Rebirth official road business route discharged from hospital

Thinking of the inpatient building. Wenwang (╰Xinxun, complete novels★I have visited Zhai Danqing first. Talking when Zhai Danqing is sick for a while.

Yu Wanqing went to Zhang Ke's ward. Xu Si told him about donating to set up a medical fund. Wan Qing smiled and said, "Why are you still used to asking for instructions on everything? You don't know how to make up your mind about this matter?"

A ray of sunlight came in at dusk. Sprinkle into the house. Put a layer of golden red. It also gave Xu Sijue's beautiful face a faint glamorous luster. Xu smiled. A faint smile appeared. She has never had such awareness. The assets under her name can be used at will. Fastest update of novel chapters

Zhang lay on the hospital bed with his left hand under his head. Looking at Xu Si. I want to set up this medical or medical fund. Perhaps it is Xu Si's long-term wish. He smiled and said: "Discuss with us. Do you want more sponsorship from us?"

"The company's equity doesn't care about him. The annual dividend is so much. What do I keep that money in my hands?" Xu Si sat on Zhang's bedside. He held his injured arm in his hand. The finger gently rubbed the pink scar on the wound. "I don't know how much it needs. The annual dividends are always enough-

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"You have to take out the annual dividend. Then you can find someone you trust." Zhang Ke said with a smile.

In addition to a large number of shares of Yuexiu Holdings. Xu Si directly owns a small amount of equity in Aida Group Shin Kong Paper and Kumho Commercial. Although the proportion is small. However, Aida Group's Shin Kong Paper's assets are huge. Even if 1% equity is worth more than 100 million yuan in assets. The assets under Xu Si's name add up. There is always 1.23 billion. The company is at a stage of high development. There are a lot of exhibition funds that need to be withheld. The annual dividend ratio will be controlled relatively low. Xu Si can still get a dividend of less than 100 million a year. After deducting profits, taxes, etc. Seventy to eighty million in spare money is always available every year; in addition. The income of the architectural designer's office is also quite good. In 1998, every 70 to 80 million yuan was invested in a medical or medical fund in China. It's definitely not a thing.

Zhang Ke didn't care what Xu Si spent the money on. I just hope she can be more cautious not to spend so much money. In the end, I got stuck in my heart.

"Dr. Wei Guanhua, who performed the operation on Wei in the Provincial People's Hospital, may be someone worthy of trust. I haven't visited in these years. I just asked him for help." Xu Si said with a smile. "I plan to transfer all the funds to be invested to Sister Wan Qing's company in advance. Sister Wan Qing will help me with specific matters. Discuss with you first..."

"That's OK." Zhang nodded. There is not much difference between Haiyu International Private School and privately registered foundation. It would be appropriate to set up another medical fund under Haiyu International Private School. "Please discuss it and it has nothing to do with me."

Now Wei Lan knocked on the door to enter. Ask them to come over for dinner.

Dan Qing still lay down on the hospital bed. She can't be left alone in the hospital. Everyone dines in the ward; the intensive care unit is a guest room except for the room to accompany the rest. There is also a small restaurant for dining. The food in the hospital is also pretty good. Zhang Ke sent his mother back to Xinwu yesterday. The mother stayed here in the hospital to take care of Zhai Danqing. Wei Lan will come to the hospital to help in the evening.

Zhang Ke and Xu Si Wanqing went to the ward next door to Zhai Mu and Wei Lan-and they arranged the food. Dan Qing was sitting at the dining table in a blue striped suit. He stared at the table full of dishes with piercing eyes and swallowed. Hold the chopsticks in the hand and set the dishes. Watching Danqing picking up vegetables and stuffing them into his mouth. Zhang Si Zhang walked over to hold her. Said: "You have your dinner, these dishes you can't eat are not good for the wound. Why are you so gluttonous?" asked Lan. "Sister Danqing's dinner is still delivered?"

"I'll just smell the fragrance of the vegetables. Isn't it okay to just look at the greedy?" Dan Qing glanced at Zhang Ke. Put the chopsticks in your hand on the table. Turning back to Qingyou bitterly. "Every meal I drink mild pigeon soup. I almost vomit when I drink it. It happened that they didn't close the door tightly when they ate here. The aroma went straight into their noses. How could it make people feel bad?" Looks like. Make everyone laugh.

Eaten. Wan Qing and Xu Si are leaving together. Dan Qing wanted to invite them to stay. After Liang Gezhen left. There are still rooms available in Zhang Ke's ward. But it is somewhat unlucky to stay in the hospital. Besides, let them sleep with Zhang Ke. It may affect Zhang Ke's wound healing. Don't mention this scum. They: "It's so late. Are you still going back to Haizhou?"

"We will stay in Qingshan Apartment. I will see you again tomorrow morning." Wan Qing said. He glanced at Zhang again. Said again. "There is Qingshan Apartment. We are not afraid of touching the wrong door."

It's not obvious to others to hear this. Then smiled. Zhang Ke was terrified when he listened. At this time, he dared not look at Zhai Danqing with his eyes. Just laughed twice. Said: "I will send you..."

"Where did the patient send it?" Wan Qing pressed Zhang Ke's outstretched hand. Said. "We can just go downstairs by ourselves."

