To cut off the connection with Charles Schwab and Jingdian, Xie Hanjing hung up the phone, sat on the cane chair on the balcony, looked up at the starry night sky, silently.

A beautiful woman of about 30 years old brought a cup of hot tea on the coffee table, stood behind him, took his head from behind, leaned against her towering chest, and gently rubbed the sun with her fingers.** , Said softly: "What is upsetting?"

"Everyone who says that is clear is clear. Do you think that people who want to clear themselves in this world can clear themselves?" Xie Hanjing still likes gentle women. In addition to wealth and status, women are easy to get, easy to abandon, and promising. When a woman feels distressed and upset, there is still such a reluctant to give up after all. w Novel chapter updated fastest

"Some time ago, you were too busy, so I went back to my hometown when I was bored. I drove past the Sanmenxia Dam and took another look at the mainstay under the rapids. I thought that the stone island has been standing under the stormy waves for thousands of years. The rapids rushed down, but it happened to be standing there so that people can see every time they pass by..."

Xie Hanjing wondered: Is Kumho qualified to be the mainstay?

Xie Hanjing gently patted the woman's hand. In fact, the guy who was gesticulating behind turned into a vegetative man lying on the hospital bed. It might not have made him breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, how could he tolerate making himself a treasured sword? The old Xie Hanming came to the stage to mess up the situation? w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"It's also easy to divide, it's easier..." Xie Hanjing shook his head slightly, and picked up the phone on the glass table...

After the flood, in the devastated factory area, the vehicles of suppliers who had come to ask for payment were full. The Jinshan factory lost more than 200 million yuan in materials this time. Most of these two billions are owed to suppliers. The factory is operating normally, and it’s not a problem at all to suppress suppliers for three or five months. With Schwab’s strength in OEMs in China for more than ten years, some suppliers are even willing to give more orders in order to get more orders. Payment. However, the collapse of the Jinshan Lake **** caused heavy losses to the Jinshan factory, and the suppliers were very worried about whether they could ask for the payment back. As soon as the flood subsided, the suppliers who were asking for the payment continued to arrive, and they would not leave the factory if they could not collect the payment.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Ge Yin wanted to cry without tears. He came from a wealthy family and was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. How has he ever encountered such a difficult situation? Even if Kewang's overseas company had a loss of hundreds of millions in 1997, he would only lose some of his pocket money, and he never thought that he would worry about this small amount of money.

Two hundred million is not much. The market value of Schwab Electronics reached 30 billion at its peak. Even if it suffered repeated setbacks, the market value of Schwab Electronics was not lower than 5 billion. However, Schwab Electronics' electronics factory in Guangdong suffered a huge loss last year, and another huge loss in the first half of this year. The previous construction of Jinshan Electronics Industrial Park has consumed a large amount of funds from Schwab Electronics. Even Schwab Group was forced to increase its holdings in Schwab by Kumho in the first half of the year. Electronics, Schwab Real Estate's shares. Nearly 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash was consumed in vain, and it also caused a floating loss of over 800 million Hong Kong dollars on the books. Whether it is a listed company or a group company, it is somewhat difficult to get another 200 million. The point is that the Jinshan factory does not only need to spend 200 million yuan to restore production.

On the morning of the 31st. Zhao Youlun, secretary of the Jinshan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, inspected the disaster-stricken area of ​​Lake Kuihu, and he also stayed in the disaster-stricken factory area of ​​the electronic park for a short time. Instruct the staff of the municipal party committee, municipal government and financial institutions accompanying them to support the self-rescue and recovery of production in the Jinshan Electronic Industrial Park after the disaster in strict accordance with relevant national regulations.

All right. The major domestic commercial banks lend only more than 50 billion points a year to the planned amount of loans in Jiangnan Province. The characteristic of domestic bank lending is that it is loose in the first half of the year. Tightened in the second half of the year. Before the flood season. This year's local lending quota has consumed more than half. Although in mid-August, the People's Bank of China temporarily relaxed its credit openings for Jiangnan Province. It will not increase too much by 10 billion. The quota increased to more than 25 billion in the second half of the year. But the two to five billion will be divided among the twelve prefectures and cities in the province. Even if Jinshan monopolizes one-third of the land. It's only eight billion. The disaster-stricken company in Jinshandi is by no means an electronics industrial park. Let's talk about the degree of criticality. It is also necessary to first ensure the transportation, communications, energy and other corporate sectors. To say that the relationship is close. If there is a loan, the land demand of state-owned enterprises is guaranteed first. Furthermore, Xu Xueping's post-disaster relief work conference in the province where he first arrived, clearly requested financial institutions to pay attention to the production status of private enterprises.

