Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 928: The officials who took the aphrodisiac

There is no port in the pavilion. In the early years, Luyang Port in the northeast of Dongshan Town had the impulse to develop the port industry. However, the financial resources and its own economy of Xinting can rely on Luyang Port to develop the port industry. Yanggang is not on the deep-water channel, and the offshore has accumulated silt. It is not suitable to build a deep-water wharf. So far, it can still dock berths for 10,000-ton freighters.

Zhang Ke and the others drove to Luyang Port and boarded a fishing boat to go out to the sea. At this time, the sky was white with fish belly, large black clouds were inlaid between the sea and the sky, but the top sky was pure and blue.

The fishing boat of the "Starry Sky" did not have the strong fishy smell as imagined. It must have been washed urgently before they rushed over. Zhang Ke did not have any bad taste and really followed the fishing boat to go fishing. On the boat, he prepared a few sets of fishing tackle. For their entertainment, although they have no experience in sea fishing, but with the guidance of the workers on the fishing boat or the help of cheating, seafood at noon is not a problem. Fastest update of novel chapters

Zhang Ke certainly does not go out to sea for fun. When the boat goes out to sea, he goes straight to Dongshan Island, which is directly east of Dongshan Town. When he sails to Dongshan Island, a round of Xinyang jumps between the sky and the sky, with radiance and blue water. Dyed with brilliant colors.

Dongshan Island refers to a series of islands in the sea east of Xinting. The two main islands are called Dadongshan Island and Xiaodongshan Island. Although they are only five kilometers away from the coast, the coast closest to Dongshan Island is the largest in Xinting. A tidal flat, the narrowest part is also three or four kilometers wide. When the tide ebbs, a large area of ​​the tidal flat is submerged in the sea water. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

The boat stopped on the sea west of Dongshan Island. Zhang Ke stood on the sideboard and looked up, holding a picture scale in his hand. He prepared breakfast on the fishing boat. Meng Xueqing came over to invite him and Fu Jun. Waiting for someone to eat breakfast, and seeing the picture in his hand, a modern port city appeared in the sea, and then I looked at the Dongshan Islands in front of me. There was nothing but lush islands. I was amazed by it. : "This is what Dongshan Port Mirai looks like?"

"Designed renderings," Zhang Qie handed Meng Xueqing the color printed picture to Meng Xueqing, and said with a smile, "I am a person who is not knowledgeable and has insufficient understanding of the drawings. I still see the renderings at a glance," pointing to the port on the picture. The location told Meng Xueqing, “This was originally the sea area between Dadongshan Island and Xiaodongshan Island. The port terminal was filled with stones and reinforced concrete... I heard that Uncle Meng served concurrently as the deputy director of the county party committee office before. The director of the Dongshan Island Port Construction Office for a while, and the director of the Economic Research Office before? "

"It happened in 1993. At that time, former Deputy Prime Minister Wang Jinghan came to Dongshan to inspect. He was very interested in the establishment of a port on Dongshan Island and actively promoted this. Unexpectedly, just in time for the central government to shrink money in 1993 and to cool the overrun economy, the Dongshan Island port construction project was cut down, and it was delayed until now," Meng Xueqing smiled again and said, "Now the county The Dongshan Island Port Construction Office here is just Qingshui Yamen..."

The establishment of a port on Dongshan Island is now hot again. It used to be Qingshui Yamen, but now it can be said to be very hot. Meng Xueqing also said that, just to remind the county engineering office that the idle and redundant staff are not useful, but there are some inconveniences to say clearly, Zhang Ke I smiled and thought that the Dongshan Island Port Construction Project would be successfully implemented in the past. Meng Xueqing, then the director of the Dongshan Island Port Construction Office of the county,’s exhibition on his official career would never be so bleak. The so-called Shengji Behind the decline is the cruel squeeze and squeeze that has always been in officialdom.

Zhang and Meng Xueqing walked to the back deck to dine, and walked over to hear Meng Lezheng and Celine Hu break the modern history of Dongshan Island.

Dongshan Island’s deep-water channel resources have been given to the geological survey department in the early 1980s. In the late decade of the decade, Dongshan Island’s proposal to build a port was officially communicated to the State Council. In the past ten years, geological surveys and engineering planning have been continuously improved. It can be said that Dongshan Island The preparatory work for the establishment of the port has been completed in the first ten years, and there are no less than ten complete port establishments that can be blamed. The special offices established by Xinting City and Beixia County for this purpose have also been running for almost ten years. The accumulated information can really be described as a lot of sweat. There are also state councilors and vice-premier-level leaders of the central government including former deputy prime minister Wang Jinghan to Xinting to inspect and give important instructions. However, based on the economic situation of Jiangnan Province, is it necessary to build a deep-water port and the investment in building a deep-water port? Where it comes from is the main factor that troubles the establishment of a port. The bottom line is that the economic situation of Jiangnan Province is not very dependent on the deep-water port, no external institutions are willing to invest in this, and the intentions within Jiangnan Province are not strong enough. Just because Xinting City is struggling, naturally It is impossible to sing.