"Then let Wei Lan send them off?" Zhang Ke said smoothly. "I am waiting for you to come over for breakfast tomorrow morning."

Mother also wants to

Get up and downstairs to send Wan Qing and Xu Si. Zhang Ke couldn't ask for it. Look at them on the ladder. Zhang Cai followed Dan Qing into the hospital bed. How did Xiao Shengqing know about us? "

"Are you thinking that women's eyes are blind to make you so casual." Zhai Danqing glanced across Zhang Ke's beautiful eyes. Said complainingly. Seeing Zhang Ke stretched out his hand and hugged him. The body is stiff. In the end, he did not escape. Quietly put Zhang in his arms. He felt intoxicating. I was still a little unwilling. Said in his mouth. "I really regret getting the knife for you in vain." Zhang Ke's hand was felt stretched into the skirt of his clothes. Shocked. Quickly stand up straight. He scolded him: "You are going to die. What do you want to do? Think about it at this time. You might as well live with them in the Qingshan Apartment. Don't kill me here."

Zhang Ke cried and laughed and said, "I have always wanted to see the wound. It's hard to find an opportunity. Where did you want to go?"

Dan Qing's beautiful eyes condensed clear to Zhang Ke for a while. Orr said again: "That's not okay—the stitches haven't been removed yet and there is a long scar. The ugliness is so ugly. What's so beautiful." Hold the tights and put your hands together in front of your chest so that you don't show it.


Danqing's wound was removed on the seventh day. He was discharged from the hospital after observing the three. Go to the brown youth apartment. Zhang Ke also waited until that day to be discharged together. The wound on his arm has long since been in the way. The medical fund matter. Xu Si handed it over to Zhou Yi to deal with it. Zhang didn't even bother.

During this time. The judge of the first instance in the Zhangzhou case was arrested by the prosecutors on suspicion of multiple crimes. One of them was the acceptance of bribes from Tang Yingyu's family during the preliminary trial of the Zhangzhou case. Regardless of whether new evidence can be found in the special rectification campaign of the prison detention center system. It is a foregone conclusion that Tang Yingpei and Tang Yingyu's brothers will retrial and increase the penalty.

Danqing is recovering well. Mother Zhai also worried that Father Zhai would not take care of herself at home. In addition, the poultry raised and the crops in the field have to be served. The day Zhai Danqing and Zhang Ke were discharged from the hospital. She's going to go to waste. She also insisted on letting her send a car here.

Zhang Ke drove Zhai Danqing to the station to see off her mother. I called Xinwu again. Ask people to pick up Zhai's mother at the station on time. Come back from the station. The car passed through the boulevard on the west bank of Yangui Lake. The setting sun hangs over the top of Yangui Mountain. Spread the golden red sunset light on the wavy lake without a hint.

Zhang Qi's car stopped by the lake. Get out of the car with Zhai Danqing. There are many lovers walking on the green lakeside. Zhai Danqing just stood quietly beside Zhang. Gazing far away: the lake.

In the sunset light. Danqing's skin has a breathtaking whiteness. It looks like black shiny satin. Beautiful eyes are like clear lake water. Shining with a mysterious luster. Yan Hong's lips were slightly open. Inhaling the new and slightly cold air by the lake. Slightly revealing neat and white teeth.

"Go back first. Yesterday, I told Wei Lan to find a restaurant to take you to a good meal." Zhang said with a smile.

"I can't walk right now. What's wrong in these two days. I have to eat that unpalatable nutritious meal. I really should tell you to eat it for ten days. You know how it feels." Zhai Danqing Rubbing his belly with his hands. Yan Ran. Fascinated. Let Zhang Ke look at his heart palpitations. More determined to go back first.

Drive back to the youth apartment. The whole building is quiet. not a single person. Zhang Ke said to Zhai Danqing: "Wei Lan said that he helped you tidy up the room. I'll go and see with you. If it doesn't tidy I will help you..." Before Zhai Danqing refused. So he went out of the elevator with her.

open the door. Zhai Danqing wants to go inside. Zhang Ke grabbed her hand. Push her to the door and stare at her beautiful eyes with water traces. His eyes were looking forward and blurred. Breathtaking. Zhang hands copied her soft waist to support her plump buttocks. Give it a hug. Hold her tightly in his arms. There is a faint fragrance of orchid puffing into the nose.

"Didn't you tell me to come and help me clean up the room?" Zhai Danqing said softly. I want to struggle one last time. Zhang Ke's hands have already kneaded her elastic buttocks.

"Look at your wound first..."

Air conditioning is in the air. Wen Ruchun. Zhang Jiang reached for Zhai Danqing's neckline. Zhai Danqing shrank slightly. Just whispered in his mouth: hold the open hand. But he didn't take his hand out. It's that Weibing's hand pressed against his trivial bone to warm it up. It took a while to let go. Wrapped Zhang Ke's neck with both hands. He attached his mouth to his ear and whispered: "It's not cold anymore..."

The month doubles the month. I don't know when this event will end. Brothers, please hurry up and vote for the guaranteed monthly pass.

Double monthly pass. One vote counts two. At this time, holding the monthly pass and not voting. What a pity.

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