Ye Jianbin will also return to Jianye with Zhang Ke and the others, and make a serious calculation. Ye Jianbin has been trapped on Hong Kong Island for five or six months because of the hedge fund.

On October 2, South Korea’s economic crisis broke out. On the 3rd and 4th, the exchange rate of the Korean won against the U.S. dollar fell wildly by 8.8% for two consecutive days.

No one expected the meeting to come so soon, and Zhang Ke did not expect it to come so soon, a full month and a half earlier than in the history of his birth. Fortunately, he was not too greedy before, so he moved to the Korean won front after the Indonesian rupiah was closed. In order to grasp these accurately. Fastest update of novel chapters

The stance of the Korean Won exchange rate frustratingly makes people exhilarating.

Zhang Ke can’t judge whether the rescue measures taken by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to the Korean economy will follow the historical trajectory. The possibility of change is mostly, and the strength and intensity of the assistance is very likely to be. Greatly enhanced, after all, allowing the financial turmoil to spread unscrupulously will affect the economic security of Europe and the United States.

This historical process caused by some occasional factors has since begun to be totally unrecognizable.

This time should be the time to liquidate the Korean won. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

After the position was closed, the gains from the Korean won foreign exchange forward contract transactions were as high as US$150 million. In addition to the gains from the spot foreign exchange market, even if part of the profit was withdrawn as dividends in the early period, the funds in the hedge fund account would still accumulate to US$300 million. Zhiju, after deducting the commissions paid to Nick Leeson and others, less than three months have passed since the financial storm broke out. Zhang Ke and the others have already raked in huge profits of up to 250 million U.S. dollars.

Although the Asian economy will continue to fall to the brink of collapse in order to seize the opportunity for improvement, currency speculation is also subject to more and more. ; After all, investment banks that provide derivative trading tools for currency speculation will also be afraid of this increasingly fierce financial turmoil.

The Asian financial turmoil has had a huge impact on the European and American financial systems.

These will further curb the impulse of investment banks to participate in speculative activities.

In addition to leaving a portion of the funds in the hedge fund account to continue to be handed over to Nicholson for speculative transactions, most of the funds have to be transferred to overseas secret accounts, and it takes a year or even longer to wash this huge sum of money. Domestically used for industrial investment.

Strictly speaking, the huge profits of hedge funds are not illegal gains. However, it is necessary to take care of the mood of the people in countries and regions that have been ransacked by the financial turmoil-both Aida Group and Shengxin Global Electric are thinking of entering the Southeast Asian market. Before the people of Southeast Asia forgot about this storm of hatred and Rong. The low-key of the flower trimming is necessary.

The profit of 300 million US dollars looks terrifying, but compared to the huge market of 500 million people in Southeast Asia, it is not worth mentioning.

Shengxin Electric's flagship store in Jianye Xinshi Street has an annual turnover of 2 billion. If this flagship store can be packaged and publicized, it can almost push the market value to a high of 200 million 300 million US dollars.

The profit of US$300 million looks terrifying, but no amount of horror can compare to Zhang Ke's use of the frantic opportunity of Hong Kong stocks before the onset of the financial turmoil to swept away 4 billion from Hong Kong. If it is delayed for another two months, Aida's desire to go public on the backdoor is likely to be a dream. Even if you can barely go public with a backdoor, you can get one billion eight billion away, it's amazing. It would never be possible to sweep away four billion madly at once.

Seizing the opportunity to operate the physical capital is the right way.

The current headache is how to quietly wash funds out of overseas accounts.

Zhang Ke didn’t care much about it. Ye Jianbin laughed and scolded him as a heartless guy. Although Zhang Ke had the largest share, with one person alone accounting for 40%, there was almost a dollar profit in the three months under his name, but Zhang Ke was early. Sun Shangyi withdrew the 300 million Hong Kong dollar profit in advance and invested it in Yuexiu Holdings, even if he wanted to wash out the profit under his name. He also wants to return Sun Shangyi's 300 million Hong Kong dollar debt first. Of course he is not in a hurry. Anyway, he hasn't had any hope for these funds recently.

Even after a year and a half, another five or six billion of funds can be washed out. Zhang Ke may not be attracted to this funds.

Kumho's mobile phone business is another hen who can lay golden eggs.

Zhang Ke is not short of money at all. He just lacks the opportunity to spend his money. Didn’t you see, Dong, these people drove him away?

At dusk it started to rain again, sitting in the car. The window opened a crack, and the smell of rain could be smelled. The car was driving on the roads of Western Ring Road. There were not many vehicles at this time. You could feel the rare twilight atmosphere on Hong Kong Island.

The feeling of parting is not strong, but it is a little bit faint. Looking at the two beautiful and charming girls sitting in the front row, Zhang Ke sits in the back row with his arms folded, watching the rain outside the window for a longer time, but he can’t give Xu Thinking of making a parting call.

After waiting in the lobby until the midsummer came out, Zhang Kecai, Chen Feirong, and Fu Jun went to the departure hall to complete the exit formalities; Ye Jianbin and his two assistants appeared at the airport on time.

To walk into the VIP room, Zhang Qi and Tang Jing's tender and fragrant body was in her arms.

