongfeng has turned this trend into a trend.

Moreover, the national price of the 1.8-liter Xiongfeng is only 96,000 yuan, which makes those imported cars with the same displacement priced at two or three million yuan feel more pressure.

Although the country has banned the import of complete cars and vigorously developed joint ventures, there are still foreign imported cars on the market, and I don't know how they got in.

But even the price of the joint venture car is not cheap. At this time, the price of Santana is still 170,000 yuan.

The appearance of Xiongfeng severely impacted the market of these blindly priced joint venture cars.

When Qingfeng appeared, they had already made an impact on these high-ranking joint venture cars, or the Santana and Jetta sold for more than 200,000 yuan.

Wan Feng believes that the impact of this majestic wind will let these foreigners who do not eat the fireworks know what crisis awareness is.

But maybe.

The largest domestic joint ventures, Shangqi and Changqi, are behind Volkswagen.

You can say that the Chinese people are meticulous in handling things, but it is okay to say that they are rigid and stubborn. They lack flexibility in handling things.

Take Qimonda, which was acquired by Wanfeng, for example.

Originally, it would never close down under the counter-cyclical impact of Sansa.

In fact, Qimonda has its own skills and unique skills.

They planned to develop 300mm wafers in 1995 and have developed a process between 500nm and 200nm. After the two processes are developed, they will continue to develop a process from 200nm to 100nm. It is expected to enter around 2005. 90nm process.

The DRAMs they make and the three animals take a different path, and they have their own distinct technologies and characteristics.

If they were able to sell their products at the same price cuts in the original products, they would not go bankrupt at all.

At least it is guaranteed to survive, and it will last until 2006 at least as in the previous life.

But at this time, the stubbornness and stereotypes of the Chinese people are vividly displayed.

They don't have any interest in price reduction competition. They believe that their products should be worth this price, and they are determined not to reduce prices.

Products of similar quality are half cheaper than you. Who is not stupid to buy you?

Qimonda died like this.

Qimonda is like this, the people of the public are not better there, and their square brains also think that their Santana and Jetta are worth so much in China.

Qingfeng has been launched for two or three years, and the prices of Santana and Jetta have dropped by more than 20,000 yuan.

It is said that Qingfeng can't shake the position of these two cars, so the appearance of Xiongfeng depends on whether you can shake your price as stable as Mount Tai.

They have been robbed of money in China for many years with a car that has been obsolete for many years, and it is time for the dust to return to the dust.

Wanfeng naturally hopes that the Chinese people will continue to be stubborn and rigid.

If they do not change and wait for the hurricane to be listed again in October, Wanfeng believes that by next year the German market will be all South Bay.

Even when the Germans bring new models that run in Europe and the United States, they don't want to take back their own market.

As for what Shangqi will do when the time comes, Wanfeng can't care about it, that's an issue that the country should be concerned about.

Originally due to the special circumstances this year, Wanfeng only prepared 20,000 Xiongfeng and 5,000 Hurricanes for the market by the end of the year. However, according to the data feedback of the nearly one month since Xiongfeng went public, this number still needs to be adjusted.

After analysis and discussion with Asada Shinimeng and others, Xiongfeng's output has increased by 5,000 units, which has almost reached the full capacity of the 50,000 units production line.

After all these things are busy, the time will come to the end of May.

Zhang Xuan's expected delivery date is the end of May and the beginning of June, not to mention that the hospital's expected delivery is very accurate.

On May 29th, Zhang Xuan's body became heavier and heavier, Wan Feng saw that the situation was not and rushed her to the hospital.

After two days in the hospital, Zhang Xuan went into the delivery room on June 1st.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a girl came to this world.

It was raining heavily outside, and Wan Feng was about to name the child Wan Yu and Liu Yi as his nickname.

"The son's name is Wan Chongyang, and his daughter's name is Wan Yu. Your family is dry with water." Zhang Xuan said weakly when he heard Wan Feng's name for his daughter from the delivery room.

"Water is the source of production and development of all things, and water is good."

"You are not afraid that your children will drown you in the future." Luan Feng stuck a turtle's neck on the side.

"Drown me and you two can't run."

Wan Feng was very happy holding his daughter, one son, one daughter and one flower. This time, he was complete.

Three days later, Zhang Xuan was discharged from the hospital and went home to rest.

When I licked a bite at home, I was naturally beaming, and my parents were also extremely happy.

Wan Chongyang turned around the villain.

"That's my little sister. I think it's okay. You can't reach out to touch. Remember if you reach out."

Her order was very effective for Wan Chongyang, and he was very afraid of his mother.

As expected, Wan Chongyang was obedient, and could only look at her little sister who was sleeping with her eyes closed.

When Luan Feng was in the confinement, Zhang Xuan served him alone, and now Zhang Xuan lay down, the matters of serving fell to Luan Feng.

After Luan Feng's busy work, Wan Feng turned into an obstacle in the way, and Luan Feng unceremoniously kicked it out.

At this time, there is still a week away from the opening of the World Cup, and Wan Feng should also start his own money-picking plan.

During this period, Europe and the United States were still very, very wealthy, who did not buy their wool?

Even if he couldn't swallow a whole sheep, Wan Feng was ready to swallow a sweater out.

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