The mountain town is not very large, and Mengle’s home is not far from Dongshan Hotel, so Zhang Ke followed Mengle on foot to his home. This area is full of houses with single yards, row upon row. Some people have turned the flat-tile houses into bungalows. The Meng Lejia was a flat-tile house built more than 80 years ago. It is dilapidated, the yard is not big, and it is cleaned up. The late osmanthus tree in the courtyard will spread out and cover the yard, just when the flowers are blooming and fragrant. Pushing open the courtyard door, there was a 35-six-year-old woman standing in the court, wearing an apron smiling and watching Meng Le as they walked in. There were some fine lines on the corners of her eyes. With hard work, wrinkles are easy to develop, but the appearance is dignified and beautiful, and he smiled and said: "Bringing friends back?" w The novel chapters are updated fastest

She is Meng Xueqing's wife and sister before and Zhang Wenlin's subsequent wife.

Le Urn replied angrily, and turned around and said to Zhang Ke and the others, "This is my aunt..." Zhang Ke and Du Fei nodded and nodded as a tribute, Xi Ruolin yelled out cleverly: "Auntie, I am Xi Ruolin, last time you called Meng Le, it was I who picked it up...Where is Xiongtah?"

Meng Hui is the daughter of Meng Xueqing and Zhang Wenlin after they were married. As soon as Xi Ruolin's words fell, a beautiful little girl of five or six years old rushed out of it, wearing a croissant braid and a pink ribbon. With a beautiful bow, she rushed to the yard and saw that there were so many people in the yard suddenly, holding her mother's hand with some doubts, and said: "How did I hear the voice of Meng Le?" Orr recognized Meng Le. He swooped over and hugged his thigh, and yelled: "Meng Le, didn't you go to school far away? Why did you come back suddenly?" w" Novel "Fiction chapter updated fastest

"Xiong, you have admitted the wrong person, you are holding the handsome and charming brother Zhang Ke," Zhang Ke squatted down and squeezed the beautiful face of the little girl, and told her in Xinting dialect, copying the little girl's soft waist. Get up, "I'm your brother."

The little girl stared at Zhang Ke suspiciously for two seconds, then shook her head decisively, and said with some immature procrastination: "You are not Mengle, I recognize Mengle's voice..." She held it more firmly. Hold the fingers of Meng Le.

"It's embarrassing, I almost can't recognize my sister," Zhang Ke joked with Meng Le, "How long have you not been back to Xinting?"

Meng Le hasn't returned to Xinting for almost a year. It's a matter of the dutiful son who has been confused. Fortunately, Meng Le has called back, otherwise he really wants to impersonate Zhang Ke.

Zhang Wenlin said with a smile: "Meng Le accompanies your friend to sit in the house for a while, I have to make all the dishes before dinner..."

"Auntie, I'll help you." Xi Ruolin followed into the kitchen.

Zhang shook his head and smiled: "It's hypocritical. If Senior Sister Xi came to cook this meal, Du Fei and I would rather go back to the hotel hungry."

Meng Leco dare not point out that she disliked Xi Ruolin all over the place. He curiously asked Zhang Ke: "How can you speak Xinting dialect?"

"Xinting dialect is similar to our local Dongshe dialect. Go to Haizhou. You can pretend to be a Dongshe dialect..."

Haizhou’s local dialects are complicated and different. Unlike Xinting or even Jinshan, there is no change in local dialects. Zhang Ke’s linguistic talent seems to be related to Haizhou’s complicated local dialects.

Outside Mengle’s house is an ordinary tiled house. However, Meng Xueqing asked the workers to change it. The original layout of east and west wing rooms plus halls was changed to a three-bedroom, one-living room plus an independent kitchen and bathroom suite style. Although the room is a bit cramped. But it is more reasonable. There is also a study room. From the details, we can see that Meng Xueqing is so careful.

There is a huge collection of books in the study. The bookcases on three walls reach the ceiling. The bookcases are full of books. There are also two piles of books stacked directly on the floor tiles. There are old and new books. But most of them are old books, Fei and Meng Le are sitting in the study and chatting. A while after dark. Meng Xueqing came back from Dongshan Hotel.

Dou Weitao said that he would find another time to talk with Meng Xueqing. After Zhang Ke and Du Fei left. Ye Jianbin and Zhang Zhifei went back to Dongshan Hotel ahead of time if they had something to do. He had free time to come and chat with Meng Xueqing for nearly half an hour. Except for Zhang Ke's clear attitude. He liked Meng Xueqing's resume as the director of the County Port Construction Office and the director of the County Economic Research Office. Although there is no promise. Talk briefly this time. It can be seen that Dou Weitao is satisfied.