"Would you like to call her?" Tang Jing said softly with her lips attached to Zhang Ke's ear.

"..." Zhang Ke lowered his head, looked at Tang Jing's clear and bright eyes, shook his head, and said, "No." He clasped her body a little tighter.

"Fight... When you are with others, I also hope you can think of me." Tang Jing looked up at Zhang Ke, her body resting in his arms, "You are a greedy ghost... you must think about it. Stay with me, otherwise I won’t go around you!"

Still walked into the waiting aisle and entered the VIP room to avoid Chen Feirong and hung up the phone to Xu Si to say goodbye, only a slight parting mood. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone and walked back. Ye Jianbin turned his head and whispered to make fun of him. Say: "There are too many women, do you find it troublesome?"

"I'm an emotional debt, can it be compared with the physical debt on your back?" Zhang Ke said with a smile. I heard that every time Ding Wenyi came to Hong Kong, Ye Jianbin couldn't get out of the room all day. Nicholson's mouth was open, and he used it to spread the word for Ye Jianbin all day long, and once said that he leaked in front of Sun Jingxiang, and he didn't know how Sun Jingxiang treated him. Or is it to pay the debt?

Ye Jianbin smiled bitterly. Zhang Ke, this kid, is full of meat and fish. The soul in the young man's body is even more wretched than those in his 30s. Why would you argue with him?

The seasons in Jianye are very different from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is still hot in summer, and I feel cool after two showers this afternoon. After Chen Feirong was in Hong Kong for a few days, Zhang Ke took her and Tang Jing to the beach every day. , The skin is not as white and translucent as it used to be, it is like a layer of honey, more shiny, but more youthful.

The plane leaned down and landed at Jianye Airport. Walking out of the airport reception hall, at nine o'clock in the night, wearing a plaid shirt, I still felt a little cold.

Sheng Xin and both sent a car to wait outside the airport. Ye Jianbin didn't know about Zhang Xian's car. He watched the 140 slowly approaching, and laughed and joked with Zhang Ke: "It's a show bag. Change this car?"

Ye Jianbin is still the big crown. Shengxin is not more wealthy than Kumho, but also devotes all its resources to the expansion of the home appliance chain industry. That big crown is considered a luxury place, and it is still the place where Shengxin Global Appliances bought it before it started. ; Like Shao Xinwen, his mount is only his original Ford, or Ye Xiaotong bought it with private money and gave it to him.

Ye Jianbin asked Fu Jun to sit on the big crown with his two assistants. He knows that Zhang Ke treats beautiful girls with extra tenderness and consideration. He did not arbitrarily advocate that Chen Feirong should be driven to the car behind. He also took the initiative to sit in the front passenger seat and turned around to talk to Zhang Ke.

Chen Feirong has been in the past few years. She has a close relationship with Tang Jing, and she is much closer to Zhang Ke. You can't fail to see Zhang Ke's central position in the Kumho system. But Zhang Ke looked more like a tired and lazy boy in her eyes. The outside world is full of mystery for people like Kumho, Shengxin, and Ye Jianbin who must have bodyguards and assistants to follow, but she has no such feeling at all. Ye Jianbin only talked about the trivial things in the car at will. The younger sister of the Ye family is going to get married in two days. He discussed with Zhang Ke about preparing gifts, and recommended Chen Feirong and Tang Jing to the Ye family. The little girl went to be a bridesmaid and said that after leaving Jianye for six months, she would take Zhang Ke and Yao Wensheng to get to know Jianye again. As for Zhang Ke, as long as he gets out of this car, he will probably not be able to tell how different he is from ordinary college students, handsome and slick?

Chen Feirong couldn't get involved in the conversation between Zhang Ke and Ye Jianbin, and she sat in the car, listening to their conversation, thinking about her trip to Hong Kong as a dream, without the slightest pressure of entanglement. Thinking of this, Zhang Ke's mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, and Chen Feirong could clearly feel the vibration through the leather seat. She watched Zhang Ke take out his special i19 mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and Chen Feirong subconsciously squeezed the handbag. The moonlight silver case was wrapped in a simple flower pattern and the i19 was lying quietly in the handbag. in the corner. At the airport, Ye Jianbin saw Zhang Ke’s mobile phone and asked Kumho to order the same one for him. Zhang Ke opened his mouth and asked for 100,000 yuan. Ye Jianbin took out his checkbook and filled it out without saying anything. He just asked Zhang Ke. "You have the face to accept this check?" Zhang Qie and Ye Jianbin snatched the check from Ye Jianbin, ridiculing Ye Jianbin: "The support for Shengxin is not enough. You have the face to take advantage of this advantage?"

