Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 441: Prepare for the new year

If you have money or not, you have to go home for the New Year;

My grandmother’s New Year’s holiday this year, my brother-in-law and grandpa almost didn’t worry about it. Wanfeng, who was supposed to do the money, came back with money, from fish to flour as well as drinks and wine.

Wan Feng bought two boxes of Kvass, even without the deposit money, and bought a dozen bottles of wine. Now there are firecrackers left.

Don't buy that thing in a hurry, it's still a thought to buy it early.

Grandma's family's New Year's goods are almost ready, and Luan Feng's family's New Year's goods are also almost the same.

Wan Feng always felt that he was at a disadvantage. He summed up an experience. The target was still not found too early, and the money could not be spent.

Hearing Wan Feng's words, Luan Feng smiled like a white bone spirit who had been hit by three sticks.

Yang Qilang asked his father to go and find Chen Cang. Chen Cang went to Tan's house on the twelfth lunar month, and Wan Feng drove it to him in a tractor.

He thought he should join in the fun about this, not because he was worried that Gu Qiaoling's mother would object, but he wanted to buy a goat in Beishan.

Don't watch Gu Qiaoling's mother worry about her daughter going out to work, but she didn't set up any obstacles to her daughter's marriage.

Especially when he personally went to Wahou and saw Wahou's brick and tile factory, the factory building that has not been built, and Luanfeng's garment factory, he was in favor of his daughter's ability to find a target for Wahou.

Her older brother who used to be addicted to gambling can become a good man after Wahou, and she believes that her daughter will not suffer a loss after marrying Wa.

You see, this is a manifestation of soft power.

When Chen Cang brags about Yang Qilang in front of his sister, Wan Feng and Chen Cang's brother-in-law buy sheep in the third team of the Tan family.

Many people here raise goats and sell them during the New Year in exchange for some cash for the New Year.

The market price of mutton is more than 80 cents, and the purchase price of a whole sheep is only 30 cents.

As the saying goes, pigs have to eat old sheep to be tender, but males and females don't have much choice. As long as they are goats that have never had a calf weighing more than 100 catties, they can do it.

Wan Feng picked a young sheep weighing about 70 jin, and the family slaughtered him on the spot and cleaned it up for him.

It is the best season to eat lamb in the twelfth lunar month of winter. In winter, the body's yang qi is hidden in the body, so the body is prone to cold hands and feet, and poor circulation of qi and blood. Lamb is sweet but not greasy, warm but not dry. It has the effects of invigorating the kidneys and strengthening yang, warming the middle and eliminating cold, warming qi and blood, appetizing and invigorating the spleen. Therefore, eating lamb in winter can not only resist wind and cold, but also nourish the body. The beauty of killing two birds with one stone.

Here the sheep is cleaned up, and there Chen Cang and his sister are talking about it.

They did not eat at Gu Qiaoling's house, but went back to have a meal at the Warrior Commune Hotel.

After the marriage is mentioned, the next step is to meet the man and woman.

Yang Qilang and Gu Qiaoling had seen each other several times, so they jumped through this procedure and went directly to the next recognition door.

It means that the man gives it to the woman’s parents to see, and the woman gives it to the man’s home to see.

After acknowledging the door, neither family has any opinion, it is to make a marriage and then get married at the end of the bride price.

It's only half a month since the New Year. It's impossible to complete these procedures. It would be good if both parties can recognize the door.

After Yang Qilang got the news of success, he danced happily, as if irritated by a dog's tail, walking with a storm for several days, as if a source of strength appeared on his body, and his record of selling couplets kept hitting new highs.

At most one day, the goods actually rode to the Shaling Farm twice, and sold more than fifty sets of couplets by one person.

Gu Qiaoling wasn't indifferent anymore when she saw him again. It is natural to be shy and shy to answer. Women, don't play a little bit of this, how can she show her shyness.

Two people will also have some brief conversations.

At this time, the ears of people in the workshop would stand up like frightened rabbits, for fear that they would miss every word in their conversation.

As a result, a topic was suddenly added to the sewing workshop. Gu Qiaoling became the main object of teasing, making her blush all day long, and she thought it was cold if she didn't know it.

The thirteenth and forty-fifth of the twelfth lunar month are three bazaar days. On these three bazaar days, there are 1,600 sets of Wanfeng couplets. Adding to the number of sets sold in Xiatunzi, there are still four Wanfeng couplets. More than a thousand sets.

After the three bazaars of eighteen ninety and twenty, it is estimated that this couplet is almost the same.

During this period, Zhang Guangdong came again. He did not come every other day as he said, but only came after two days after hearing what Wan Feng said. Even then, only one hundred ski shirts were produced here.

He said that he could do it again in the first year, and that he could sell as much as he could.

Luan Feng couldn't turn everyone into making ski shirts. New clothes were needed in that aspect a year ago.

In fact, the most profitable thing a year ago was to make children's clothes, but Luan Feng couldn't get people to do it at all, so he just threw it away.

On the sixteenth of the twelfth lunar month, Wanfeng went to the county again. If nothing happened, this should be the last time he went to the street to deliver goods in the first year.

Excluding the clothes for Xia Qiulong, I brought a thousand electronic watches and ten tape recorders.

After the delivery this time, he is not going to go out anymore. After the couplets are sold out, he will spend the Chinese New Year at home honestly.

As a distributor, you always have to give gifts to your distributors during the New Year. The main reason is that everyone is happy during the New Year and will continue to work hard in the coming year.

Wan Feng each gave a set of couplets, and when he sent them out, he himself scolded himself for being forced, but kept a sincere smile on his face.

It is his consistent aim to spend a small amount of money to do big things.

On the 16th and 17th day of the twelfth lunar month, plus the three markets of 18th, 19th and 20th, as expected by Wanfeng, all the remaining 4,000 couplets were sold out.

At last it was a thought.

If he is still here next year, he won't have to worry about it anymore. The printing house will print tomorrow.

The people who sold couplets had the most 30 yuan in their hands, and the least they had more than 20 yuan. Even Zhuping, who sold the latest couplets, made 15 or 6 yuan.

The money is enough for them to have a happy and happy year.

On the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, the stove prince went to heaven.

In the morning, one or two firecrackers will be set off in front of every house, and then the Stove Lord and his wife in the corner of the pot are invited down and burned with a fire. This is regarded as the Stove King going to heaven.

The gods say good things, go back to the palace and give The couple will have to stay in the sky for about a week, and they will not be able to come back until the new Stove Lord sticks them up on the Lunar New Year's Eve.

In 1981, these things formerly known as feudal superstitions began to appear in southern Liaoning, not to mention the Zao Wangye who saw genealogy selling at the market in Wanfeng.

It's not cheap for four yuan.

My uncle and grandpa are also discussing whether to ask for genealogy.

Wan Feng didn't participate in this matter. He was a grandson who was not qualified to advise others in such matters.

The new year is over, buying firecrackers should be on the agenda.


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