Zhang Ke and Du Fei came to Meng Xueqing’s home as guests, but Ye Jianbin, Zhang Zhifei, and Xiang Huatao and others had to stay in the hotel to accept the official banquet from Xinting. Meng Xueqing delayed for a while at Dongshan Hotel and urged Tian Moudong to return. Yes, because Tian Mudong knows that Meng Xueqing has more negligence at home and cannot have guests.

The kitchen and living room are very small and cold outside, but there is no wind blowing in. I put the table in the yard and dine under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. It feels good to drink while smelling the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus. Although Meng Le claims to be a big man in Shandong, he still has a lot of alcohol. It was really bad, and the others drank. He drank drinks with Zhang Wenlin, Xi Ruolin and the little girl, losing the face of Shandong natives.

Meng Xueqing is the son-in-law of Xinting, a native of Yuncheng, Shandong. During the movement of the young intellectuals to go to the mountain and countryside, they entered the state-owned farm on the outskirts of Xinting, and met Meng Le’s mother Zhang Wenhui, stayed in Xinting and never returned to Shandong.

Meng Xueqing’s youngest daughter, Meng Hui, is also very cute. A five-year-old girl with a lot of nonsense and nagging endlessly. She is concerned about whether Zhang Ke has a girlfriend. She also plans to introduce her kindergarten girls to Zhang Ke met, and Zhang Ke squeezed her face and said: "I thought Zhitong talked a lot before, but I didn't expect you to be the real talker. I will introduce a Xiu sister to you another day..." Explained to Meng Xueqing and Zhang Wenlin , "Secretary Xu Xueping's granddaughter, this time she wanted to come to Xinting to play, because she missed a lot of classes, she forced her mother to be detained in Haizhou..."

Zhang Wenlin was picking up vegetables and handing them to Ce Ruolin's bowl. The chopsticks stopped there and asked in surprise, "You mean the new job?"

Meng Xueqing gave his wife a nudge, and said, "Don't put food on Ruolin's clothes."

Wen Lin shook her hand, and the piece of meat fell on Xi Ruolin's lapels. She hurriedly took out a paper towel to help Xi Ruolin wipe the oil stains. She embarrassedly said to Zhang Ke and the others, "I have no knowledge. I was really shocked when I heard that. Secretary of Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee!"

As an ordinary person, perhaps it was like falling into the clouds at this time. Meng Xueqing was calm. He picked up a bottle of beer from under the table to Zhang Ke, Du Fei and himself and poured a glass each. On the way to the steel factory at noon, Zhang had revealed Enough news. Kumho can promote the Dongshan Island port construction project and the 10-million-ton steel industry base project behind the scenes. It is not surprising to know the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. It is strange not to know it. He does not. She would be anxious to understand all the inside information thoroughly for a while, Wen Lin felt very surprised when she heard it first.

Zhang Hong took a sip of the slightly iced beer after autumn and said, "Vice Governor Tang Xueqian is a family friend with my father and father. Tomorrow will be his first visit to Jinshan.

Tian will go to Jinshan first. Uncle Meng asks for leave to come with us, right?

"There are no weekends or weekends in the hotel. I have to ask for leave first..." Meng Xueqing said. Tang Xueqian, the incoming member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, knew something. He was just across the river before. Haizhou, who served as the secretary of the municipal party committee, has made such brilliant achievements in recent years, and Tang Xueqian has made great contributions. Many people have high expectations for Tang Xueqian's transfer to Jiangnan to serve as executive vice governor. Jiangnan's economic development over the past few years has dragged Donghai Province too far.

After dinner, Xi Ruolin helped Zhang Wenlin clean up the table. It is hard to imagine that Xi Ruolin was already the administrative manager in charge of logistics, personnel and finance of Chuangyu Company at this time. Zhang Ke and the others sat in the yard with the little girl Meng Hui against the sky. While chatting, Meng Xueqing talked about how Dou Weitao had a conversation with him at dusk. Meng Le joked and said, "It seems that my dad, the county-level top wearer, has been taken down..."

"If you raise one level normally, Uncle Meng will be regarded as a regular course. The level is naturally not important. The key is to be able to do something. After a while, you can raise the level suddenly, then it will not only be the deputy county..." Zhang Ke smiled.

"Why is it not at the deputy county director level if the main subject is raised to the next level?" Meng Le asked suspiciously.

Meng Xueqing was clear in his heart, and asked, "Beixia County wants to dismantle the entire Lingang New District with sub-prefecture-level cities?"

"With the latest news, the State Council has just set the tone for this, designating the Lingang New Area as a national-level new port industry area, and administratively classified as a sub-prefecture-level city. I don’t know if the exact news has been sent back to Xinting," Zhang Ke nodded affirming Meng Xueqing’s guess, and said: “Dongshan Island was built as a port. There are large beaches ranging from 5 to 20 kilometers wide along the coast. It is almost 400 square kilometers. It will provide a new Lingang new city and industry. The district provides a large area of ​​usable land resources. Not to mention other, only a 10 million-ton steel industry base will bring more than 100,000 new people to this new district. The scale of the Lingang New District I envision is larger than At this time, Xinting's urban area is much larger..."

