When I arrived at the Cuiyuan, I saw the Beijing Jeep, a 6-kind car, stopped in front of them. "Why are you back?" Yao Jiusheng pressed the window and poked his head out of the car and asked 6 Jian puzzledly, "Which woman should I look at and run back sneakily?", Wu Qiligang called me, Some minor situations have emerged here, "6", tell the situation to Zhang Ke, Yao Fusheng, and Ye Jianbin.

Yao Jian and his girlfriend stayed in the Cuiyuan just now, and did not rush back to their room to rest, so they went to the night club in the main building of the Cuiyuan to play. Yao Jian left for a while, and his girlfriend entangled a drunk guest. , Yao Jian hasn't rushed back yet, his girlfriend pushed the drunk guy a dog to eat **** and had a nosebleed. The guests who came to Cuiyuan to play, where there are simple identities, the drunk guy and his friends were a little reluctant to make trouble; 6 received a call from Wu Qili and rushed back. Fastest update of novel chapters

"Then you go first and help boss Wu's troubles be solved first." Zhang Ke smiled and waved to let 6 in.

This kind of small situation "Of course Wu Qili can solve it. Cuiyuan is a membership club, and he has a good understanding of the information of the guests who come in to play. The big deal is that Cuiyuan suffers some losses, so that both sides will settle down. Even if there are more difficult troubles, Wu Qili did not Notifying Zhang Ke and them, but returning the 6 paddles they newly met, I just wanted to take the opportunity to see 6 Jian’s methods. I don’t know the details of 6 Jian, where can I really feel relieved to cooperate with him? Probably Wu Qili did not expect that they would. Going and returning so soon. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"Hong Kong people are really shrewd." Yao Fusheng got out of the car and leaned on the door and took out the cigarette to divide it. "Savvy, it's okay, at least knowing to follow up and retreat"" Ye Jianbin took the cigarette, touched his pocket, and without a lighter, he closed his hands to block the wind and received Yao Fusheng's fire, and then he finished smoking a cigarette outside. Walk to the Cuiyuan.

The main building of the clubhouse is modeled on the hall-style architecture of the Republic of China. The glazed eaves are shining brightly under the lighting of the lights, the columns are glazed, and the two walls are also carved with giant flying reliefs. The scarlet carpet is spread all the way to the square in front of the steps. , The colorful water jets illuminated by the laser in the music fountain beats with the rhythm of the music. Although the villas behind the green garden are quiet and elegant, the main building of the clubhouse is still extremely luxurious.

The steps of the white marble were standing two rows of tall, rake-faced cheongsams, and a pink cheongsam with high slits, exposing pink and white thighs. Zhang Ke only then learned about the service in the courtyard where he lives. Although beautiful, the clothes are conservative.

Yi Xin sighed softly when she saw it, "After all, this world revolves around your men!", Zhang Ke and the others walked up to the second floor. There were some blood stains and on the railings, scattered very open, thinking that the drunk was really unlucky, Zhang Ke smiled and asked Yi Xin: "Are all the girls of China Eastern Airlines so fierce?" Yi Xin didn't speak, Zhai Danqing played. Dedi looked at Zhang Ke and said, "Couldn't you hope that the girls of China Eastern would groan twice when they moved people?" The others laughed, and Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, shy. He smiled and said, "Is there such a good thing?" Yao Jiusheng waved to Waiting Sheng and asked Wu Qili where they had gone to solve the problem. Familiar voices talked loudly in it: "They all said it was a misunderstanding. My friend drank too much wine and couldn’t stand still. Seeing your friend stood there and wanted to take a hold, even if he touched his face, the big deal was a misunderstanding. People beat up like this? You said it was pushing sideways. My friend is a bit awake, but I was surprised: Pushing down can make his nose touch the ground? "Zhang Ke is also strange: Pushing down can his nose touch the ground? Wouldn't you give someone a heavy powder fist on the nose and then make another example? Pushing open the door of the box with burgundy decorative glass, I walked in, and saw Zhou Xingdong sitting on the sand on two stilts: "Since you have all the six young and old, you can solve it. It's blackmail, and we don't have the guts to knock on your 6 healthy head. I took my friend to the hospital for a check. If there is no major problem, you will open a private room tomorrow and ask us to apologize and not care about other things with you. ""Private rooms are open in Cuiyuan, both in Cuiyuan and in creative arts. Invite more friends to lively and lively. In this era, everyone must make friends peacefully in order to make money in harmony." Wu Qili saw Zhang Ke and the others opened the door. , He hurriedly stood up to make a round.

Zhou Xingdong looked inside. There were two well-dressed young men sitting beside him. One young man had a cotton ball in his nose. The blood on his face was washed away. Although his eyes were unwilling, he still listened to Zhou Xingdong to help him out. A young man watched Zhang Ke and the others in confusion.

"One hundred and eighty thousand, I have; just touch your little face for me." Zhang Ke stood at the door and smiled, looking coldly at Zhou Xingdong on two stilts.

