Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 917: Zhang Ke can't steal the chicken

Regarding Kewang or China Electronics, Zhang Ke would not regard it as Kumho’s future players, but it cannot be denied that Huaxia Electronics, backed by the Ministry of Information Industry, and Kewang, who attracted and injected capital from China Electronics at this time, can indeed give Kumho. Make some trouble.

No matter how kind and weak Zhang Ke is, he will not rely on Huaxia Electronics and Kewang to jump up and down to recruit people, but he does not want to spend a lot of time on this. Kumho’s power cannot be scattered at will. Companies such as Xinyuan Electric are more conducive to the future-of course, Zhang can't pretend to be blind to Chen Jing's difficulties. Fastest update of novel chapters

Hearing Chen Jing said that both China Electronics and Kewang are putting pressure on them to give up the right to use Kewang’s brand, Zhang Ke frowned and thought for a moment, and said: “Well, even though the Ministry of Information Industry will not show any foreign-funded enterprises this year The mobile phone production license does not mean that it is not possible to apply. Kewang Hi-Tech will submit the application materials this year to allow Kewang Hi-Tech to have the right to use the Kewang brand in the field of mobile phone production and sales. It is regarded as a default fact within the Ministry of Information Industry. I will follow Vice Minister Yi gave an additional notification..."

Chen Jing nodded. In front of Xu Si, it was inconvenient to show how strong feelings he felt towards Zhang Ke. Sitting there and chatting casually for a while, after ten o'clock, although the cafes and bars were really lively, The boutiques continued to close for a day. There were young men and women walking on the street, and the crowded people at night had disappeared. Seeing Zhang Ke, Xu Si and Wan Qing, there was no intention to leave, Chen Jing felt in her heart. Surprisingly, without saying much, he left with Xie Zijia. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

When I left, I took another look at Xu Si, this charming and beautiful woman, thinking that Zhang Ke would be with her at night, and there was an indescribable emotion in his heart.

After Chen Jing and Xie Zijia left, Zhang Ke, Wan Qing, and Xu Si also checked out and left. Xu Si’s house was in the North Alley of Danjing Lane. The North Alley mainly contained residential houses, museums, and hostels. The streets and alleys kept the official residences of the late Qing Dynasty. The style and appearance of the courtyard open the courtyard door, and the interior is a home style that is very suitable for modern life, as if stepping into another world.

The entire vestibule is a shallow pool, dotted with white sand and white stone gravel, floating with a few leaves of duckweed, and a few goldfish staying motionless in the water, seeming to have fallen asleep under the soft garden lamp, Zhang, Xu Si, The three of Wan Qing didn't wake them up when they walked in. A border of green bamboo is planted in the corner of the wall, and the courtyard door and the living room are connected by a water step made of marble. Walked into the living room and turned off the courtyard lamp outside. Moonlight came in from outside the lattice door. The square lattices were reflected on the light gray stone floor of the living room, which was really beautiful.

Turning on the light in the living room, Zhang Tuo's room seemed to have been cleaned for a long time, and he looked at the study next door. There was an unfinished book on the desk and turned over to ask late. Qing: "You lived with Xu Si yesterday?"

"Yeah, where else can the two women who have no one's affection and love for?" Wan Qing said deliberately with a bitter expression on her face, "I'm tired from shopping, and of course it's the most convenient place to live here."

Xu Si was about to walk in. Zhang Ke grabbed her hand and asked with a smile: "You said that there is no one to clean and no one can live here for a long time. What are you worried about?"

Xu Si's cheeks were red, and he whispered, "What am I worried about? Did I say that?"

Zhang Ke did not realize anything at the beginning. Let Xu Si and Wan Qing go upstairs to take a bath first. Seeing them, they have to wash separately. Said: "You two women can wash together. A woman takes the most time to take a bath..." Xu Si and Wan Qing didn't think there was anything for two women to take a bath together. The bathroom on the second floor is spacious enough. to be honest. Three people sitting in the bathtub at the same time will not feel squeezed. They went upstairs together arm in arm.

Zhang Ke couldn't follow it stubbornly. He went to the study and turned on the computer to take time to deal with the mail accumulated today.

The room on the north side of the study was originally a guest room. Communicate with the backyard. There is no door between it and the study. But in order to enhance space permeability. Half of the wall was built. Half of the wall is embedded with translucent frosted glass. Zhang looked back through the frosted glass in the study. Feeling empty in the room behind. Feel strange. Went around from the living room and took a look. The guest room was converted into a studio for Xu Si.

Zhang Ke finally understood what Xu Si was worried about: the whole house had only one bedroom with a bed.

Zhang Ke was a little passionate. Tiptoeing up the stairs. Hear the sound of water flowing in the bathroom. Hold the door lock and twist it lightly. It was locked from the inside. Then I heard the door smash from the inside. There was laughter from Wan Qing and Xu Si. The two women went into the bathroom to take a shower at the same time. It happened to lock him out of the bathroom.

Zhang Ke went downstairs. Some dry mouth. There are a lot of things in the refrigerator. Take a bottle of mineral water. Go to the terrace on the second floor. I plan to curl up and sit on the bench on the terrace to wait for Xu Si and Wan Qing to come out of the shower. But they didn't expect that Xu Si and Wan Qing had forgotten to close the curtain between the bathroom and the second-floor terrace—there was a wooden fence outside the terrace. Need not

Confidentiality-they didn't expect Zhang Bang to come to the terrace.

