Du Fei and Meng Le let Zhang Ke slept for three or four hours early this morning, but in the afternoon there was no feeling of sleepiness or fatigue. They incorporated the plan of establishing the University Student Entrepreneurship Association into the business plan of the Internet cafe operation and drafted it. , I went to the Pioneer Park to find Zhao Zilin for the letter of intent and authorization letter. Only with these things can I find the school to negotiate to support the establishment of the entrepreneurial association.

Zhang Ke didn’t care about them, he was only responsible for calling Zhao Zilin about this, and let Zhao Zilin cooperate with Du Fei and the others. Du Fei and Meng Le talked to them while they were still in the dormitory discussing some details of the draft plan. : "There is no need to be too detailed in the early stage. The entrepreneurial association can also be organized to brainstorm." He just said that, and people ran to the grade to see if there was a poster for him to write. Fastest update of novel chapters

I didn’t see Xie Zijia in the morning, and I don’t know where she went, but seeing her is probably unavoidable. , Zhang Yan is going to run over to hold on to the facade.

There was nothing else, I ran over to Catherine to copy the military training briefing, seeing that Ruolin’s emotions were a bit wrong, she didn’t know that Du Fei would use Mengle’s bug number to hack her at noon. After she was hacked to death. She was offline soon, and she didn't know what she was thinking. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

There is only the last week left, and the military training is about to end. There are already more than a dozen freshmen who cannot participate in the military training due to various reasons.

After the book loan card was issued, there was no need to hang around in the grade office during idle time. After sitting for a few more minutes, talking to Xiao Chunming for a while, he ran to the library reading room to read.

Everything is acting in the name of the 10 million venture capital provided. The obstacles in the system will be extremely weak. It should be said that the obstacles will disappear, but will generate a strong impetus.

At dusk, Zhang Ke watched the setting sun fall again from the north window on the pages he opened. He felt a little hungry and his phone vibrated. He thought Du Fei would be looking for him for dinner. Put the book back in a hurry, walked out of the reading room, and answered the phone in the aisle outside the reading room.

"How are things going, are you calling me to have dinner?" Zhang Ke asked Du Fei on the phone.

"***, things are a little bit bigger than we thought, did you kid think about such a situation a long time ago? Without telling us in advance, we almost couldn't even make up the panic..."

"Haha, that only means that you are still very tender," Zhang Ke talked with Du Fei as he walked out, "tell me. What's happening?"

"I got the investment letter of intent and the official authorization letter from Sister Zhao. Seeing that there was enough time, I went directly to the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school with Meng Le to talk about the establishment of the new association... Then, I didn’t trust us at all. I got an investment quota of 10 million yuan from Oak Park, and called Oak Park in front of us to confirm the matter, and sister Zhao faxed it over again. This is not a big deal. That girl first forced us to ask about the entire process of the incident. Fortunately, Meng Le was able to talk about it, and it took more than an hour to round up the words. The more lies were made up. In the end, it seems that we are the main purpose of establishing the college student entrepreneurship association, and the Internet cafes are just for college students. The Entrepreneurship Association provides a platform. The secretary of the Youth League Committee thinks that he has figured out the situation. Let us wait in his office. He rushes to report the matter to the principal Li Hongming. You said it was the matter. Isn't it a big deal?"

Zhang Ke laughed twice. Said: "Are you scared?"

It is important to know that the total amount of the five technology development projects approved by the Oak Park Venture Capital Fund in September is less than 10 million, and the actual amount of funds released at this time is less than 1 million.

As Dongdadi students, Meng Le and Du Fei were able to get 10 million venture capital investment quota from Oak Tree Garden. It was a shocking thing in itself, and it was not a great thing to alarm Li Hongming.

"It's a little bit bottomless," the voice was still more excited than uneasy, "Are you coming over to help us support the scene?"

"Okay, I have to put on the title of director when I say it," Zhang Ke smiled, "But even if I get there. You and Mengle are the main forces, and I was just a gangster in the past..."

With a capital of 10 million yuan, Zhang Ke has to support Du Fei's Internet cafe project and game development project, and also set aside a lot of space, which is to turn the college student entrepreneurial association into a real entrepreneurial association.