In the end, Zhang Ke naturally had no face to put Ye Jianbin's cheque in the purse. This kind of non-sale product with minimal output can only be greedy for Ye Jianbin and others. The i19 mobile phone is currently only sold in the flagship store of Shengxin Universal Appliance, which is the biggest support for Shengxin. The hot sales of i19 will drive the newly opened cell phone monopoly business in Shengxin stores from one step to the next, and promote Shengxin Universal to take the most determined step to the largest mobile phone seller in the mainland market-this will be mobile communications A huge piece of cake in the golden age. In addition, the profit margin left by i19 to Shengxin is also sufficient to support the huge early-stage expenses of Shengxin's mobile phone monopoly business. In addition to Ye Jianbin, Zhang Yan specially prepared two i19 phones for Sun Shangyi to send to Liu Zhicheng when he went to Taiwan. In addition to the two phones, there were also some other small gifts, such as music electronic players with mature craftsmanship and technology.

The call at this time was Sun Shangyi from Taiwan. After these days of consideration, Liu Zhicheng formally agreed to come forward to preside over the construction project of the fab site after the dinner today.

Zhang Ke calmly moved the phone to his left ear. It was not that she wanted to avoid Chen Feirong, because she was afraid that she would accidentally leak the news. Liu Zhicheng hadn't arrived in Jianye yet, and there was no room for any mistakes. Quietly listen to Sun Shangyi talking in detail about the process of his trip to Taiwan with Guo Songyan on the phone.

TSMC's foundry process at this time is still mainly concentrated in the low-end. The mainland market in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia is its largest customer base. Although the Asian financial turmoil will prompt them to vigorously open up customers in Europe and the United States, the Asian financial turmoil has just exploded, and they will adjust their pace a little later. At this time, they will inevitably be affected by the Asian financial turmoil, which is bound to further intensify TSMC. Contradiction between management.

It is impossible for TSMC’s head Zhang Zhongmou to hear about Malaysia’s preparations for the construction of a fab; a large number of Southeast Asian Chinese engineers choose to leave TSMC after the expiration of their tenure, and it is impossible for him to be unaware of it. Not aware of it at all, he is not qualified to be a godfather in Taiwan's electronics industry, but he himself has always had a high attitude towards the movement of people. Although the construction of a factory in Malaysia will have a certain impact on TSMC, the impact will not be too great. Singapore’s fab is close to Malaysia. Singapore’s fab has suffered huge losses after its completion. The living environment of the fab cannot be compared to Taiwan’s main island. I believe that neither Singapore nor Malaysia’s fabs can shake TSMC’s presence in Asia. Status. Guo's position in the Asian Chinese business district is so prominent, Zhang Zhongmou didn't have to smash his face with Guo's. He recruited engineers from Southeast Asia when he was planning to build TSMC. There is no expectation that these people can stay on Taiwan's main island for a long time. He never thought that after the Asian financial turmoil broke out, the technology company Guo Songyan set up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to prepare for the fab project had been secretly transferred to Kumho's overseas registered company, and he did not expect Liu Zhicheng to go on a business trip in Hong Kong. The mainland is investigating the market and is already considering moving the fab project to the mainland. The main investor has also changed from Guo to Yuexiu Holdings within the Kumho system; Yuexiu Holdings has recently raised a huge amount of 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars for this purpose. funds.

These unexpected factors are indeed not considered. Zhang Zhongmou's attitude towards Liu Zhicheng also kept his attitude indifferent. It doesn't matter if you leave, you have to think about friendship wherever you have been for nearly two decades. Will not stay difficult.

Zhang Zhongmou's tolerance does not mean that TSMC's top management have such tolerance. Before the Asian financial turmoil, some contradictions were still tolerated. After the Asian financial turmoil, especially Japan and South Korea both fell into the dual financial turmoil and economic crisis. The shadows have greatly impacted TSMC’s operations. When some business and job adjustments are needed, some people can’t restrain Liu Zhicheng’s desire to set up another banner in Malaysia.

In their eyes, the economic crisis in Malaysia has spread, and Mahathir of Malaysia has promoted the reduction of large-scale municipal projects and will also compress the investment plan of the Malaysian multimedia corridor to overcome the current The economic crisis has largely compressed the need for large-scale integrated circuits. No one knows when the economy will start to recover, but one thing is certain. It is impossible for Malaysia to continue to support the original fab at this time. investment plan.

The Kuok Yunyuan Group, the biggest supporter of the Malaysian fab project, is also quite dragged down by the financial turmoil and economic crisis at this time, and it is impossible to spend a huge amount of US$3.5 billion in accordance with the plan before the financial turmoil. The Guo family really wanted to do this, only to drag the Yunyuan Group into the abyss of destruction. In addition, it is impossible for Malaysian financial institutions to provide huge financing support for this project. However, it is easier to obtain manufacturing technology and production lines because of the financial turmoil and economic crisis.

At this time, I talked about this matter, but I wanted to resist Liu Zhicheng and make things difficult for Liu Zhicheng, but did not think that the project of the fab has been secretly taken over by Kumho.

When he changed to him, Liu Zhicheng could only swallow his anger; the so-called chicken would rather be a oxtail, not to mention being bullied if you continue to stay at TSMC? These are the factors that prompted him to finally decide to go to the mainland to host the fab construction project. Of course, there are also the sincerity expressed by the Kumho and Jianye municipal governments and the central government.

As an emerging electronics company in the Mainland, Kumho's dazzling brilliance in a short period of time has also strengthened his confidence in the construction of wafer fabs in the Mainland.

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