Ye Jianbin was sitting on the white vest. Holding bread in one hand. Holding a fishing rod in one hand. Although there is no sea fishing experience. But I really enjoy the fun of fishing in the sea. Nibbling on bread. Also continuously sprinkle bread crumbs into the sea water. Saw Zhang Ke coming. He gestured to Zhang Ke to look at the fish bucket at his feet. Zhang Probe looked at it. He didn't recognize a few grey strange fish with black spots swimming around in the bucket. They are all the same kind of fish. The ship may stop within the range of the fish school. He asked worriedly: "What will happen if this fish comes to eat at noon?"

"Steam it out. Just keep your chopsticks. The manager of the fishery company just said that steamed fish is the most delicious." Ye Jianbin said triumphantly. He pointed to Du Fei and moved to a distant place. "The kid sat here with me for a long time. No one caught it. He avoided himself with a low self-esteem." asked Zhang again. "Where to eat at noon. Should I go back to Luyang Port or go to Dongshan Island?"

Zhang Hetou said to Meng Xueqing: "Uncle Meng. It's up to you to decide." The sea breeze was blowing in a warm and slightly cold sea. Very freehand. Said again. "I can often stop at sea. It's really enjoyable..."

"When Dongshan Port is completed. Another yacht club will be established. I have already inspected it. It is on Dongsha Island. The beach and water quality are excellent. It can also avoid the busy landlord channel in the future. How about we go and see? "Ye Jianbin said eagerly.

"Are there not enough conscientiousness?" Zhang Ke asked.

"The people who work hard are all on the shore. We just go out to play the land..." Ye Jianbin laughed. Pointing to Meng Le and Du Fei again. "You ask them if they want to go?"

Meng Xueqing said: "The county tourism company has set up a spot on Dongsha Island. Although there are no people to go, the facilities are still complete. At this time, we decided to go and notify the county tourism company to send someone to prepare for lunch..." asked again He said, "Would you like to tell Secretary Dou and the others?"

"The county tourism company has set up a point on the island? I didn’t know it last time.

Come down," Ye Jianbin still cares about his paradise, and patted the big F ("Go to Dongsha Island together, and take the fish I caught today to entertain the leaders of Xinting..."

"Pull it down, how much money will the fishing boat lose if you stop here? You can't make up for it even if you don't stop working today," Zhang Ke squatted with a hard bread and said with a smile, watching Ye Jianbin fishing.

Meng Xueqing went to the side to call Tian Mudong and arrange a meal at Dongsha Island at noon.

Dongsha Island is a smaller reef island in the southeastern waters of Xiaodongshan Island. A tamarisk grows on the north side of the island. The cruise ship dock is small and the draft is shallow. Fishing boats can’t get up. The island should send a boat to connect it. Uncle, Liang Jun There were also Zhao Peng, Tan Tian, ​​and Xiang Huatao, the vice president and president of the port investment department who rushed over from Jinshan this morning, accompanied Dou Weitao, Tao Shuyi, Tian Mou and other city and county leaders to wait for them on the dock. Gao Qing, who did not appear last night, was standing on the pier in an orange windbreaker.

Zhang Ke got on the shore, shook hands with Xiang Huatao, and said, "You came from Jinshan, and you have to come to the island. It's hard work."

"It's worth eating the fish that Ke Shao catches..." Xiang Huatao said with a smile to the legendary young man in front of him.

"I, I read a book on the boat for a while, and the fish were all caught by Brother Ye and they caught it," Zhang Hetou said, jokingly, when he looked at Ye Jianbin who had worked so hard to bring a fish bucket to get off the boat. , You are also worth this trip."

There are only simple restaurants on the island, but the tableware, tables and chairs are all moved from the shore, presumably the chef and the ingredients for lunch will not be on the island. Meng Xueqing followed Zhang Ke and the others to sea. Zhang Mei and Zhang Luo, Zhang Mei is a careful woman.

During the meal, Zhang Qimengle, Du Fei, and Xi Ruolin kicked to another table and asked Meng Xueqing to accompany them to sit at the main table. Here in Xinting City, Dou Weitao, Tao Shuyi, and Tian Moudong sit at the main table, and Xinting City builds a port. Officials such as the office director of the leading group are not qualified to sit at the main table.

