Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 919: 3 people's world

Qing quickly pushed up the clouds, it seems that every cell in her body was nourished) F messy covering her flushed face like a morning glow, panting, her high chest undulating, she felt a little embarrassed at this time, no Courage opened Xiu, who was covering her face, and Zhang Ke was still rubbing her hands on her towering plump breasts. It was very comfortable, but after regaining the ability to think, she was thinking about why she had just made it so bold with Xu Si. Requirements? The key point is that this guy is not satisfied yet. He poked hard and straight in his mouth, swelled so much, and couldn't push this guy away. He heard the sound of the bathroom door opening. He was ashamed. He grabbed the pillow and covered his face. The extreme sensitivity, like a tide, pushed out again, almost drowning that clear consciousness. w Novel chapter updated fastest

The bathroom door was blown open by the wind. Xu Si felt a little strange when he heard a groan that was as thin as the wind. Is it the same groan that he fell into that wonderful pleasure? There is no strong sorrow in my heart, there seems to be a strange stimulus flowing in my heart, I want to take a secret look, but I always don’t have the courage to stand up, and I think that it was the same when Wan Qing was standing at the door just now watching her and Zhang Lengai. Feel it?

Hearing a depressive growl from Zhang Ke's voice, Xu Sixuan's heart suddenly loosened, only to feel that there was some water flowing between his legs, and he cursed himself in his heart, hesitating when it would be appropriate to go out. However, she saw Wan Qing walk in with her arms covered with one hand, and with one hand between her legs, bowing slightly, and white liquid dripping down her thighs. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Wan Qing was a little embarrassed to see liquid dripping down her thighs. She raised her head and glanced at Xu Si who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub. She looked at each other and laughed again...

Zhang Lian was lying on the bed, listening to the movement in the bathroom. For a moment, he heard the sound of the shower nozzle, and heard Xu Si and Wan Qing whispering in the bathroom. He just couldn't hear them talking. He He stood up and pushed the door into the bathroom. After waiting for a while, the sound of the water did not stop, nor did Xu Si and Wan Qing come out. Zhang Ke got up from the bed and pushed open the bathroom door, seeing both Xu Si and Wan Qing. Sitting in the bathtub and preparing to take a bath, the water was only halfway through, and the chest was exposed. Before Zhang seriously compared the similarities and differences between the two women's figures, Xu Si and Wan Qing both picked up and threw something at him. , Screamed: "You **** ball, don't come over!" Zhang Ke turned his back, regardless of the littering, and retreated toward the bathtub. He sat on the edge of the bathtub, and fell into the water: "I just went out like that. Excessive sweating, don't say let me wash first. "Death and reluctance to get up in the bathtub. Wan Qing and Xu Si were angry and funny. They couldn't do anything about him, and they were even more worried that the wound on his calf was soaked in water.

Zhang Qie slid his legs and opened gauze on the edge of the bathtub and looked at it. The wound was scarred, and there was nothing serious about it, except that there would still be a scar on his forehead for a while.

The young body is also vigorous, but it is a pity that Xu Si and Wan Qing ran away in soap after taking a shower. They didn't dare to talk to Zhang Ke anymore, and Zhang Ke could only soak in the bathtub for half an hour. I went downstairs and breakfast was ready on the table, but the two women didn't know where they were.

Zhang Ke first dialed Xu Si's cell phone and heard her cell phone ringing in the study, and then dialed Wan Qing's cell phone, only to realize that the two women had gone shopping together.

Thinking of the absurd things in the morning, Xu Si and Wan Qing were a little embarrassed although they didn't have any special embarrassment. It was strange to say that the two women did not want to avoid each other, but subconsciously wanted to avoid Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke handled some mail in the study in the morning, and felt a little hungry at noon. He called Wan Qing and asked them where they were and planned to find a place to have lunch together. At this time, Wan Qing and Xu Si refused to eat in the restaurant outside with Zhang Ke, so that Zhang Ke stayed in the house and did not come out. They bought fast food and brought them back.

When Xu Si and Wan Qing returned, Zhang Wei called Zhai Danqing from Jian. Today is the last day of the National Day holiday. Zhai Danqing returned to Jian in the morning, called Zhang Ke to inform him, and asked Zhang Yan to return to Jian.

"Is it Danqing?" Wan Qing heard the phone call like Zhai Danqing. Asked Zhang Ke with his feet on the desk.

Just returned to construction in the morning. Then I called. "Zhang Ke nodded. When talking to Wan Qing, he did not deliberately cover the barrel to prevent Zhai Danqing from hearing the phone. Wan Qing nodded. Nothing. Zhang Ke said to Zhai Danqing on the other side of the phone. : "There is nothing particularly important. Then I will build it the day after tomorrow..."

Why don't you come to Haizhou? Xu Si asked. He gave Zhang Ke a puzzled look.

If it weren't for Zhai Danqing's guilty conscience. She serves as Zhang Kedi's assistant. Of course, the end of the vacation is the first time to rush to Haizhou to join Zhang Feng. Wan Qing also raised her head and glanced at Zhang Ke suspiciously.

