Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 924: 3 wells in action

This electronics manufacturer mainly considers competition from European and American companies in the global market) The same is true for the e-field.

After arriving in China, Hidezo Ikesa adjusted the strategy of Mitsui's member companies in the Chinese electronic product market. This is also due to the long-term thinking of Japanese companies on the Chinese market. In addition to brands directly entering the Chinese market, there are more mid- and low-end brands. The end products are dominated by technology and capital penetration, which can also ensure the import of electronic components to the Chinese market, thereby ensuring the interests of Japan's domestic electronics industry.

The existence of Kumho and the Digital Mobile Phone Technology Promotion Association has made this strategy of Chi Sa Hidezo suffer great resistance in the field of digital mobile phones. w Novel chapter updated fastest

According to the long-term observation of Kumho by the Mitsui Economic Research Department (this observation was started after Hidezo Ikeda came to China, he personally promoted it), Kumho’s Aida Group has made huge profits in consumer electronics products and gained from The huge profits obtained by Yudeyi and Skoper are not used blindly for diversified expansion, but are invested in the research department as much as possible to ensure continuous technological progress. This also makes Kumho unique and glorious in the research environment in China. In addition to promoting the high development of Kumho's components department, it also urges Kumho to take a key step towards a technical service provider-Kumho continues in June this year. Through the Association for the Advancement of Digital Mobile Phone Technology, a number of important mobile phone technologies are provided to the member companies of the association for a fee. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

If the situation develops in this way, Chizuo Hidezo's penetration strategy will completely fail in the field of digital mobile phones, and the versatility of information technology is very strong. This situation will also spread to other consumer electronic products.

There is another point that worries Chizuo Xiuzang: After Toshiba joined Toshiba, the portable digital audio player camp grew rapidly.

Although Kumho is a proprietary registered trademark, the market seems to be accustomed to calling portable dm players just as people are accustomed to calling portable tape players, so it is actually Sony's proprietary name.

"Mr. Ge should know this, right?" Chi Zuo Xiuzang took out one of Toshiba's latest products to Ge Jiande's eyes.

Although Ge Jiande recognized that Kumho did not sell in the domestic market, the products launched by each company at this time were similar. Toshiba's industrial design did not seem to be as exquisite and elegant as Kumho. He put the latest Toshiba product in his hand, milky white. The aluminum body is only the size of a palm. It is more exquisite and lighter than the common Walkman in the domestic market. He weighed it in his hand and said with a smile: "Of course I recognize it, but the price is too high and it relies on a computer. The popularity of this product is totally unsuitable for the Chinese market. I am really curious why Kumho can develop this product... I don’t know how the sales in overseas markets are?"

"Monthly shipments in the global market have not been able to reach 80,000 units in the first half of the year," Chizuo Hidetura said, "but I just got a piece of data yesterday and the monthly shipments have exceeded 200,000 units... "

Jiande was slightly startled, only to realize why Chi Sa Hidezo had mentioned Kumho to him so solemnly.

Ge Jiande is not an unlearned person. He knows that portable md is being promoted by many Japanese electronics giants such as Sony, Panasonic, and Sharp. The monthly shipments in the global market are only 600,000 pieces. The key is that md has been commercialized in 1992 and it was officially put into commercial production by Kumho's first company at the beginning of the year. Although the important factor that caused this situation is that md product technology has always been in the hands of a few Japanese electronics giants such as Sony, Panasonic, and Sharp. From the very beginning, Kumho licensed the product technology extensively in the global kitchen shops. But it is undeniable that it has great potential to become a mainstream product in the portable audio market.

Ge Jiande knew that Toshiba began to launch their local products in mid-August. I didn't expect Toshiba to join the camp to play such a big role. In addition to Toshiba's use of semiconductor storage technology in exchange for a complete technology from Kumho. Only Kumho has always mastered the core technology. This means that Kumho has a core product that can pry into the global market. There is no need to ask about the 200,000 shipments in September. How much does Kumho account for? This is meaningless. It certainly is. On this product. In addition to Toshiba. No other manufacturer has the strength to compete with Kumho. Before the market is saturated. Will Toshiba directly compete with Kumho? The answer is obviously no. This means that Kumho is likely to establish a global brand image.

Ge Jiande did not feel the slightest sense of pride. On the contrary, a chill came out from his back: Kumho is really chilling.

