Wan Feng vaguely remembered that it was the end of this month. He could not remember the exact date. A U.S. businessman contracted a strange disease in Hanoi, southern Guangdong. A doctor from the World Health Organization reported to the WHO that an extreme disease had occurred in the area. A contagious disease, SARS has formally appeared in front of the world.

The patient died on March 14, and the doctor from the World Health Organization also died on March 29.

In fact, someone in Dongguang Province had already contracted the disease before this, and the first person who contracted SARS was discharged from the hospital because of recovery, but it did not attract enough attention.

On February 12, a warm-up match for the national football team was held as scheduled.

The 2003 Luo Dayou Guangzhou concert on February 18th was not postponed for any reason.

What should people do? They didn't realize the horror of SARS at all.

Whether it is called SARS or SARS, it has not attracted enough attention.

But in March, after the World Health Organization issued a global warning, SARS attracted enough attention.

The impact of SARS on China at the beginning was huge. Wan Feng clearly remembered that at that time, people wore masks and drank Banlangen, and tried not to go around without important things.

Talking to people is far away and the mask does not leave the face.

The original one and two cents of Banlangen was fired up to several dollars a pack, and Wanfeng even drank a pack in his previous life.

After realizing that this thing was really awful, he said he didn't drink anything.

At that time, let alone the cities, even the rural areas were prepared for combat.

People from outside the village are not allowed to enter the village, and those who work outside the village are not allowed to enter the village when they come back. They can only return to the village after they have been checked in the hospital to confirm their health.

During that time, people were really worried. If anyone caught a cold and a fever, it was like the end of the world.

Although in Wanfeng’s memory, there were no cases in Longjiang, the three northeastern provinces, but there were no deaths in three cases in Beiliao.

But what is puzzling is that there are more than 30 cases and six or seven deaths in Ringgit Province, which is sandwiched between Longjiang and Beiliao. This is a weird thing.

From the beginning of March to the end of July, the public's psychology was quite nervous and panic during the four-month period.

Of course, consumption during this period was also at the lowest level.

At this point, Wanfeng immediately convened a meeting of the group's senior management, and it took half a day to revise the group's production plan for this year.

All aspects of production capacity have been reduced to the greatest extent, and preventive measures have been arranged within the group.

Business trips will be postponed no matter where they are on a business trip, and all business trips to the capital will be cancelled.

And the decision of the Nanwan Group was also distributed to the South of the West Bay Guangwan and the South of Tiannan.

Of course, it is sent to them for their reference, and he has no right to interfere if they change the plan.

In fact, the prevention of SARS is not high at all. The main thing is to cultivate and maintain good personal hygiene habits. Wash your hands frequently and dry them with a clean towel or paper towel. Wash your hands after sneezing, coughing, and cleaning your nose. Do not share tableware, tea sets and towels, and pay attention to a balanced diet. Exercise regularly according to climate change, increase or decrease clothes in time, pay attention to rest, avoid excessive fatigue, and strengthen the body's resistance to stay away from densely populated public places with poor air circulation.

At this time, Huayi played a huge role. It can be said that when the virus appeared and there was no cure in the world, Huayi developed anti-disease drugs at the fastest speed. It took only three months to treat SARS. Killing is in the cradle.

At this point, Huayi began to be truly known to the world.

However, since 2003, the public opinion began to appear articles about black Chinese medicine, and it developed to an overwhelming degree. Such articles still appeared in forums before Wan Feng's rebirth.

The effects of these black Chinese medical articles are quite obvious. Coupled with the help of some Chinese medical swindlers and magic sticks in the society, not only the general public believes it, but even some Chinese medical doctors have changed to Western medicine.

There is a village doctor in the Shanzui team of Wulu Town. His family is an ancestral Chinese doctor. Generally, only one pair of Chinese medicines is needed for minor illnesses, but in the later stage they also started to inject injections and suspenders.

This cannot but be said to be a kind of sorrow.

It is also sad to wait until SARS is over, and now I have no time to think about it.

Nanwan Group's preventive measures are still very easy to handle. All manufacturers in the Jiangwei Industrial Park have cancelled all business trips in the near future. Even if the company suspends production, this rule cannot be violated.

Then there is strict control of foreign personnel coming to Jiangwei Industrial Park, and these personnel must go through strict inspections before entering Jiangwei Industrial Park.

For the first time, Wan Feng bought back professional protective clothing from the military and gave it to all staff in Jiangwei Hospital a set per capita.

The important task of inspecting outsiders lies with them, and of course their own safety must be the first priority.

It’s easier to do things here in the Nanwan Industrial Zone. After all, they are all counterpart companies. Just saying hello to the other party will reduce a lot of people who don’t need to be here.

Fortunately, many things can be solved by phone, and bank cards can be used to transfer accounts. This reduces the number of people coming and going~www.ltnovel.com~ All public places in Jiangwei have been disinfected, and we will leave in those few months. There is a smell of disinfectant everywhere.

Things are easy to handle in the industrial zone, but it is difficult to handle the Wahou Daji.

After the gathering of Weiyouwa, thousands of people come here every day to buy goods. It is very difficult to prevent it.

This can only be checked by one vehicle by vehicle.

The staff of Jiangwei Hospital is definitely not enough, and the security company came in handy at this time.

When Han Guang's family learned of the seriousness of the matter, they immediately deployed 600 security personnel to assist in the inspection of the people at Jiangwei Hospital.

At that point, 200,000 copies of SARS preventive measures were printed. Except for Wei himself, the rest were given to the Hongya City Health and Epidemic Prevention Station.

Although Wan Feng knew that there were only three cases in Bei Liao and all of them appeared in western Liaoning, he was prepared for it.

He is not creating tension, because within a few days after his measures were taken, the state began to introduce policies until the village was really opened to prevent SARS.

The economic impact of SARS on China is very large. In the four months from the beginning of SARS to when the global SARS warning was lifted on July 13, the economy has fallen into a state of slow development.

Until SARS was resolved for a long time, people were not at ease in their hearts.

In the past four months, although Nanwan Group's production has not stopped, its output is limited.

People don't dare to go anywhere in the house, except for the necessities of life, those consumer goods are not cared about.

There are a lot less people on the Wahou Daji, very few people come to buy goods, and the people who come to buy goods buy the most masks and some simple gas masks.

Now anyone who seizes the opportunity to make masks and gas masks can also make a fortune.


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