"The things at hand are getting more and more cumbersome. I plan to find a few more people to help Zhai Danqing deal with - Jian still has some things for Zhai Danqing to stay there to deal with." Zhang Ke found an excuse and casually took it. "With a capable subordinate. The boss can take time out..."

Qing heard the voices of Wan Qing and Xu Sidi on the other end of the phone. Know that Zhang Hehai + wants to be with them both. Did not say much to Zhang Ke on the phone. Just hung up the phone.

In the afternoon, Zhou Shuhui sent a car to take Zhidan back to Haizhou. After the long vacation, Zhitong would go to school tomorrow. Zhang Xiang, Wan Qing and Xu Si's good wish to sleep in the same bed once again fell in the empty space and was postponed indefinitely. After dinner together in the evening, Wan Qing took Zhidan to Haiyu International Private School. Zhang Ke and Xu Si returned to the mansion in Danjing Alley. Pleasure.

Just after the National Day holiday, the news came out that Liu Wentao (at the bureau level), deputy director of the operation camp of the Planning and Exhibition Committee, was going to Haizhou to serve as the municipal party committee secretary. Although Liu Wentao's resume has many experience of going to local places to exercise, but he was suddenly able to airborne to Haizhou, which has been very economically active in recent years, as the top leader. There are still discussions within Donghai Province on this, and it is a bit difficult to understand.

Of course, it is not only Donghai Province. There will also be a number of central ministries, commissions, and bureau-level officials who will be dispatched to local governments to serve as party and government leaders. , Zhanxun's area. As far as the localities are concerned, I can also take the opportunity to strengthen ties with the central ministries and commissions. Of course, there are also inconveniences. The political balance at the local level can easily be destroyed by the airborne corps.

After the National Day holiday, Zhang Ke went to Hong Kong.

After the secretly established hedge fund continued to wash out more than 100 million US dollars in profits at the beginning of the year, the funds retained in the hedge fund account were still as high as 200 million US dollars. Since May, it has continued to attack the financial short markets in Indonesia, South Korea, Russia and other countries. , The principal plus profit quickly increased to 400 million U.S. dollars,

The Asian financial turmoil seems to have reached the worst juncture, but it also means that the short market that can make profits has ended, and a longer recovery period will follow. Although there are still profit opportunities in the speculative market, the risks have also increased. .

This time Zhang is discussing the future development of hedge funds together. There are huge opportunities for profit in the speculative market, but neither Zhang Ke, Ye Jianbin, Sun Shangyi nor Ge Mingde are particularly interested in financial speculation.

Hedge funds have made more than 300 million U.S. dollars in just one and a half years, and Kumho’s net profit in the same period is only this number. However, hedge funds only get a huge amount of money that takes a lot of time to wash out. In the past year and a half, the lake has emerged from the corner of Haizhou and has developed into a huge system with a pivotal position in the industry. Its value is far more than 300 million US dollars. Therefore, the society obtained is also very different. of.

The pros and cons of financial speculation and the development of the industry can be said to be clear at a glance. Besides, to become stronger and bigger, a huge amount of capital needs to be injected.

The Chinese capital fled from Indonesia until mid-October without stopping interest rates. Kumho Corporation obtained a huge amount of capital from it to invest in equity and debt investment in kitchen banks in the mainland city.

Equity and debt investments are usually long-term investments, and it is difficult to achieve results in a short period of time, and it is difficult to withdraw in a short period of time. However, the funds that Kumho Corporation obtains from Indonesian Chinese businessmen are not very stable and may be in a short period of time. Was intensively evacuated. Once such a situation arises, it will definitely be a severe test for Kumho Corporation, which is not yet deep-rooted. Once the capital chain is disconnected, Kumho Corporation's overall collapse is not difficult to imagine—many behemoths that are not deeply rooted and eager to expand. The chain crashed because of a problem with a small link in the capital Shangyi, Ge Mingde, Ye Jianbin all hope to wash the huge amount of funds in the hedge fund account under the banner of Kumho Corporation, which is further improving In addition to the financial strength of Kumho Corporation, it also strengthens the security of Kumho Corporation's financial structure.

Of course, there can be a secretly established hedge fund in your hands, and sometimes it can provide some special conveniences, and it is not appropriate to cancel the hedge fund categorically.

The final discussion was that Zhang Ke, Sun Shangyi, Ge Mingde, and Ye Jianbin (on behalf of the Ye family) retained 100 million U.S. dollars in the hedge fund account, and the huge amount of 80 million U.S. dollars invested by the team led by Nicholson (this is Nick Li Mori’s leadership team has made profits over the past year and a half). Putting it together in speculative operations on the global financial market, Zhang Ke and others withdrew more than 200 million U.S. dollars of interest to use Chinese capital to withdraw from Indonesia and enter Kumho Corporation. As a result, the total amount of funds available to Kumho Corporation has reached a staggering 800 million US dollars, which does not count the 200 million US dollars previously invested in equity.

1 Ke returned to Jian from Hong Kong, and as soon as he got off the plane, he received a call from Tao Jin’s secretary Liu Zhijun, saying that Tao Jin wanted to meet him. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please go to Section 6. More, support writing, support genuine reading!

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