Zhou Xingdong saw Zhang Ke and Ye Jianbin standing at the door. They put their feet down in a panic, and put this sentence on Zhang Ke. His face was sullen and he didn't know how to reply:

Could it be possible that he really stuck his little face and asked Zhang Ke to touch it? "Ke Shao, Ye Shao, Director Yao are here..." Wu Qili smiled and invited them to their seats. He did not expect Zhang Bang to return so quickly. "What happened?" Zhang Ke raised his brows and asked.

"If there is a misunderstanding, there is nothing serious about it..." Wu Qili asked. "Since it's a misunderstanding, is the misunderstanding explained clearly?" Zhang Ke turned his head and glanced at Zhou Xingdong, and asked. Wang Lie "explained clearly...," Zhou Xingdong pressed Zhang Ke's momentum, and he really couldn't stand up in front of Zhang Ke. After all, he was still pressed by Kumho. He was just a joint letter under China Electronics. The general manager of the Southern Company under Electronics, he himself is used to using this level of label to distinguish himself from others. "Then what are you doing here?" Zhang Ke frowned and stared at Zhou Xingdong. "Is it possible that my friend touched your cheeks and moaned twice to satisfy you?" The young people who didn’t know the situation got up and slipped out of the box. The figures in the prince’s circle in the capital all gave face to each other and could put on airs. But Zhang Ke is a wild way. In the final analysis, it is their own heart. Get it back from Ke's hand?

When Zhou Xingdong and the others got out of the box, Yi Xin laughed outright. Ye Jianbin and Yao Wensheng restrained themselves from laughing. Wu Qili, Yao Jian, and 6 Jian looked strange, but Yi Xin endured a laugh and held Zhang Ke and Zhai in the lobby. Dan Qing’s dialogue was learned vividly. Yao Jian’s girlfriend was a little embarrassed and rolled with Yi Xinxiao. It seems that there is nothing wrong with her appearance. Women’s psychology is not as fragile as imagined these days. 6 Jian laughed and said: "I think your last sentence is the most powerful, and you directly defeated Zhou Xingdong and Zhao Pucheng. If you dare to be so powerful, you are plagiarizing Zhai Xiao and Sister..." He glared at Zhang Ke slightly. This eye was flattering, but it did not show more coquettishness. Zhang Ke smiled and stood down and asked 6 Jian: (, Zhou Xingdong, I know, he has always been in charge of the association. The Southern Company that believes in electronics, or else he should know Yao Jian one two other young people?" Yao Jian also cooperated with Wu Qili and did not reveal his identity, otherwise Zhou Xingdong would be too ignorant to entangle this little matter. "The young man in a red shirt is called Zhao Pucheng, the son of Mayor Zhao Tian. I don't know the guy who woke up with a nosebleed. People from the imperial city roots in other provinces are more restrained. I know it's a misunderstanding. I usually don't get entangled... and rarely use alcohol to make trouble." 6 Jian said.

Cuiyuan is a membership club. One of Zhou Xingdong and the three of them must be a member here. Wu Qili should know Zhao Pucheng, the son of the vice mayor Zhao Tian. After all, Zhou Xingdong is in Jianhan all the year round, and the other youth is not like Beijing. The characters in the Gongzi circle all do real estate in Beijing, and the deputy mayor has more management than the head minister in the ministries and commissions. When Liu Jian mentioned Zhao Tian's name, Wu Qili's expression remained unchanged.

On the 26th, at Gu Changgeng’s birthday banquet, 6 Jian’s father, 6 Xinhua, assistant to the minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and his wife arrived uninvited. At that time, 6 Xinhua’s pursuit of Gu Changgeng’s youngest daughter, Gu Chang, was rejected~www.readwn.com~ and he couldn’t save face. Over the years, his relationship with Gu’s family was indifferent. Now, even after the death of the 6 old people, 6 Jian, who was a Hupengou friend with Yao Wensheng since childhood, has grown up **, and 6 Xinhua’s wives and Gu Chang are good friends, but the relationship between the 6 families and Gu’s family is unproductive.

6 Xinhua hasn't been to the Gu's door for many years. Even if the Gu's helps with anything, he always asks his wife to lead his son to the door. This time he went to the door with his head. Gu Changgeng watched him walk into the middle of the hall and said straightforwardly: "Are you singing Xiangzhuang Wujian this?" Wang Zhiguo Gu Changgeng is an elder, no matter how hard his words are, Xinhua can only accept it rigidly, otherwise it is better not to go to the door, just smile in a slanderous manner. He did have some lack of sincerity, and he came more for 6 Jian. As the assistant minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he certainly knows the root cause behind the recent development of Indonesian Chinese.

In addition to Chen Xinmin, Tang Xueqian, Yi Yunfei, Ye Zhumin, 6 Xinhua, Gu Changgeng’s son Gu Xingyu also rushed back to Beijing today. For example, Ye Zingmin was temporarily delayed in Hong Kong and was unable to return to Beijing. He made a phone call to wish him and Tang Xueqian. I have met several times, and Ye Zhenmin and Zhang Ke are also very close, there is no need to take this opportunity to meet Tang Xueqian again.

Wu Qili was not qualified to attend Gu Changgeng’s birthday banquet today. Yao Jiusheng invited him to attend the extravaganza in order to help 6 health. Only when he arrived at Gu’s house did he really know how powerful the political resources behind Kumho are.

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