Du Fei smiled and said: "The investment in Dongshan Port's infrastructure is only 20 billion, and the investment in the steel industry base will not be less than 30 or 40 billion. When the Lingang New Area is built, it will be 80 billion. In the next ten years, let alone It’s a new pavilion. This Lingang New Area can even be said to be one of the economic centers of Jiangnan Province... If it is just a district and county-level new district, it is indeed too wronged..."

Meng Xueqing was promoted to the Principal Division in the normal procedure, and then rushed to mention the deputy county, and the county was removed to form a district. Meng Xueqing's transition from deputy county deputy post to county deputy post was not a matter of rising tide.

Everything is based on the economy, and the economic center of gravity is almost equal to the political center of gravity. The economic center of gravity in a region has always been a fast lane on the officialdom. The seat in the Lingang New Area will be a hot spot for officials from Xinting. Of course, this Lingang New Area is the ultimate one. The personnel decision-making power will not be entirely in Xinting City, and it is not surprising that someone in the provincial government is eyeing the seat of Lingang New Area. Zhang Ke's decision on a position as a deputy with real power must not be considered too demanding. At this time, he gave Dou Weitao a hint, but he didn't want to make too much trouble, and didn't want to put any extra pressure on Xu Xueping and Tang Xueqian.

At night, Zhang Ke, Du Fei and Xi Ruolin returned to the Dongshan Hotel. Meng Le stayed at home, and he had to explain many details to his father.

At noon on the second day, Zhang Ke and Ye Jianbin hosted a banquet at Dongshan Hotel, including Dou Weitao, Tao Shuyi, Tian Mudong and other city and county officials, as well as the staff of Nanyang Shipping in Xinting. . Meng Xueqing and his wife Zhang Wenlin and their youngest daughter Meng Hui also followed to Jinshan.

Zhang Ke and the others rushed to Jinshan. They heard the news of the re-opening of Jinshan Electronics Industrial Park. They heard that Ge Jiande, Yu Xie Hanming, Xie Jiannan, etc. rushed to Jinshan, but at this time, Jinshan Electronics Industrial Park was only the production base of Xinkewang——Beijing Since Haizhou’s desertedness, Jinshan’s side is a bit more lively, and many officials from the provinces and cities have appeared. These were arranged by Xu Xueping himself.

Xu Xueping is also very painstaking. Compared with personal grievances, it is more important to restore Jinshan’s economy as soon as possible. This is a responsible attitude towards the citizens of Jinshan and the people of Jiangnan Province. He even asked the provincial and municipal governments to do their best. It is possible to give preferential policies to the manufacturing base of Xinkewang within a reasonable range, and not to take the opportunity to make things difficult-death will know everything is empty. This means that people will not fully understand until death, but Xu Xueping's ups and downs have been ups and downs, and his grievances have also been seen through. , Can still be in power for four years, just want to do my best for this land, and die.

"Their movements are fast," Ye Jianbin sighed slightly, and said with a smile, "I want to see how far they can go. It's boring to play with them at this time."

"Isn't this nonsense? We can only watch it first." Zhang Ke laughed. He respects Xu Xueping's wishes more than personal grievances. Xu Xueping is also one of the few people worthy of his respect, as long as Xinke Wang is there. This land can still follow the rules of the game. Kumho must save some energy. After all, it is entangled in domestic struggles, but it will have the vision and pace of Zhahu. The Mitsui hiding behind is the real object of Kumho’s vigilance. The new king is nothing more than a plaything in Mitsui's hands...

When Tang Xueqian came to Jinshan, he was also sitting in the provincial party committee to entertain the hotel and was a neighbor with Xu Xueping. Tang Xueqian’s wife Gu Jianping also came to Jinshan. She stayed in Beijing with Tang Xueqian after the National Day, and her working relationship had been transferred to Jinshan early. NS.

In addition to occasional work meetings or government inspections, this is Tang Xueqian’s first time to set foot on the land of Jinshan. He has been at the top of the power pyramid of Jiangnan Province since Jinshan, but he also shoulders the responsibility of revitalizing the economy of Jiangnan Province with other members of the provincial party committee. Important task.

After Zhang Ke arrived in Jinshan, he asked Ye Jianbin and the others to take Meng Xueqing’s family to the provincial party’s hospitality hotel to meet Tang Xueqian and his wife. He was about to rush to the machine to weigh Tang--Tang also took a day off from school and flew to Jinshan to celebrate her dad. Take office.

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