Some experimental or commercial student entrepreneurship projects are naturally impossible to get investment from Oak Park, but entrepreneurial associations can selectively support them; this way. Entrepreneurship associations really have more and broader practical significance and pioneering significance.

An important part of the Youth League Committee is to manage various student organizations. If you can't directly intervene in the student management work of the department, it will usually be unremarkable. It's hard to be brilliant. Not to mention comparing with the departments, even in the departments directly under the school, the Youth League Committee is also a silent institution.

In such a dull and drowsy afternoon, two students from the China National Business School suddenly knocked on the door and came in and said that they had received 10 million yuan in venture capital from Oak Park, and they wanted to use the funds to create a new student organization. To support students' entrepreneurship, Gong Ruchun's nerves immediately became excited, as if he could imagine a future surrounded by many media and surrounded by light.

Even though Gong Ruchun is familiar with the student Mengle, who is the chairman of the National Business School student union and the backbone of the school’s student union, he still feels uneasy to call the Oakland Entrepreneurship Center to confirm this matter. After confirmation, he will be patient. After understanding the process of the matter in detail, he ran to the principal Li Hongming to report-the vice principal who was also in charge of the school league committee was not at home, so he caught the opportunity to show his face in front of Li Hongming.

Li Hongming does not grasp the pulse of Zuohu, but this is definitely a good thing. The school allocates only a small amount of funds to the school league committee for student organization activities every year. This should be a case in China; he is inconvenient to come forward in person. I asked Gong Ruchun to understand the situation, and heard that the two students were both from the National Commercial Institute, and instructed Gong Ruchun to find Cui Guoheng from the National Commercial Institute to take this matter seriously.

Zhang Ke walked slowly to the school office and met Cui Guoheng and Wei Dongqiang, as well as Meng Ledi grade director Qin Gang, who rushed over from the other side of the road in a stride. Cui Guoheng received a call from Li Hongming and passed through Gong Ruchun. After I got some specific information on the phone, I rushed over directly from the hospital office. Before I came out, I called Du Fei's grade director and Meng Le's grade director together.

Qin Gang was in the hospital at the time, and Wei Dongqiang rushed over from the twelfth school's grade office, ran to the hospital, and jogged with Cui Guoheng to the school. He was panting and sweat oozing from his forehead.

Although Gong Ruchun said that the two students, Meng Le and Du Fei, did the matter, Cui Guoheng and Wei Dongqiang did not find it particularly strange to see Zhang Ke appearing here.

Cui Guoheng’s memory is not that bad. He is more familiar with Meng Le. Zhang Ke and Du Fei, two freshmen who have just entered students, just heard Wei Dongqiang’s introduction yesterday. On the way over, he got to know Wei Dongqiang about these two. The background of the famous students is just that Gong Ruchun said that Meng Le took the lead, and did not associate them with the family background of Zhang Ke and Du Fei. Of course, there will be some influence.

Even if there are other factors behind the scenes, but on the table, it’s just a business plan jointly developed by a junior and two freshmen from the National Business School, which won the Oakland Venture Capital Center’s 10 million venture capital investment. Dazzling halo~www.readwn.com~ Cui Guoheng had a serious face when he walked over-he was full of feelings when he heard this. He met Meng Le in the western restaurant last night without getting any words in advance. ; But seeing Zhang Ke walking against the setting sun, the expression on his face instantly became active, standing on the steps in front of the school building and waiting for Zhang Ke to come over, cordially covering his shoulders, with blame in his tone Said: "Why didn't you tell you Director Wei before doing such a big thing?"

When Cui Guoheng said this, Wei Dongqiang was naturally uneasy. Cui Guoheng was smiling, and he naturally couldn't keep his face straight, but when he first came out of society, he had not learned how to deal with the situation freely, and his face was so ugly that he was about to cry.

Qin Gang, Meng Le’s grade director and the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the college, was more open, and said with a smile: “That kid Meng Le is also innocent, and he didn’t tell me first. This kid is capable..." I am really happy for Meng Le.

When I walked to the office of Gong Ruchun, the Communist Youth League Committee of the school, I opened the door and heard Gong Ruchun excitedly saying: "Dean Cui, your National Business School is showing up this time. These three boys can do it, Oak Park in September. The total amount passed through the five projects is still less than 10 million."

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