Chi Zuo Xiuzang looked at Ge Jiande. Smiled slightly. I thought to myself: I really have a fear of Kumho! He leaned forward slightly to help Ge Jiande continue tea. Put down the teapot. Take out another flash drive from Toshiba's newest place. Long strip. The size of the **** of an adult man. Said: "This kind of instant storage disk. Kumho only launched in June. Toshiba did not have a product until mid-August. Now the industry has a high evaluation of this product. They are optimistic that it will replace the floppy drive in the computer application. ——"

It's an embarrassing fact. Its subsidiary, Dijin Great Wall Computer, is an enterprise that manufactures and distributes computers. The domestic ranking is only behind Lenovo, Tsinghua Tongfang and Founder. Ge Jiande is very aware that floppy drives are standard configurations for computers. It means how big the computer market is. How big is the floppy drive market. 1997. Although the sales of personal computers in the domestic market only exceeded 3 million units. But global personal computer sales are close to 90 million units. How big is the market potential of the instant storage disk that Kumho launched? It's easy to imagine--Ge Jiande really suspected that Chi Zuo Xiuzang was going to come here to cruel himself today. Biting his lip. Staring at the flash drive on the table that is only the size of an adult's middle finger. Did not say anything.

Chi Zuo Xiuzang sighed slightly. Asked again: "There is something. I want to ask Mr. Ge..."

"Please say."

"Why can Kumho have such a close relationship with Indonesia's Chen family, Ma family, and He family?" Chi Zuo Xiuzang stared at Ge Jiande with piercing eyes.

Jiande knew that Kumho was able to exert influence during the process of the Chinese capital’s escape from Indonesia and attracted the attention of others. However, he knew nothing about the inside story, otherwise he would never keep this secret for Kumho. People know what kind of inside information is hidden behind him, he said, "I don’t know very well.

It may be trusted by the three major Chinese business families in Indonesia..."

Chizuo Xiuzang was a little disappointed. He leaned on his knees with both hands, sat up straight, and said: "I and Nakamura-kun plan to have a comprehensive strategic cooperation with China Electronics. The depth of cooperation will far exceed the precedent for cooperation between Chinese and Japanese companies. ——Even if it is considered advanced electronic product technology in our country, I will consider promoting Mitsui’s member companies, including the transfer of Huaxia Electronics, so that Huaxia Electronics has the ability to fully cross the lake... Of course, what does Huaxia Electronics need? Make an order first."

Hearing Chi Zuo Xiuzang's words, Ge Jiande was naturally very excited. He didn't expect to hear such exciting news when the night was getting darker, but he thought in his heart: Chi Zuo Xiuzang is really charming to women. His heart, thinking of Li Xinyu's peerless appearance, can indeed make Chi Zuo Xiuzang have a deep resentment towards Zhang Ke.

After talking for a while, Ge Jiande left, Chi Zuo Xiuzang's secretary came over and removed Ge Jiande's teacup.

Mura Hiroyuki continued his tea on his own, took a sip, and said, "He doesn't know anything. In Japan, he is not qualified to manage such a large enterprise."

"You have been in China for so many years, don’t you know that being a human being in China is more important than doing things?" Chi Zuo Xiuzang said with a smile, but the worry on his face remained unresolved. Grow such a powerful company?"

Mura Hiroyuki smiled awkwardly. Just last month Chizua Hidezo asked him to discuss the injection of capital to King Ke. He still had doubts. Only then did he only pay back the capital injection and support of this scale. Far from enough.

At the beginning of September, Chi Zuo Xiuzang watched Zhang Ke and Li Xinyu live in the same room half-naked. At that time, he was so angry that he could not choke Zhang Ke to death. It was because of the resentment in his heart that he officially paid attention to Kumho and mobilized Mitsui & Co. The intelligence search department of Kumho investigates everything about Kumho and formally establishes a long-term observation mechanism for Kumho-Kumho enjoys the same treatment as a consortium inside Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

The deeper I study Kumho, the more Chisa Hidezo feels that Kumho is not simple. While he was still studying the structure and business objectives with extremely limited data, he learned that Kumho Corporation would actually lead the large-scale construction project of Xinting Port, and that Kumho Corporation was newly established in China to integrate China. The fact that domestic scarce metal resources are the main purpose of Huaxi Mining's holdings in China, all makes Jisuo Hidezo feel that the steps that Kumho has taken since May and June this year are very great-Kumho's ambitions will seriously affect Mitsui The interests in China may not be limited to China.

