Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 745: Selling pig knuckles and running well off

There are more people beaten up, and the domineering comes naturally.

Li Xin didn't know if he had listened to Wan Feng's words. In the days following to the end of the month, he really singled out with Sun Jin twice.

Once in the dormitory, the two met in the corridor. Sun Jin looked at him with contempt, and Li Xin remembered Wan Feng's words and greeted him with a fist.

The two men turned upside down in the corridor.

Wan Feng leaned on the door of his dormitory to watch the excitement.

"Don't move! If anyone goes up to help me, I'll cut whoever, and let them both go heads-up."

In terms of strength, Li Xin is really inferior, but it may be because Wan Feng stood behind him and gave him courage. This guy actually fought Sun Jin in an almost desperate style of play.

"Okay, I will hit here today and continue tomorrow. Did I tell you to stop, have you heard?" Wanfeng watched that the game was almost done, mainly because there was a lot of lively gatherings here, which had a bad effect.

For the second time, Wan Feng was not there.

Li Xin probably had an addiction. This product caused Wan Feng to take the initiative to ask Sun Jin to be surprised. It is said that the two fought on the riverside for three hundred rounds.

Wanfeng didn't ask who won and who lost. Anyway, after that time, Li Xin's body was really domineering.

As long as this guy's eyes stopped on someone's face on campus, that person immediately trembled.

In any case, Li Xin can be regarded as a domineering Xiaocheng. As long as he keeps on being the overlord of one side, it is impossible. In a company, no one dares to provoke him is not a problem.

September 28th is the holiday day at the end of the month.

Vocational high schools do not have Sundays and holidays on weekdays, and they will all be saved until the end of the month for five days off at one time. Normally, they will be on the 28th and school will start on the second or third day of the next month.

Tomorrow is when the school officially puts off the end of the month.

High school students don't value the month-end vacation because they have a one-year adjustment period, while high school students do not. They value this month-end vacation very seriously, and some people even reach the level of ecstasy.

Many of the students in the two-point three-point game were away from home for so long for the first time. Homesickness has spread like wildfire, and it is strange to be unhappy.

I packed up everything I had to bring home the night before.

I was ready to go back home at dawn.

Wan Feng has been away from home for a long time and doesn't feel so much homesick, so watching the people in the dormitory rushing to pack things is very speechless.

"It's fine to clean up in Dahekou. They will take the bus home tomorrow morning. You will join in the fun of the three-pointer. The passenger ship will not get to Xiao Wu's house at ten o'clock. You are going to pack up now! Get up tomorrow and pack up now. Is it too late? Look at you guys jumping around."

Before Wan Feng's words fell, he ran in with Dou Meteor alone: ​​"Wan Feng, someone is looking for it outside!"

Wan Feng turned his head and looked out the window. Who would come to look for him after it was dark?

"Who is looking for me?"


Zhang Xuan? Except Zhang Xuan looking for him, he couldn't remember any other girl who would look for him.

It really was Zhang Xuan when he came outside, but there was another person: He Yanfei.

They are Zhang Xuan's aunt, and it is not against Zhang Xuan to appear here.

One hundred meters south from the alley in front of the dormitory is No. 1 Middle School. The southernmost part of No. 1 Middle School is a football field. The west and south sides of the football field are fields, and the east is the mainland.

At this time, there is not even a ghost here, there are only three figures.

Wan Feng and He Yanfei Zhang Xuan walked here.

"Wan Feng, what kind of senior is your brother?" He Yanfei asked without embarrassment, leaning on the wooden goal.

"He Yanfei, spring heart is sprouting?"

"I'll just ask." He Yanfei's face was not as thick as the ground, and he made such a reply.

I called Lao Tzu to this place so late, would you tell you to ask casually?

"He Yanfei, you can think about it clearly. There is an eight-year difference between you. If you want to play while you are young, I have no problem. Anyway, it is not me who suffers. But if you bring him home to see your parents, you Have to think about it."

Although the eighteen-year-old is legally recognized as an adult, he may still be an idiot in the world of love. If a girl lost her body in the 1980s, it would not be a trivial matter. You might not be able to marry or just Marrying will not be happy, unless the man is an idiot and can't find it.

"Wan Feng, since you have pulled the words apart, I have nothing to hide. Zhang Xuan is my niece, and my niece has a deep love for you..."

"Auntie! Don't talk nonsense." Zhang Xuan was shocked and tried to cover He Yanfei's mouth.

"What are you afraid of, **** girl, just say if you like someone, don't you tell how he knows! When he graduates, he will fly, so who do you regret talking to?"

Wan Feng is speechless. Didn't he say He Tengzi? Why did he shoot him with the muzzle?

"Aunt He, let's just say you are OK, don't turn around, OK?"

"I don't know what's going on. I used to like Sun Jin quite a bit, and there is no reason to just like it. But Sun Jin is such a bastard, I am so infatuated with him, he dumped me, and I went there that day Look at him being beaten, when I saw Yan Er's fist was about to fall on your face, the moment your senior brother kicked him back with a kick, I unexpectedly..."

At this point, He Yanfei paused.

Wouldn't this girl pee at the moment He Xiao had his feet?

"...I fell in love with him all of a I think he is the real man. Compared to him, you are just boys."

He Yanfei was holding a submachine gun, and Wan Feng was lying down again.

If you are paralyzed, you just like him. Why do you pull Lao Tzu into the ranks of boys?

But I'm only sixteen this year, so it's okay to be a big boy.

"I think I should find such a man in my life, he can protect me and take care of me."

"I said you wait first, he can protect you from being bullied by others, but not necessarily he will not bully you, but I heard that the reason why he has no wife now is because Fulaerji’s girl is afraid of marrying him. He was beaten later, so he was bachelor until now."

"I don't think he dare to beat me."

The self-confidence of mystery like Ah San cannot beat you.

"Then you plan to let him not marry?"

"If he has this idea, when will he come again, would you contact us?"

"I'm not a pimp."

Zhang Xuan chuckled.

"What? What is pimping?" He Yanfei was unhappy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't go through the brain. If you are serious, I can contact you. But let's say that the ugly thing is first. Although he is my brother, I don't necessarily know him better than you. If anything happens to you in the future Don't look for me if you make a mistake, I don't want to look for a **** button on my head."

I actually have the talent to be a matchmaker. If I click on this technology, will I be able to live by introducing people specifically?

Introduced into a family relationship, but there are pig knuckles. If there are thousands of eight hundred pairs of pig knuckles introduced this year, there will be 1,800 pig knuckles, and selling pig knuckles will be well-off.


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