Zhao Youlun did not say that special matters should be handled specially. It means strictly in accordance with relevant national regulations. The total of 8 billion land openings in Jinshan City can squeeze only 8 million into Jinshan Electronics Industrial Park. That's eight million. It is also necessary for Jinshan Electronics Industry to put out sufficient effective assets to mortgage.

This made Ge Yinjun, the place where he stayed at Jinshan to handle the aftermath work, ascended to heaven with anger: "This is a **** beggar!" He knew that his father Ge Mingxin's return to Hong Kong to raise funds was not smooth.

Mid-July-August. Clouds over the Asian financial markets are once again clouded. Taking advantage of the turmoil in the U.S. stock market and the continued decline in the yen exchange rate. Financial giants attacked Hong Kong's financial market. Although the central government once again appointed Ye Zhenmin to sit in Hong Kong. Team up with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to attack financial giants. But after all, there is no way to reverse the economic trend. Late August. Russia suddenly burst into financial crisis. Almost in less than a week. The Russian ruble plunged 60%. As a result, the Asian financial crisis spread to the world.

In this situation. Only well-founded and reputable businesses can continue to make large-scale financing in the financial market. For Schwab Group, which is in deep crisis. It is naturally extremely difficult to obtain large amounts of financing.

Ge Yinjun is now pinning his hopes of financing on the Xie family. Although Zhou Jinyu lost power. But Chint Group is even at the most severe moment of the Asian economic crisis. Can still rely on the domestic market to maintain a certain profit. Haitai Electric has benefited from the vigorous development of the domestic home appliance chain market. It is better to maintain the momentum of growth under the suppression of Shengxin Global Electric. The Xie family’s ability to raise funds in the mainland should not be underestimated.

Ge Yinjun didn't know that the Xie family's internal affairs were big enough to bring the topic of family separation to the table for discussion.

Xie Hanming put down the phone with annoyance in his heart.

"What's wrong, what did the second brother say on the phone?" Zhou Jinyu wore a silk shirt and frowned when she saw her husband. Carefully asked, at this time, she no longer had the strong personality of the past, and looked more like an ordinary middle-aged woman.

"Have you ever thought that the second child will stabb us in the back at this time?" Xie Hanming looked at the phone in his palm with a hideous face, and resisted not smashing it out.

"What happened?" Zhou Jinyu asked nervously.

"He wants to separate!" Xie Hanming gritted his teeth and said, "We will also throw away the mess of Kewang, Jinshan Electronic Park, Software Park, and Jincheng Real Estate..." He did not expect that the second child did not allow him to come out. When the topic confides, the separation is straightforward. His mind was suddenly occupied by annoyance. If it hadn't been for years of restraint, he would have cursed his mother a long time ago, but he just said something cruelly. "He wants to split his family and have his big head dream!"

Xie Hanming's fingers trembled with anger, and he called Jiannan's phone. At this time, he also felt that only this son could discuss ideas together. After a while, there was a light sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Dad, think about why your second uncle transferred some people from Brother Wanshan out of Huishan at the beginning of the year. He said that he wanted to promote the management of professional managers in the headquarters and let the capable people in the family go out. Let’s take a look at the family’s equity distribution in the company, especially the equity distribution of the investment company..."

Xie Hanming's hands and feet were a little cold. It suddenly became clear that the idea of ​​"separation" had been circling in the mind of the second child, not a day or two, and a back road had been reserved for a long time. The assets and equity distribution of the members in the Chint Group are all conducive to the separation of the home appliance chain, electromechanical manufacturing business and the disc player manufacturing, as well as the investment business of real estate, electronic parks, and software parks. He even transferred Xie Wanshan out of Huishan at the beginning of the year and was no longer responsible for the Chint Group's electromechanical instrument manufacturing business. Because Xie Wanshan is inclined here.