Mitsui has penetrated into China’s economy for 20 years. Although Mitsui’s capital and technology exports were mainly destinations in Southeast Asia, the Asian financial crisis caused Mitsui to suffer a lot of losses in Southeast Asia. After learning from it, we will use China as capital and technology exports in the future. The main destination is also a matter of course, but if Ren Kumho continues in this way, it will definitely hinder Mitsui's interests in China.

Behind Kumho's ambition is the firm support of Southeast Asian Chinese Business Capital. This is what Chi Zuo Xiuzang has been puzzled over the past few days, and there is no answer from Ge Jiande. Of course, the prospects of Kumho’s consumer electronics business also shocked Chisasa Hidezo. The sudden increase in monthly sales in September seems to indicate that Kumho’s foundation will become deeper and deeper, and Chizo Hidezo will be here. After getting the monthly shipment data in the global market, I clearly realized that Mitsui must have more and more specific targeting at Kumho in China. He must first win over the senior management of Mitsui's member companies in China to support him. His plan-this is not just a personal grievance-Huaxia Electronics and Kewang have naturally become part of his plan.

Zhang Ke does not care about the details of the "Hundred Cities and Hundred Stores" plan. At night, he and Ye Jianbin accompanied Song Peiming, 6 Yiguang and others to dinner. After dinner, he visited the construction site of Kumho New Town. He did not know Chi Zuoxiu. Zang had already taken action against Kumho so seriously at this time.

6 Yiguang can be said to be the veteran of the three dynasties in Haizhou. From Ding Xiangshan as the secretary of the Haizhou Municipal Party Committee, he served as the deputy secretary, until Zhou Fuming and Tang Xueqian successively took up the posts of the Secretary of the Listing Committee. He did not have the opportunity to help him. Also affected by the case of Ding Xiangshan, Zhou Fuming pushed forward at the juncture before the case of Ding Xiangshan, and was not affected at all.

Zhang Ke didn't know if 6 Yiguang had any resentment in his heart, but he believed that 6 Yiguang could clearly see it. Besides, the province arranged for 6 Yiguang to serve as the director of the Municipal People’s Congress, which is also a compensation for him. The relationship between my uncle and 6 Yiguang is quite good. Before, it can only be said to be a general acquaintance, but after the summer of 1994, the relationship is naturally close. When he got up, it was rare for Zhang Ke to return to Haizhou. He had a chance to get close to 6 Yiguang, but he still had to get close—distance easily breeds resentment.

"Don't live in Haizhou at night?" Song Peiming asked Zhang Ke.

"Brother Ye and I are both people who can stay up late but not get up early," Zhang Ke said with a smile, "Rather than get up early tomorrow to cross the river to Xinting, it is better to cross the river at night to Talk in the morning. Things will not be rushed, and there will be no need to doze off all day."

"The sixth secretary, let's go back and rest first. I will send Zhang Ke and the others to the ferry." Song Peiming said.

"I'm also someone who can stay up late, and I will send it to the ferry together..." 6 Yiguang said. It is said that he and Tang Xueqian and Zhang Zhixing have been friends, but now Kumho has to look up. It is nothing to go to the ferry to see off. .

The wind and waves are calm, and the ferry to the south of Yilong Town is still open at night. There are not many vehicles to cross the river at night. When you get on the ferry, you cross the river directly. There is no waiting in line. It takes 20 minutes to reach Beixia County to the north of Xinting, Xinting Municipal Party Committee. Secretary Dou Weitao and Executive Deputy Mayor Tao Shuyi greeted them at the ferry in Beixia County-Xinting Executive Deputy Mayor Tao Shuyi had served as the county party secretary in Beixia County before, and Dou Weitao and Tao Shuyi met at Beixia Ferry. People, naturally, also alarmed the party and government leadership of Beixia County Party Committee and Government-Zhang Zhifei and Army Liang were in Xinting. They didn't have to go to the ferry to pick up Zhang and Ye Jianbin, but Dou Weitao and Tao Shuyi came over, and they couldn't help but Accompany.

s: Continue to update the eight thousand words, which is more than half of the chapter.

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