Zhang came to Xinting this time. First, he had not set foot in Xinting in his name, and he always had to take a few trips before major operations. One was with Beixia County about Kumho's investment in Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant and Nanyang Shipping's investment in Dongshan Shipyard. It is nearing the end. You can sign the agreement and wait for the approval of the relevant provincial and municipal departments. Zhang Ke is here to participate in the signing ceremony. His formal itinerary only started in the afternoon. Unfortunately, Dou Weitao and the others were too enthusiastic. They had to ferry to pick them up yesterday.

After having lunch, Zhang Ke asked Meng Xueqing and Meng Le father and son to take his car to Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant. Dongshan Shipyard is located to the north of Luyang Port, and the signing ceremony was also held in Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant.

"I want to inject capital into Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant, and also cooperate with Nanyang Shipping to inject capital into Dongshan Shipyard. I am here to watch the signing ceremony..." Sitting in a spacious and comfortable Mercedes-Benz formally told Meng Xueqing his purpose this time, I believe that there are only things to do. Slightly mentioned, Meng Xueqing can take care of it, and there is no need to explain it to him in a cumbersome way. His eyes are also poisonous, which can be compared with Xu Hongbo, except that Xu Hongbo jumped out of the Three Realms, and Meng Xueqing was still in the dust, with more detailed details. It’s better for Meng Le to explain to him.

"Steel plants and shipyards can be said to be the two pillars of Beixia County's economy," said Meng Xueqing, who is very familiar with Beixia's situation. "The total annual output value is close to 2 billion, accounting for half of Beixia County... "

Meng Le sat in the front row and looked back at the back without saying a word.

"I know," Zhang Ke nodded, and said, "Kumho Corporation will inject 120 million U.S. dollars into Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant and obtain a shareholding in Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant. Kumho Corporation and Nanyang Shipping will jointly inject 100 million U.S. dollars into Dongshan Shipyard. , And put the equipment of Nanyang Shipping’s Indonesian shipyard into Dongshan Shipyard, and obtained a total of equity in Dongshan Shipyard...Of course, this is only the first step. Later, Donghai United Iron and Steel Group will acquire Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant, Jianyang Pu Shipbuilding Group will acquire Dongshan Shipyard, and Donghai United Steel Group and Jianyangpu Shipbuilding Group will also moderately cross-hold shares..."

Converted into RMB, it is an investment of more than two billion yuan. What's more, the transactions that have not yet been carried out must be regarded as commercial secrets. Meng Xueqing clearly said that these are his own intentions, and he listened patiently, but in his heart It's still weird: He trusts me just through Meng Le this guy?

Zhang Lu continued: "The Dongshan Island port construction project has not been implemented. The most fundamental question is whether the current economic situation in Jiangnan Province is necessary to build a deep-water port, not to mention the strengthening of the regional economy in the East China Sea and Jiangnan, and the construction of the port on Dongshan Island will also affect the Donghai Province. To take the simplest example, Donghai United Iron and Steel Group plans to develop into a steel industry base with an annual output of ten million tons in ten years. Of course, Donglian is still a little far away from this goal at this time. However, this steel base is under construction, and the required raw material iron ore is transferred from other deep-water seaports. This steel base directly relies on the Dongshan deep-water port to be built in Xinting. The cost per ton of steel is three hundred to five hundred yuan. How much is the difference in cost By calculating this account, we will know whether it is necessary to promote the port construction project on Dongshan Island..."

A 10-million-ton steel industrial base, Meng Xueqing did not expect that there is such a huge plan behind the Dongshan Island port construction project. With a 10 million-ton steel production capacity plan, Dongshan Island’s construction of a port can help each year only in terms of transportation costs. This steel industry base directly saves 3 billion to 5 billion yuan-a figure that is truly terrifying.

Kumho Corporation injected capital into Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant at this time in order to acquire Dongshan Iron and Steel Plant from Donglian Iron and Steel. When Xinting invests in building a large-scale steel industry base, it will hold shares in Dongshan Iron and Steel, even if it only holds shares in Dongshan Iron and Steel, it will promote Dongshan Island. Once the port is completed, it can also indirectly enjoy the benefits of six to one billion yuan in transportation cost savings each year; not to mention, as long as the economy of the Xie River Basin continues to build a port, the port and terminal itself can generate huge benefits.

The key is to promote the implementation of these projects behind the scenes. How much energy is needed? The port construction budget of Dongshan Island will exceed 2.5 billion U.S. dollars. Meng Xueqing has also studied the economy to a certain extent. He thought that the investment in the 10 million-ton steel industry base would also cost three to four billion U.S. dollars. .

No wonder officials such as Dou Weitao, Tao Shuyi, and Tian Moudong seem to have taken aphrodisiacs...

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