It seemed that Zhang Ke's eyes were about to fall out of the situation of taking a pair of jade men in the bathtub to take a shower.

Although both Wan Qing and Xu Si are immersed in the water floating in the bath foam, only the parts above the shoulder bones are exposed, but the sensory stimulation is completely different. Now Wan Qing goes behind her back, as if it is Asking Xu Si to rub her back, Xu Si knelt in the water, standing upright, revealing beautiful, tall white breasts. Zhang Ke was also too eager to notice the flower pot under his feet, and wanted to be closer to the glass window. See clearly, one foot stepped on the flowerpot, the clattering person stumbled to the ground, his forehead knocked on the window sill, and the pain was not seen in the bathroom. After a while, I saw Xu Si and Wan Qing wrapped in them. Zao rushed out.

His forehead was knocked, Zhang Ke stretched out his hand and touched it. There were some blood stains, hot pain, and some pain in his calf, which might have cut the broken flowerpot. Zhang Ke didn’t dare to complain. Wan Qing and Xu Si took him back to the room and brought him to the medicine cabinet with alcohol to clean his wounds. Fortunately, the cut on his forehead and the cut on his calf were not too serious, simple Some treated with gauze tape to stop bleeding.

Zhang Ke had a guilty conscience and asked Wan Qing and Xu Si to help him deal with the wound. They didn't say anything and dealt with the wound. Wan Qing packed the medicine box, looked at him sideways, and said, "Why don't you speak anymore, I feel ashamed?"

Zhang Ke sighed. How could he think of who would put a flower pot under the window sill. It was really a fleeting disadvantage; Xu Si stood by and grinned.

Zhang Ke stretched out the left leg that gave Xu Si a gauze bow and said, "How can I take a shower later?"

"What's the point of staying up for a day without taking a shower?" Wan Qing slapped Zhang Ke's calf lightly and said, "You are a little dirty and smelly, and it will have no effect on us? You still want to think about what will happen tomorrow. Go out to meet people. By the way, I heard that you had a bruise and swollen face when you came out of Li Xinyu's house some time ago. I heard that the situation is more miserable than this time. Shouldn't your bad mind be worse than this time?"

Xu Si's smile was about to flush red. He ran downstairs and took the plastic wrap. He helped Zhang Ke wrap his calf wound in waterproofing, and said, "So you don't need to be afraid of wet water. I'll wash it for you after I take a shower..."

If only Wan Qing or Xu Si were the only ones, Zhang Ke would be able to let them wash his face, but it was a pity that when the two women were together, Zhang Ke could only go into the bathroom with his injured leg wrapped in plastic wrap. He simply took a shower. Although it doesn't matter whether he washes his hair or not, even if his head is not broken, Zhang Ke will not refuse Xu Si to help him wash his hair-it is a pity that he only washes one.

After taking a shower, Wan Qing and Xu Si wanted to drive Zhang Ke downstairs, and the bolt pressed against the door to prevent them from closing, and smiled and said, "Let’s talk together, it hurts, and I can’t sleep—give me Sleep on the quilt on the floor, it's better to spread it thicker, I'm afraid the floor is too hard."

Wan Qing and Xu Si couldn't bear to drive him downstairs, and helped him out with a quilt and spread it on the floor next to the big bed. Zhang Ke was also honest at the beginning and slept on the floor. Wan Qing and Xu Si were together. When I slept on the bed, the lights were turned off, and the moonlight came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the room seemed to be immersed in clear water.

I didn’t feel sleepy for a while, chatting casually about Li Xinyu and Li Xinyu. Wan Qing asked him: "If you abduct Li Xinyu, no one from Samsung will come to look for her? Or do they think that Samsung’s shame can’t be erased? Just abandon yourself?"

"How can I say and there is no one, she is personally free, so she is not happy that she explained clearly to the family that the misunderstanding made Samsung eliminate prejudice against me?" Zhang Ke sighed and said, "You don't believe me? "

"Your lie is very clumsy. I think you are lying, and you will not lie to such clumsy lie. It's very strange." Wan Qing leaned over and pushed Xu Si's arm. "Do you believe this kid?"

"Me?" Xu Si lay on the edge of the bed and looked at Zhang Ke, who was lying on the floor with his head in his arms. It was a strange feeling that he would miss this guy in the dead of night. The entanglement makes life and work impossible to continue, and there is no idea of ​​controlling him or entangled around him. Even if I hear some of his love affairs, there is no jealousy that women should have. It is really strange to see him in this Mingjun His face and clear and deep eyes have a crystal clear feeling, as if the beauty of this life is right by his side. What kind of emotion is this really? Let’s say that feelings are weak. One phone call in two or three days seems to be enough, but in the dead of night, no one except this guy can get into his heart. Say that feelings are strong. A whisper on the phone is enough to get enough comfort. Without the constant entanglement of ordinary love men and women, when Wan Qing held her elbow against herself, she smiled and said, "I don't care if this guy tells a lie!" (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log 6**m, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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