Half a year ago, Xie Hanming had never thought that the Zhou family would suddenly lose power. Naturally, he could not see that the second child made a series of small actions six months ago. He even thought that the second child made these adjustments just to make it easier to invest in the Jinshan Electronic Park and the Software Park.

"Fuck, Xie Hanjing!" Xie Hanming squeezed out a foul language viciously. He had forgotten that Xie Hanjing's mother was his aunt.

Xie Hanjing pinched the phone off, turned it off, and placed it on the glass table. Two snow-white arms that were like jade wrapped around him again.

"Decided to separate the family?" The woman leaned down and asked gently.

"If you say it, the spilled water cannot be collected," Xie Hanjing sighed slightly, "I am also distressed to throw away the real estate together. You must know that in a few years, real estate is definitely a good business... It's a pity. At this time, if there is no decision, it may not be delayed for three or four years. Jincheng Real Estate is finally stuck in Haizhou and it is difficult to break through!" Xie Hanjing sighed again, I really regret that Jincheng Real Estate was also lost, restrained, and leaned on On the towering chest of the woman behind him, he knew that he was old and could still enjoy such a woman. It all depended on the wealth in his hands. What kind of feelings he could talk about? Hell, he said, "You help me contact Chang Mingqiu, tomorrow I will go to the company and I want to see him in the office... Maybe you can help me ask him if he is interested in my office?"

"Huh?" The woman behind her whispered in confusion.

"Professional matters should have been handed over to more professional people long ago," Xie Hanjing stood up with his back bowed, and said, holding his back straight up again, "Chint has long since gotten rid of the family workshop-style management model. I also want to save some time and spend more time with you..."

Xuefu Lane’s bronze pillar-style street lamp is antique, with blurred yellow light scattered, and above the street lamp flame is the turbulent night. How many people can understand.

Since 1978, Zhang Ke walked to the outer street of Xuefu Alley by himself without feeling lonely. He watched the young men and women who had just returned to school hanging around in the meantime. Now they are just old students returning to school. Freshmen are still four late at the beginning. For five days, I still felt that it was most relaxing to stay, and I couldn’t feel any pressure. Even when I saw Xue Lin and a well-dressed young man walking down the streets of Xuefu Alley, Zhang Ke just stretched out comfortably on the iron bench in the middle of the street. Lazy.

Lin Xue wore a long and bright dress with a wide yellow belt with copper eyes around her waist. The soft fabric was affixed to her plump body. She was curvy and sexy. The neckline was slightly lower, revealing white, bottomless cleavage and bare feet. Wearing light purple high-heeled crystal sandals, walking on the streets of Xuefu Lane, dazzled the eyes of the young students who are deeply depressed. The toes that exposed the high-heeled sandals are also white, tender and lovely. Knowing that Fu Jiaoyan has a serpent-like heart hidden in the sexual body of countless young and old men.

Lin Xue was only concentrating on talking with the young people around her, and she frequently lost two winks. When she walked to the front, she was startled by Zhang Ke, who was stretched out. She jumped to the side like a ghost, as thin as she could. The high-heeled shoes with violent eyes slid their heels and gave a soft and almost fell, painfully bending over to grab the heel.

Zhang Ke didn't bother to answer this kind of woman, and happened to have a girl with a beautiful appearance and long white legs in a short skirt, and Zhang Ke naturally turned his eyes to the girl and admired it.

The young man also gave Lin Xue a sudden shock. He politely walked over to support the unstable Lin Xue's arm, and looked at Lin Xue's down collar without casually looking at Zhang Ke suspiciously. After a few seconds, she suddenly asked Lin Xue: "He is Zhang Ke!"

His voice was not high, Zhang Yan could hear him. He looked at the young man in surprise. He was about 33 years old, tall and thin, and handsome, well-dressed, and his head was short. He was in the street light. I can see the scalp and the scars on the scalp, and the exposed arm also has a very shallow scar, but what is revealed on the body is not the temperament of the green-skinned people who are fighting and fighting. Maybe they have joined the army...

"Hello, this is Yan Wenjie, and I hope you can remember me." The young man ignored Zhang Ke's suspicious eyes, but just smiled faintly.

"I think you will remember me," Yan Wenjie dropped another sentence, never looking at Zhang Ke again, and gently and thoughtfully turned sideways to support Lin Xue, "Does your foot hurt or do you? I ask the driver to drive the car over?"

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